Lethal Company

Beginner's Guide and Tips

Lethal Company - Beginner
Lethal Company is a straightforward game that's easy for beginners to understand. Check out our beginner's guide to learn more about the game's objectives, basics, and discover tips you can apply to your next jobs!

Lethal Company Main Objective

Venture On Moons to Gather Scraps

Lethal Company - Gather and Sell Scraps Main Objective
In Lethal Company, you play as an employee tasked with gathering scraps on various moons. You will then sell these scraps to meet a quota that scales with every successful mission. However, if you fail to meet the quota, you'll get fired, ending the game and resetting all your progress.

While the main objective of the game may not be too difficult at first glance, gathering scraps is no easy task at all. As you venture onto moons, you'll encounter several challenges, such as factories guarded with turrets, territorial monsters, and severe weather conditions, all of which can kill you.

How to Set Up Lobbies

Host Your Own Party

Lethal Company - How to Set Up Lobby Invite Friends
In Lethal Company, you can set up your own lobby if you want to play alone or with your friends. If you prefer to keep your lobby private, simply choose ''Invite Friends'' when starting a game. Alternatively, if you wish to host a game and invite random users, select Public instead.

You Can Only Invite Friends from Your Steam Account

Additionally, if you want to invite friends, make sure that you have them on your Steam Friend List first. Otherwise, you won't be able to invite them, as this is the only way to get your friends to play with you.

The Maximum Player Count and How to Increase It

Join Other Servers

Lethal Company - Modded Parties

If you prefer not to host a game, you can instead join other parties. Just ask a friend to create a room and wait for an invite. If you want to play with strangers, you can join public servers instead.

However, be mindful that many public servers may have modded games. If you prefer a more standard experience, consider avoiding these servers.

The Best Mods

How to Choose Moons

Use the Terminal

Lethal Company - Ship Terminal and Lever Location

Choosing a moon is basically how you start the game. Simply access the terminal on the top right area of the ship and enter ''Moons''. This will give you a list of all the available moons you can travel to, along with their current weather conditions. Type the name of the moon you want to visit and pull the lever on the left to start the game.

Ship Terminal Guide and Commands

Use the First Three Letters of Each Command for Faster Input

You can also just type in the first three letters of any command for faster input. This is particularly helpful when inputting lengthy commands, such as when selecting moons with long names like Assurance or Experimentation for travel. For example, if you want to choose Experimentation, you can just type exp.

Understanding Each Moon's Difficulty

Weather Conditions

Lethal Company - How to Check Weather
Weather conditions present external challenges during moon visits. Each type of weather can be fatal, even something as seemingly simple as rain, where frequent puddle spawns can lead to drowning.

It is ideal to visit moons with no weather to lessen the difficulty of your expedition.

List of All Weather

Hazard Levels

Lethal Company - Checking Hazard Levels
Besides the weather conditions, moons will also have hazard levels that indicate their overall dangers. However, unlike weather, you can only check this upon landing.

Moons with levels D-C are not considered very dangerous, but anything beyond that (B-S+) will be. On harder moons, expect more landmines, turrets, and increased numbers of monsters both inside and outside.

How to Get and Sell Scraps

Enter Factories or Mansions to Get Scraps

Lethal Company - Gathering Scraps
To get scraps, simply head inside the abandoned factories or mansions of each moon and explore. If you see any items on the floor, pick them up by pressing E. Scraps are scattered all over the map, so you will need to explore deeply if you want to gather more items. If you're lucky, you might even find some immediately by the entrance!

Additionally, keep in mind that some scraps will fill your hands, especially the large ones. In this case, it's best to take them outside first before exploring deeper for other items.

Use Scan to Spot and Check Scraps

Lethal Company - Using Scan in Dark Room
If you're having a hard time finding scraps, you can simply hold the right mouse button to scan the area. This action will not only reveal all available scraps in your current area but also display their respective values.

Use the Terminal to Scan the Map for Scraps

Lethal Company - Using Terminal Scan
Alternatively, you can also check the terminal to see how many scraps are left in the map. Simply access the terminal, open the other commands, and type in Scan. This will provide you with the total number of scraps left in the map that you can obtain.

Keep in mind, though, that this will only display the number of available scraps, not their specific locations.

Do Not Take the Hoarding Bugs' Scraps

Lethal Company - Hoarding Bug Full Image

While Hoarding Bugs are typically harmless and will gather scraps with you, they can transform into something dangerous if you steal or take items in front of them. So if you see one around, try not to take what's in front of them if you don't want an added danger!

Head to the Company Moon to Sell Scraps

Lethal Company - Selling Point Company Moon
On the last day of your mission, you must visit the company moon to sell scraps. Simply carry all the scraps you want to sell over the red box area and drop them on the window. Ring the bell and wait for the report to get the total number of scraps.

If you have extra scraps with you, you can keep them instead and sell them on your next mission for extra money. This is particularly helpful on higher levels with a bigger quota.

Try Not to Spam the Bell

Lethal Company - Ringing Bell Too Much.png
Be patient when selling your items. If you don't see your scraps getting sold, spamming the bell won't speed up the process. In fact, it's even dangerous to do so. This will annoy the monster behind the window and can result in it killing anyone with its tentacles.

How to Deal with Monsters

Hide Once Spotted

Lethal Company - Roaming Monster
Perhaps the easiest way to evade monsters is to hide from them. Monsters can sometimes be spotted from a distance or leave hints of their presence, such as webs in hallways or unusual sounds that you can hear from afar. If you've encountered these monsters or at least witnessed their signs, it's best to run and hide, especially if you have no intention of fighting them!

Outside Monsters Spawn at 2 PM

Lethal Company - In-Game Clock
Outside monsters will spawn exactly at 2 PM. If you want to avoid these monsters, wrap up your excursion and return to the ship before 2 PM to avoid any of these dangers.

However, if you are on an Eclipsed Moon, these monsters will spawn as soon as you land, so be extra cautious when exploring moons with this weather.

All Monsters and Monster Guides

Use Weapons

Lethal Company - Using Shovel on Monsters
If you manage to get some weapons, you can use them to attack monsters. Some of the weapons you can get early in the game are the Stop and Yield Sign that you can get from gathering scraps. If you have some money with you, you can also buy a Shovel as well, or a Zap Gun if you can afford it.

Use Radar-Booster to Stun Monsters

Lethal Company - Using the Radar Booster

Radar-Booster serves as a secondary point that can help you navigate inside and outside areas, depending on where you place it. Monsters can also react to the movements of this tool, which you can take advantage of when trying to avoid them.

You can use the Ping command to lure in monsters that are sensitive to sound, and if you want to stun them, you can use the Flash command instead. The duration of the stun will depend on the type of monster.

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How to Turn Off Turrets Ship Terminal Guide and Commands
Beginner's Guide and Tips Ship Not Landing Bug and Fix
How to Sell Scrap How to Disable Landmines
Challenge Moons Explained How To Move Furniture

All News Articles

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Version 47 - The Challenge Moons Patch Version 45 - The Frosty Update
Updates and Changelog All Platforms


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