Lethal Company Walkthrough & Guides Wiki

Lethal Company - Guide and Walkthrough Wiki

The Company is hiring! Welcome to Game8's Wiki and Walkthrough Guide for Lethal Company. Learn everything you need to know about Lethal Company, including bestiary entries, items, moons, weather and Sigurd Entries, here. Meet the Profit Quota before it's too late!

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Recommended Articles Bestiary Items Moons
Weather Mods Sigurd's Entries About

Lethal Company Recommended Articles

Guides by Category

All Categories
Lethal Company - Bestiary Partial Slim BannerBestiary Lethal Company - List of All ItemsItems
Lethal Company - Moons Slim BannerMoons Lethal Company - Weather Partial Slim BannerWeather
Lethal Company - Mods Partial Slim BannerMods Lethal Company - SigurdSigurd's Entries

All Tips and Tricks Articles

All Tips and Tricks Articles
The Maximum Player Count and How to Increase It How to Open Doors
How to Turn Off Turrets Ship Terminal Guide and Commands
Beginner's Guide and Tips Ship Not Landing Bug and Fix
How to Sell Scrap How to Disable Landmines
Challenge Moons Explained How To Move Furniture

All News Articles

All News Articles
Version 47 - The Challenge Moons Patch Version 45 - The Frosty Update
Updates and Changelog All Platforms

Lethal Company Bestiary

Lethal Company - Bestiary Partial Slim Banner
Monsters, professionally known as Bestiaries in-game, are dangerous lifeforms that inhabit both the outside surface and abandoned facilities of each moon. Discover all the monsters you can encounter here and learn how to counter them during your expedition!

All Monsters and Bestiary Guides

Monsters by Type

Monster Types
Outdoor Indoor

Lethal Company Items

Lethal Company - Items Partial Slim Banner
Lethal Company features a variety of items that serve different purposes in-game. See all the types of items here and how you can use them on your day job!

All Items

List of All Items Types

All Items in Lethal Company
Gear Scraps Weapons
Special Items Ship Upgrades Ship Decor
Suits Consumables

Lethal Company Moons

Lethal Company - Moons Partial Slim Banner
Moons serve as the maps of the game, each varying in difficulty and weather per day. Learn more about all the moons, including their main entrances and fire exits, here.

List of All Moons

List of Moons

Gordion Experimentation Assurance
Vow Offense March
Rend Dine Titan

Lethal Company Weather

Lethal Company - Weather Partial Slim Banner

Weather serves as a key difficulty indicator for each moon which changes per day. Each of these conditions brings in different challenges, some of which could be fatal if not approached carefully. See all the types of weather and learn more about the added challenges for each here!

List of All Weather

Lethal Company Mods

Lethal Company - Mods Partial

Lethal Company supports mods, allowing players to fully customize the game to their preferences. Check out the best mods we recommend for a much-improved gaming experience!

The Best Mods

Lethal Company Sigurd's Entries

Lethal Company - Sigurd

Sigurd's Entries provide hints and backstories about the ship and moons. They come in the form of logs or data chips which you can find scattered across moons. Check out the locations of these data chips if you want to delve deeper into Sigurd's experiences - a must for lore lovers!

Sigurd's Entries and Data Chip Locations

About Lethal Company

Product Information

Lethal Company - Product Information
Release Date October 24, 2023
Developer Zeekerss
Price $9.99
Platforms ・PC (Steam)
Genre Online Co-Op, Horror


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