Lethal Company

Hygrodere Guide and Counter

The Hygrodere (Slime) is a monster in Lethal Company. See if you can kill the Hygrodere and its counter, behavior, and location in this guide!

Hygrodere Overview

Hygrodere (Slime) Basic Information

Monster Information
Lethal Company - Hygrodere (Slime) Hygrodere (Slime)
Type Indoor Monster
Scientific Name Hygrodere
Danger Level 0 (Nonhostile)
Attack Type Hits

Other Information

Shovel HP Resistant
Shotgun HP Resistant
Shock Response Vulnerable

Hygrodere (Slime) Bestiary Entry

A eukaryotic organism classified within the paraphyletic group Prostita. With the incredible speed of reproduction, these small organisms can multiply to millions. Hygrodere rarely split apart, instead choosing to form large, viscous masses which can take up large amounts of space and become a danger to deal with, requiring large tools or lures to relocate.

Hygrodere are drawn to heat and oxygen and can detect it from seemingly anywhere. There is almost nothing organic they cannot convert to their own body mass. Nothing has been found to poison them. Constantly replacing themselves, they can persist for hundreds of thousands of years. If you ever find yourself cornered, find a tall object to stand on top of; hygroderes have trouble climbing.

Hygrodere (Slime) Location

Inside Facilities

Lethal Company - Hygrodere (Slime) Location

The Hygrodere (Slime) is a monster that can spawn Indoors. Do note that the Hygrodere (Slime) can be encountered in all of the moons that can be explored in Lethal Company.

List of All Moons

Can You Kill the Hygrodere (Slime)?

You Cannot Kill the Hygrodere

Unfortunately, the Hygrodere cannot be killed with a shovel. With this, it is best to avoid it once it spawns in the moon you are currently in!

How to Counter the Hygrodere (Slime)

  1. Jump Over Hygroderes
  2. Trap Hygroderes Behind Doors

Jump Over Hygroderes

Given the Hygrodere's short height, Employees can jump on railings and pipes to avoid stepping on Hygroderes.

Alternatively, Employees can sprint then jump over a Hygrodere. Make sure to have enough stamina for both actions.

Trap Hygroderes Behind Doors

Lethal Company - Trap Hygroderes Behind Doors

Hygroderes are unable to open doors. Employees can then lure Hygroderes on a doorway and trap them behind doors.

Hygrodere (Slime) Behavior

Roams Facilities Slowly

A Hygrodere will only pursue one target at a time within its range. Fortunately, Hygroderes are very slow, and cannot instantly kill players.

Moves Faster With the Boombox

When present, Hygroderes will switch targets to a Boombox that is turned On. However, if the Boombox is held by a player, a Hygrodere will move faster towards the Boombox.

While useful, we do not recommend this trick as it might cause you to leave the Boombox behind. Doing this multiple times will eat through your budget quickly.

Hygrodere (Slime) Drops

All Hygrodere (Slime) Item Drops

This monster does not drop any items.

Lethal Company Related Guides

Lethal Company - Bestiary (Monsters) Slim Banner

All Monsters Guide

Monsters by Type

Monster Types
Outdoor Indoor

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