Genshin Impact

Co-Op Board

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This is the Game8 Co-Op Message Board for Genshin Impact. Use this board to gather parties to take on event challenges, domains and bosses together!

Genshin Impact Co-Op Board

Co-Op Board Rules

  • No submissions that are offensive toward other users.
  • No slander or harassment.
  • No posting of images that violate public standards.
  • Refrain from submissions irrelevant to this board.
  • No posting of the same contents repeatedly.
  • No advertising for other sites or apps.
  • No posting for finanical gain (via RMT, etc.)

Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

Co-Op Servers

First Digit Server
6 America
7 Europe
8 Asia

You can tell the server of your fellow players by checking the first digit of their UID. You can only invite them if you're in the same region!

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Message Board

Submissions: 1241
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1211 Anonymous3 monthsReport

i have dendro ^^ , UID: 889267458

1210 Anonymous3 monthsReport

Looking for Cryo or Hydro Liben box! I have electro, UID 661172837

1209 Anonymous3 monthsReport

hi! i have electro BOM today! my uid is 640221387

1208 Anonymous3 monthsReport

i have the dendro box o marvels, my UID is 664323698. Looking for Cryo, Pyro or Hydro

1207 Anonymous3 monthsReport

Genshin Impact: Take part in the "Lean, Mean, Cleaning Machine!" event! Here's my Recall Code, come and link with me now~ GC2OYZ7IHN

1206 Anonymous3 monthsReport

Does anyone have an electro box o marvels from liben today? My UID is 652940515

1205 budi3 monthsReport

plis let me join for farm Beryl Conch charlotte 81789140 Asia

1204 Anonymous3 monthsReport

Genshin Impact: Take part in the "Lean, Mean, Cleaning Machine!" event! Here's my Recall Code, come and link with me now~ GACVSYKQ9N

1203 Anonymous3 monthsReport

If anyone has preferably dendro/electro marvelous gift from liben or at least any gift thats not geo/anemo, post your uid, so I. an join, Help much appreciated!

1202 Anonymous3 monthsReport

If you are returning to Genshin here is a Recall Code for primogems: GB68J7RKUN

1201 Anonymous3 monthsReport

my world is open + i have fish. my uid is 620764439

1200 Kiara3 monthsReport

Hi, looking to farm for The Catch, my UI is 622763761

1199 Zyvio3 monthsReport

If you haven't played in a while please use my recall code :) GC709CPBQN

1198 Anonymous3 monthsReport

here's my recall code as well GC6YYA7VQN

1197 Anonymous3 monthsReport

Hey, if you haven’t played in a bit, you can use my Recall Code: GC9L3WM3QN

1196 Anonymous3 monthsReport

Hey! I'm on World Level 5 and need help defeating Thunder Manifestation. I'm on Asia server if anybody could help :).

1195 Athy3 monthsReport

U can join me :)

1194 Athy3 monthsReport

You can join my world :))

1193 Anonymous3 monthsReport

need fishes for the catch! UID: 750099198

1192 Oc3 monthsReport

Hello!! Currently trying to farm for the catch if yall don't mind helping me out! Also trying to get the co op achievements! I can also help yall out with materials or anything else yall need. Lmk please! American AR 57 UID : 663466894

1191 Deedee3 monthsReport

Looking to get some co-op achievements ticked off Server: America UID:613825310

1190 Anonymous4 monthsReport

➢ UID: 649536449 ➢ WL: 8 ➢ Boss/Domain/Other: city of gold, flowers of paradise lost domain ➢ How many runs: 8 Using friendship team

1189 Anonymous4 monthsReport

I need some fishes for the CATCH UID:607196072

1188 Anonymous4 monthsReport

Hi! I'm needing help to fish for the catch! :) UID: 658087271

1187 Eumelin4 monthsReport

Hi, lets link up :) Serenitea Pot is open access, any1 wanna share resources? Need some fish for The Catch atm UID: 766058155

1186 Anonymous4 monthsReport

hullo! need help with buying from traveling salesman. uid 631526463, username Minanera with beidou pfp

1185 Anonymous4 monthsReport

I'm needing help to fish for the catch! :) UID: 730716070

1184 Lg4 monthsReport

I need help farming electroculus. UID 628883514

1183 Anonymous4 monthsReport

I need help leveling up my characters uid 700062908 Europe

1182 Anonymous4 monthsReport

I need spring of the first dewdrop 660283550

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