How to Beat Jumbo Cactuar

This is a walkthrough for the boss Jumbo Cactuar from the game Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVIII). Read on for tips and strategy about how to beat Jumbo Cactuar, including Jumbo Cactuar's stats and other useful information.

How to Beat Jumbo Cactuar

FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered_20190912103224.jpg


GF Cerberus/ Triple, Scan, Phoenix Downs, Water magic.


Jumbo Cactuar has Ker Plunk which damages the whole team. Jumbo Cactuar also has the move 10,000 needles. It's a counter attack move that, as the name suggests, deals 10,000 damage to the target.


Assign 2 characters on offense. These characters should have high strength. Let them attack and die to 10,000 needles and revive them with Phoenix Downs to use their limit breaks. Keep one party member's HP high as leaving all three on critical HP may spell a game over from Ker Plunk. When Cactuar is hesitating, it is preparing to run away. Use scan to see how much damage you need to deal and adjust your move accordingly. A character with high magic stat may cast Cerberus/Triple on themself and use Water x3 on Jumbo Cactuar, or just unleash a high damaging Limit Break.

Jumbo Cactuar - Stats and Basic Information

Jumbo CactuarJumbo Cactuar Lv HP
1 ~ 100 6000 ~ 600000
Exp (Bonus) AP
- 20
Fire Ice Thunder Earth Poison Wind Water Holy
1 1 1 1 1 1 2.9 1
Effective Status Attacks
Haste, Slow,

【Numeric Value】= Weakness Ratio,【x】Ineffective,【-】Absorbs

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List of FFVIII Bosses

Story Bosses
Ifrit Elvoret X-ATM092
Granaldo Gerogero Seifer (1st)
Edea (1st Time) Biggs and Wedge (2nd) BGH251F2 (1st)
Oilboyle NORG BGH251F2 (2nd)
Raijin Fujin & Raijin (1st) Seifer (2nd)
Seifer & Edea Ruby Dragon Abadon
Propagator Raijin and Fujin (2nd) Mobile Type 8
Seifer (4th) Ultimecia -
Optional Bosses
Diablos Sacred Brothers
Cerberus Odin Tonberry King
Jumbo Cactuar Ultima Weapon Sphinxaur
Tri-Point Krysta Trauma
Red Giant Catoblepas Tiamat
Omega Weapon



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