How to Beat Edea


This is a walkthrough for the boss Edea from the game Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVIII). Read on for tips and strategy about how to beat Edea, including Edea's stats and other useful information.

How to Beat Edea


GF Carbuncle, GF command, and Draw command.


Edea will use tier 3 elemental spells every turn, unless there is a positive buff from your team. If a positive buff is cast on your team, Edea has a high chance to use Dispel to remove the buffs. This, or she will just use Astral Punch which is a weak single target attack.


edea reflect.png
Use Carbuncle to cast Reflect on the whole team. Unleash attacks and keep whittling down Edea's HP. You can also wait or damage Squall intentionally to end the fight but you won't recieve battle rewards.

Double, Life, and Cura

These are valuable spells, especially Double, so stock up on these spells via Draw if possible.

Edea - Stats and Basic Information

Edea (1st)Edea (1st) Lv HP
1 ~ 20 1300 ~ 7000
Exp (Bonus) AP
- 20
Fire Ice Thunder Earth Poison Wind Water Holy
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Effective Status Attacks
Haste, Regen,

【Numeric Value】= Weakness Ratio,【x】Ineffective,【-】Absorbs

Related Links

List of FFVIII Bosses

Story Bosses
Ifrit Elvoret X-ATM092
Granaldo Gerogero Seifer (1st)
Edea (1st Time) Biggs and Wedge (2nd) BGH251F2 (1st)
Oilboyle NORG BGH251F2 (2nd)
Raijin Fujin & Raijin (1st) Seifer (2nd)
Seifer & Edea Ruby Dragon Abadon
Propagator Raijin and Fujin (2nd) Mobile Type 8
Seifer (4th) Ultimecia -
Optional Bosses
Diablos Sacred Brothers
Cerberus Odin Tonberry King
Jumbo Cactuar Ultima Weapon Sphinxaur
Tri-Point Krysta Trauma
Red Giant Catoblepas Tiamat
Omega Weapon


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