Epic Seven

Abyss 106 Guide

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This article will guide you on how to clear Abyss Floor 106 for the game Epic Seven. Read on for more information on how to clear these certain floors within this section.

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Abyss Floor 106 Guide

Recommended Type The main boss of this floor is Ice Element. Using Earth Element Heroes will help with dispaching the boss.
Recommended Team Composition This stage has a gimmick where you'll need units that can provide your team with 2 buffs due to the boss, Luluca's Passive. Prioritizing Heroes that can provide 2 buffs is a must.
Tips for Clearing ・Bring Heroes that can Defense Break.
・Bring a Support Hero that can give your team Buffs.
Recommended Heroes
Falconer Kluri Icon.pngFalconer Kluri Diene Icon.pngDiene Elena.pngElena
Luluca Icon.pngLuluca Rin Icon.pngRin Specter Tenebria Icon.pngSpecter Tenebria

Tips before Challenging

The floor is that your team needs to have atleast 2 buffs if you're going to hit Luluca.
Bring Heroes that can provide your team with the necessary number of buffs.
Luluca also self buffs with immunity making it difficult to Defense Break
Bring a Hero that can strip buffs off Luluca.
At 50% HP Luluca will summon Rahel of the Dark
Focus all attacks on Luluca and make sure you have all the necessary buffs on your team.

Battle 1

Deceitful RoplaDeceitful Ropla Decaying NeuropleDecaying Neurople Grief Harvester Mera Icon.pngGrief Harvester Mera

This isn't a very difficult fight.

Focus all attacks on the mobs, before focusing on taking down the boss, Grief Harvester Mera.

Battle 2

Luluca Icon.pngLuluca (Boss)

The mobs that spawn in with Luluca are pretty annoying with all their debuffs (Miss Debuff, Steal-a-Buff, & providing Skill Nullifier to the one with the lowest health). However, whenever they use a debuff, they will grant your entire team a random 3 turn buff.

So the strategy here is really dependent on the units you bring.

For the most part the mobs can be ignored so you can focus on Luluca. The main issue with this floor is that your team needs to have atleast 2 buffs if you're going to hit Luluca. If you don't she'll counter and most likely end your run.

There're also some other negative effects for ending your turn without 2 buffs such as losing souls & taking more damage but if your unit doesn't have two buffs up just hit one of the mobs.

Luluca also self buffs with immunity making it difficult to Defense Break unless you bring in Falconer Kluri. At 50% HP she'll summon Rahel of the Dark who can be a bit of an issue as she'll mess with your buffs and do some sizeable damage.

Just keep a good number of buffs on your team & focus down Luluca until she's dead. Arky will also do a sizeable chunk of damage.

Recommended Team Build

Character Set
Falconer Kluri Icon.pngFalconer Kluri Speed & Crit Rate Set
Specter Tenebria Icon.pngSpecter Tenebria Destruction & Crit Rate Set
Elena.pngElena Counter & Resist Set
Luluca Icon.pngLuluca Destruction & Crit Rate Set

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