Suikoden 2

Spikebeak Location and Item Drops

Spikebeak is an enemy you face in Suikoden 2 HD Remaster. Learn the location of Spikebeak, its item drops, stats, weaknesses, resistances, and more!

Spikebeak Item Drop Info

Drops and Locations

Location/s Item Drops (Probability)
Area E Mega Medicine (Medium)
Balance Rune (Low)

This table shows the possible locations where you can face Spikebeak. Additionally, it also gives a breakdown of what items you can get from defeating Spikebeak.

Spikebeak Stats and Weakness

Level and Stats Info

Location Lv. HP Range
Area E 27 180 M

The following table displays the stats of Spikebeak. If found in a different location, it may have different levels thus, having different stats. However, all variants of Spikebeak will have the same weaknesses and resistances.

Weaknesses and Resistances

Elemental Resistances

Fire IconFire Water IconWater Earth IconEarth
- - -
Wind IconWind Lightning IconLightning Holy IconHoly
- - -
Darkness IconDarkness Shield IconShield Sword IconSword
- - -

◯ = Super Effective | △ = Not Effective | ✕ = No Damage

Most enemies will have a neutral resistance to an element; however, some elements will be more effective than others. This table shows the weaknesses and resistances of Spikebeak. Equip your party with the necessary weapons and runes to gain the fullest advantage.

Status Resistances

Poison IconPoison SilenceIconSilence Sleep IconSleep Stun IconStun Death IconDeath
- - - - -

◯ = Effective | △ = Resistant | ✕ = Invalid

Most enemies will have a neutral resistance to a status; some are even immune to certain statuses. This table shows the status resistances of Spikebeak. Attack with the necessary weapons, scrolls, and runes to gain the fullest advantage.

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