Pokemon Legends: Z-A Walkthrough Comments

Starter Pokemon SpeculationsComment

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    5 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    I’ve heard that every Pokémon fans say that the starters will be Snivy, Chimchar, and Popplio! Because they got leaked! So maybe they will be the starters for Pokémon legends: Z-A.

    4 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    == 『Pokémon LEGENDS Z-A』【感想】 == 御三家(2)

    3 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    == 『Pokémon LEGENDS Z-A』【感想】 == 御三家(1)

    2 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    My thoughts as well..lol.. Arecus was Gen 2 Fire, Gen 7 grass gen 5 water. Id take out fennekin its highly unlikely its in a kalos legends game as a starter. id go with litten or chimchar.

    1 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    nun of the starters in legrends arcese are from the same regren

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