Side Quest Shumi Village

This is the Walkthrough for the Shumi Village Side Quest in the game Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVII). Read on for more information about objectives, items, and bosses within this section.

Side Quest Shumi Village Walkthrough

Side Quest Information

Quest Location Shumi Village
When Can You Access this Quest? After Balamb Garden goes mobile. Can only be completed after Ragnarok is obtained.
Reward Phoenix Pinion, Status Guard, Laguna Story.
1 Pay for the draw point to draw Ultima.
2 Use the elevator to enter Shumi Village.
3 Enter the house located to the left most part of the village.
4 Enter the Elder's house.
5 Go back to the left most part of the village and talk to the sculptor.
6 Complete the Stone Collection section (See Below).
7 After the stones are collected and presented to the craftsman, return to the Elder's house.
8 Leave the village and come back once more to find out that the attendant is not willing to help with the statue.
9 Talk to the villagers of Shumi Village. Talk to Artisan to find out he is not willing to help.
10 Go to Fisherman's Horizon and talk to Grease Monkey.
11 Head back to Shumi Village and talk to Artisan.
12 Talk to the Elder then leave the village.
13 After some time has passed, return to Shumi Village to find out the Statue has been completed. Leave the village for a short story about Laguna.

Stone Collection

Blue Stone

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The Blue Stone can be found on the left side of the area where the craftsman is working at.

Wind Stone

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The Wind Stone is at the huge boulder near the entrace (not up the elevator) of the village.

Life Stone

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The Life Stone is located in the huge tree. Interact with it and Squall will climb to get some stones from its roots.

Shadow Stone

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The Shadow Stone is found above the village. Use the elevator and check the ground where there are shadows to get some Shadow Stone.

Water Stone

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The Water Stone is where the frog is standing at. Exit the house and moreright to see a frog standing at a rock. Only to find out it's a fake!

Real Water Stone

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Head to the house beside the craftsman's house to find a shumi cooking. Head to his sink to find the Water Stone.

Final Fantasy VIII (FFVIII) Related Links

Main Story Chapters

Main Party
Chap. 1:
Balamb Garden
Chap. 2:
Dollet Exam
Chap. 3:
Training Center
Chap. 4:
Chap. 5:
Chap. 6:
Tomb of The Unknown King
Chap. 7:
Deling City
Chap. 8:
D-District Prison
Chap. 9:
Galbadia Missile Base
Chap. 10:
Balamb Garden Rebellion
Chap. 11:
Fisherman's Horizon
Chap. 12:
Balamb Town
Chap. 13:
Trabia Garden
Chap. 14:
Balamb VS Galbadia
Chap. 15:
Chap. 16:
White Seed Ship
Chap. 17:
Great Salt Lake
Chap. 18:
Chap. 19:
Lunar Base
Chap. 20:
Chap. 21:
Lunatic Pandora
Chap. 22:
Ultimecia Castle
Laguna Dream
Laguna Dream 1:
Laguna Dream 2:
Laguna Dream 3:
Laguna Dream 4:
Trabia Canyon
Laguna Dream 5:


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