Island Closest to Heaven Locations and Items

This is a summary of the Island Closest to Heaven area from the game Final Fantasy VIII Remastered (FF8, FFVIII). For information on the map, what story takes place here, and related information, read on.

Island Closest to Heaven - General Information

Island Closest to Heaven is an island located at the northeastern side of the world map, near Grandidi Forest.

This is one of the two islands with draw points found at almost every step.

Island Closest to Heaven Locations - Items and Draw Points

Draw Point Map.png

Island Closest to Heaven
Meteor (2)
Quake (2)
Tornado (2)
Triple (3)
Full-life (2)
Flare (1)
Ultima (2)
Aura (3)
Holy (1)
Draw Point Location
Meteor 1
Meteor 2
Quake 1
Quake 2
Tornado 1
Tornado 2
Triple 1
Triple 2
Triple 3
Full-life 1
Full-life 2
Flare 1
Ultima 1
Ultima 2
Aura 1
Aura 2
Holy 1

Island Closest to Heaven - Tips & Advice

Press L3 + R3 to Turn off Monster Encounters

When collecting magic from each of the draw points, it is highly recommended to use this function to draw all the magic without interruption.

Final Fantasy VIII Related Links

List of Main Locations
Balamb Dollet Galbadia
Fisherman's Horizon Trabia Esthar
Centra Ocean Orbit
Ultimecia Castle Island Closest to Hell Island Closest to Heaven
Side Quest Locations
Winhill Shumi Village Centra Ruins
Dollet Fisherman's Horizon Cactuar Island
Deep Sea Research Obel Lake Balamb Garden


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