Deep Sea Research Center Side Quest

This is the Walkthrough for the Deep Sea Research Center Side Quest in the game Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVII). Read on for more information about objectives, items, and bosses within this section.

Deep Sea Research Center Side Quest Walkthrough

Side Quest Information

Quest Location Deep Sea Research Center
When Can You Access this Quest? After gaining access to Ragnarok
Party members needed for the quest Zell
Reward Bahamut


1 After you gain the Ragnarok, fly to the lower left side of the map to find a ruin. Land there to enter the Research Center.
2 Upon entering, proceed forward to see a huge capsule with a shining blue light. Apprach it when it is not bright to not encounter any enemies.
3 When you manage to get near it, answer "It is not our will to fight."
4 Fight a Ruby Dragon then when asked the 2nd question, answer "Never".
5 FIght another Ruby Dragon then answer the 3rd choice with "It's our nature."
6 Boss Battle Bahamut
7 Leave the Island, then come back with Zell to see a new path in the hole.
8 Examine the Terminal in front of the closed hatch to recieve some information about the Research Center.
8 Examine the machines on each floor, and when asked how much RSP you would like to use, keep answering 1 (Make sure Zell is in the party).
9 After reaching the bottom floor. Ask Zell to handle the machine.
10 Deep Sea Deposit Ruins
11 At the most bottom of the floor, do not use the machine in the center yet!. Equip the "Detect hidden draw point/ savepoint" GF ability first to find a save point in the left part of the area.
12 Use the machine in the center once you have prepared for the boss battle.
13 Boss Battle Ultima Weapon

Deep Sea Deposit Junction Strategy

Floor 1 - Tri-Face

Just make sure you finish the fight quickly or junction some Confuse to your ST-DEF to avoid a team KO.

Floor 2 - Grendel and Imp

Easy battles, just junction some Thunder to your Elemental Defense to avoid the Grendel's Thunder Breath.

Floor 3 - Behemoth

Behemoths are susceptible to Death so you can cast Death to them, or Junction Death to your ST-ATK.

Floor 4 - Ruby Dragon

Junction Fire Elemental Def to your characters. Ruby Dragons are also susceptible to Petrify, so junctioning Break to your ST-ATK is also a good choice.

Floor 5 - Iron Giants

It is necessary to Junction Blind into your ST-ATK. Iron Giants will hit for a ton of damage and will cast Mighty Guard after taking some damage, so use Dispel to remove the protective buffs.

Deep Sea Research Center- Item list

Item Quantity Location
Dispel Random Acquired upon descending the research center.
Esuna Random Obtained from the first steam room.
Triple Random Located at the bottom part of the Deep Sea Research Center.
Ultima Random Located at the bottom part of the Deep Sea Research Center.


Deep Sea Research Dispel Draw Point.jpg

Descend the stairs and you will find a Dispel Draw Point on the first floor.


Deep Sea Research Esuna Draw Point.jpg

Keep on descending and you will eventually find a steam room. You will find an Esuna Draw Point right around the corner.


Deep Sea Research Triple draw point.jpg

Coming from the second of bottom steam room, you will find the first draw point giving you Triple Magic.


Deep Sea Research Ultima Draw Point.jpg

From the Triple Draw Point, descend the stairs and you will enoucnter an Ultima Draw Point along the way.

Deep Sea Research Center - Boss Battle


Bahamut is the first boss in the deep sea reseach center. Bahamut has strong physical attacks and his traditional move Mega Flare. For more information about Bahamut, see the link below.

How to Beat Bahamut

Ultima Weapon

One of the super bosses in Final Fantasy 8. With an extremely high speed and a move that instantly kills a party member, this battle will end quickly in the enemy's favor if not handled properly. For more information about Ultima Weapon, see the link below.

How to Beat Ultima Weapon

Final Fantasy VIII (FFVIII) Related Links

Main Story Chapters

Main Party
Chap. 1:
Balamb Garden
Chap. 2:
Dollet Exam
Chap. 3:
Training Center
Chap. 4:
Chap. 5:
Chap. 6:
Tomb of The Unknown King
Chap. 7:
Deling City
Chap. 8:
D-District Prison
Chap. 9:
Galbadia Missile Base
Chap. 10:
Balamb Garden Rebellion
Chap. 11:
Fisherman's Horizon
Chap. 12:
Balamb Town
Chap. 13:
Trabia Garden
Chap. 14:
Balamb VS Galbadia
Chap. 15:
Chap. 16:
White Seed Ship
Chap. 17:
Great Salt Lake
Chap. 18:
Chap. 19:
Lunar Base
Chap. 20:
Chap. 21:
Lunatic Pandora
Chap. 22:
Ultimecia Castle
Laguna Dream
Laguna Dream 1:
Laguna Dream 2:
Laguna Dream 3:
Laguna Dream 4:
Trabia Canyon
Laguna Dream 5:


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