Astro Bot

How to Save: Can You Turn Off Autosave?

Astro Bot - How to Save
Astro Bot uses an autosave feature to save the game, which cannot be turned off. Read on for more information on how to save and when you can expect the game to autosave.

How to Save in Astro Bot

The Game Autosaves at Checkpoints

Astro Bot - Checkpoint

Astro Bot relies solely on autosaves to record your game progress. While going through levels, your progress is saved upon activating checkpoint, where you'll respawn if you happen to die.

The game should also autosave after completing a level, and after doing anything significant in the Crash Site hub area.

Death Penalty: What Happens When You Die?

Going to the Title Screen Resets the Level

Despite saving your progress at checkpoints within levels, going to the title screen and continuing your save file will take you back to your spaceship in outer space. Any Bots or puzzle pieces you've collected will remain in your inventory, however.

Can You Turn Off Autosave?

Autosave Cannot Be Turned Off

Astro Bot - Respawn After Dying Loading Screen

Since autosave is the only way to save the game, and checkpoints are an integral part of the gameplay, you cannot turn off autosave in Astro Bot.

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