CC-Group Side Quest

This is the Walkthrough for the CC-Group Side Quest in the game Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVII). Read on for more information about objectives, items, and bosses within this section.

CC-Group Side Quest Walkthrough

Side Quest Information

Quest Location Winhill (as Squall's Party)
When Can You Access this Quest? After Balamb Garden becomes mobile and after defeating players in Balamb Garde in Triple Triad
Reward Holy Stone


1 After winning several card games in Balamb Garden and the Balamb Garden is flying, the CC-Group will start challenging you.
2 The first member is Jack and he walks around the Hall near the elevator at the 1st floor.
3 The second member is Club. He patrols the northern part of Balamb 1st floor near the Dormitory and the Cafeteria.
4 The third member is Diamond. Diamond are the two female students talking in the hall on the first floor. Same area you played with Jack.
5 The fourth player is Spade, the guy who gave you your Triple Triad Card addiction first card set. He can be found on the 2nd floor near the elevator.
6 The fifth player is the Heart. Heart is actually Xu and you can find her on the third floor piloting the garden with Nida.
7 The sixth player is Joker. Joker is the black sheep of the group. He has the Leviathan Card.
8 Once you beat all the members, talk to Dr. Kadowaki and sleep in your dormitory.
9 Try and sleep again, as sometimes, the Master King of cards won't appear. King has the Gilgamesh card which can be considered as the most valuable card in Triple Triad.


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Try to get the Gilgamesh card from King. Even if King does not use the card this game, you can always challenge the King in the 3rd floor of Balamb. The Gilgamesh card can be card modded into 10 Holy Wars, which can be very useful for defeating the toughest bosses in the game.

Final Fantasy VIII (FFVIII) Related Links

Main Story Chapters

Main Party
Chap. 1:
Balamb Garden
Chap. 2:
Dollet Exam
Chap. 3:
Training Center
Chap. 4:
Chap. 5:
Chap. 6:
Tomb of The Unknown King
Chap. 7:
Deling City
Chap. 8:
D-District Prison
Chap. 9:
Galbadia Missile Base
Chap. 10:
Balamb Garden Rebellion
Chap. 11:
Fisherman's Horizon
Chap. 12:
Balamb Town
Chap. 13:
Trabia Garden
Chap. 14:
Balamb VS Galbadia
Chap. 15:
Chap. 16:
White Seed Ship
Chap. 17:
Great Salt Lake
Chap. 18:
Chap. 19:
Lunar Base
Chap. 20:
Chap. 21:
Lunatic Pandora
Chap. 22:
Ultimecia Castle
Laguna Dream
Laguna Dream 1:
Laguna Dream 2:
Laguna Dream 3:
Laguna Dream 4:
Trabia Canyon
Laguna Dream 5:


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