Fira Magic Stats and Information

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This is a page on how to obtain Fira magic in the game Final Fantasy VIII Remastered (FFVIII, FF8), For information about Fira's effects, which enemies you can draw this magic from, and where to find draw points with Fira, please read on.

Fira: Basic Information

Basic Info

Effect Deals a moderate amount of fire damage to one target
Status Change None
Type Fire Magic Element Fire
Power 24 Recovery -
Target Single Enemy Usable from menu? No
Reflect Yes Effective Damage? Yes

Raised Values Through Junction

HP Str Vit Mag Spr Spd Eva Hit Luck
200 15 8 15 8 12 8 16 12
Elem-Atk Elem-Def
Fire:80 Fire:80
Status Atk Status Def
- -

Note: This is the rate when 100 Fira spells are junctioned

Magic Refined from Fira

Higher Tier Refinement

Before Refining After Refining
Fira x5 Firaga x1

How to Refine Fira

Obtain via Magic Refinement Ability

Refining Fire Magic

Before Refinement After Refinement
Magic Stone x1 Fira x5
Bomb Fragment x1 Fira x20

Fira: Related Links

Go to the Magic Front Page
Life Magic
Cure Cura Curaga
Regen Life Full-Life
Zombie Death Holy
Fire Magic
Fire Fira Firaga
Ice/Water Magic
Blizzard Blizzara Blizzaga
Thunder/Wind Magic
Thunder Thundara Thundaga
Aero Tornado
Time-Space Magic
Haste Slow Stop
Quake Gravity Double
Status Magic
Bio Break Blind
Silence Berserk Sleep
Confuse Pain Meltdown
Support Magic
Esuna Dispel Protect
Shell Reflect Drain
Forbidden Magic
Meteor Ultima
Unrefinable Magic
Float Scan Apocalypse


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