Epic Seven

What to do at Early Stage

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This article will guide you on what to do at the early stage of the game Epic Seven. Read on for more information on what to do and not to do when playing in the early part of the game.

Early Stage of the Game

This is the stage where most beginners screw it up, there are things that this game is too valuable in the end game but it has no value for early game. Be sure to read every tips and information on what to save and prioritize items that is worth investing.

What to do at Early Stage

Selective Summon

Selective Summon.jpg
You will have the chance of doing the Selective Summon in the early stage of the game. Choosing the right set of heroes is the most important part of this game where it will help you clear the game and carry you until End game.

For more information on choosing the right set of heroes, see the link below:
Reroll Tier List

Priorizite Main DPS Hero & Items

Prioritizing your main DPS is really important, because this will be the hero that will carry you throughout adventure until you clear it. Investing a lot of items and awakening to your main DPS will pay off in the long run.

For more information on strengthening your hero, see the link below:
How to Strengthen Heroes

Save up supplies

Saving up supplies such as, Fodder Materials, Catalyst, Charms can be useful in the long run, because you will need a lot of those when playing throughout the game and got stucked in a stage. These supplies must not be used on things that you will not need later on the game.

Compose Team for Wyvern Hunt

Wyvern Hunt.jpg
This is the very popular hunt for its content, because a lot of items that you will need can be obtain here. Be sure to compose your right team that can take on Wyvern Hunt.

For more informaiton about Wyvern Hunt. See the link below:
Wyvern Hunt

What NOT to do at Early Stage

Going for PvP Heroes

There are heroes that are strong in the PvP content but trash in the PvE content. Be mindful choosing these heroes as your starter they might give you a hard time clearing stages. You will need need these PvP heroes later in the late game so it will be good to bench them until then.

Use Phantasmas as EXP Fodder

Phantasma can also be used as enhancing materials for heroes but DO NOT use these ingredients as enhancement you have the Penguins for that type of enhancement. These Phantasmas must be used for hero promotion only.

Enhance trash items

Be sure to enhance the right items that will boost your stats effectively. Enhancing items that you will not use in the later part of the game is a waste of Charms and Gold.

Related Links

Hero Enhancements

How to Specialty Change How to Promote Heores
Heroes with Exclusive Equipment How to Use Monsters and Phantasma
How to do Memory Imprint How to Awaken Hero
How to Level Up Hero

Farming and Item Guides

Best Places to Farm Gold Best Places to Farm EXP
Best Places to Farm Fodder Best Place to Farm Machinery
Best Use of Skystone How to Get Charms
How to Get Phantasma How to get Breath of Orbis
How to Get Moonlight Summon Best Place to Farm Catalyst
How to Get Transmit Stone Where to Get Small Sun Badge
How to Farm Equipment How to Enhance Items


What to Do After Clearing 10-10 What to Do with Duplicates
What to do at Early Stage Selective Summon Guide
Improving the Sanctuary What to Upgrade in Sanctuary
Best Use of Penguins

Beginner's Tips & Guides


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