Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Validation: Torrential Tide Day 2 GuideComment

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    11 Anonymous28 daysReport

    The guides on these are terrible... are y'all incapable of offering f2p options or is it just iNcOnVeNiEnT for you?

    10 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    So not friendly to players with less than 4 years on game and that have a life. Great suggestions for a game that wants new players! Not.

    9 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    it'd be ok if they saved the ridiculous difficulty for spiral abyss/imaginarium theater. now it's bleeding into the events. if they want to draw in new players, this ain't it, chief.

    8 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    so in short, not new player friendly. gotcha. not a good look for the game, to be honest.

    7 TokyoQuaSaRabout 1 monthReport

    Suggestion is upgrade your characters as suggested in game, and choose your teams as suggested in the event.

    6 TokyoQuaSaRabout 1 monthReport

    You really don't need to get the 2000 points. For the 5000 maybe the welkin moon ? But sure you need to play the game on a regular basis to upgrade your characters. Having characters and weapon under level 80, and artifacts under level 20 is not due to money, just saying... You just need to play a bit, so yes, maybe you can't get more than 2000 on your first year. But the game has 4 years...

    5 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    Really helpful suggestion! Not!

    4 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    not all of us have thousands of dollars to spend on characters.

    3 TokyoQuaSaRabout 1 monthReport

    If anything, the enemies have too low HP imo, even in extreme I one shot them all the time so I can't make use of my team combos etc. Difficulty is only slightly hard to get 5000 maybe, but 2000 come on...

    2 TokyoQuaSaRabout 1 monthReport

    ATK% effector on the Neuvi-Furina team ?

    1 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    Once more a ridiculous list of recommendations that most players do not have or cannot achieve. AR45 and getting less than 2000 with level 80 characters and teams. These events are getting worse and no offence but the guidance is really poor as it does not represent what most players need or have.

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