Epic Seven

Side Story - Seaside Showdown

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A new side story called Seaside Showdown is now available in the game Epic Seven. Read on for information about rewards and tips on finishing this story.

Side Story - Seaside Showdon

Seaside Showdown.jpg


Explore the story of the members of Phantom CIC, where they will have a water gun fight to decide who is going to prepare the night's dinner.


Start Date End Date
July 09, 2020 (Thu) After Maintenance July 23, 2020 (Thu) 02:59 UTC

Obtainable Rewards

Obtainable Rewards
Tera-Phantasma.pngTera-Phantasma MolaGora.pngMolaGora Fused Nerve.pngFused Nerve Ring of Glory.pngRing of Glory
Small Sun Badge.pngSmall Sun Badge Covenant Bookmarks.pngCovenant Bookmark Leif.pngLeif Gold Transmit Stone.pngGold Transmit Stone
Greater Equipment Chest.pngGreater Equipment Chest Greater Accessory Chest.pngGreater Accessory Chest Geater Artifact Charm.pngGreater Artifact Charm Equpment Conversion Gem Selection Chest.pngEquipment Conversion Gem Selection Chest
Water Gun.pngWater Gun 4 Star  Artifact Summon Ticket.png4 Artifact Summon Ticket

Tips on Finishing The Story

Puzzle Quest

Completing this event is different from the other event, you have to tap each puzzle and a specific objective will be given and you have to finish it before claiming the reward.

Rerolling Objectives

Rerolling Objectives.jpg
You can change the given objectives that will suit to your farming style. There are a lot of different objectives available, check out the recommended objectives to follow:

Objectives Reason
Spend Energy, Clear Hunt, Adventure These objectives are ideal for beginners that are still farming their way through the game, this can procure Min-Max farming for your account. You can farm and complete objectives at the same time, making it worth the energy that you spent.
Crafting Equipment, Enhancing Equipment, Arena Battles These objectives are ideal when you have enough resources to spare to complete the objectives much faster. It is the ideal objective for veteran players since they spend a lot of time doing Arena battles and Crafting Equipment.

Note: You can reroll objectives by tapping the reroll icon just besides the mission.

Related Links

Tier List Final.pngTier List Reroll Tier List Final.pngReroll Tier List Artifact Tier List Front Page Partial.pngArtifact Tier List
Heroes Final.pngHeroes Artifacts.pngArtifacts Monsters.pngMonsters
Exclusive Equipment.pngExclusive Equipments Systems and Terms Final.pngSystems & Terms Materials.pngMaterials
Game Walkthroughs Final.pngGame Walkthroughs Beginner Guide Final.pngBeginner Guide Events Final.pngEvents

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