Epic Seven

Updates and Maintenance

We regret to announce that we are ending the coverage of Epic Seven. Thank you for all the support in reading our coverage of updates, event guides and character releases for Epic Seven.

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This is a page that contains information on updates, maintenance schedules, and compensations for the game Epic Seven. Read on to learn about the latest new regarding updates and events!

Album Side Story! Thuggish Angel Roseria

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Let's see what had happened to Rose before she met Cecilia and returned to Eureka.

An album Side Story, Thuggish Angel Roseria opens for Heirs in Epic Seven.

Event Schedule

1/13 (Thu) 03:00 ~ 1/27 (Thu) 02:59 UTC


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Unlike other Side Stories, Thuggish Angel Roseria doesn't have story stages.

If in terms of content, the format of Thuggish Angel Roseria is akin to the Reputation found in-game..

You are given various challenges and awarded once each challenge is completed.

The side story is comprised of 24 puzzle pieces that make the whole.

Once you've completed all 24 challenged, you'll be rewarded with an event-limited Illustration that can be found in the Art Journal in-game.

Clicking on a puzzle piece gives you a challenge that you must complete to attain the offered reward, as well as the said puzzle piece.

You can have 3 puzzle pieces active at any given time.

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Completing Puzzle Piece challenges will help unlock story stages as well as story battles as you progress.

Click the link below for our comprehensive guide on the Album Side Story! Thuggish Angel Roseria, with rewards and tips on how to best maximize the event!
Album Side Story! Thuggish Angel Roseria

Book of Memories! A Small Miracle

A Small Miracle Main Page.jpg
As the new year arrives, it is tradition in Ezera to write a small wish onto a piece of paper and release it into the sky.

To bring happiness to these precious hearts, Ras and Arky get moving...

How to Unlock

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Players can access The Book of Memories through the Battle and Side Story Menus.

Access to each Special Side Story can be purchased for 900 Skystones

Purchasing a Special Side Story will replace the button Purchase with Adventure.

Main Rewards

You can get event-exclusive Heroes & Artifacts within the Side Story!

Card of Small Miracles

Card of Small Miracles

Rating 4 ★
Category Common
Skill Effect (Base)
Increases Attack and Defense of all allies by 2.5%. Does not stack with an Artifact providing the same effect.
Skill Effect (Max)
Increases Attack and Defense of all allies by 5%. Does not stack with an Artifact providing the same effect.

Card of Small Miracles - Rating and Stats

Side story exclusive Equipment

Event limited equipment will be awarded to the player throughout the Side Story!

The Set, Main Stat, and Substat of each piece of Equipment is fixed. However, after purchasing, the substats, when enhanced, will be increased at random.

Click the link below for our comprehensive guide on The Book of Memories, with the different stories available and their respective rewards!
The Book of Memories Guide

New Guardian Kazran

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Guardian Kazran, the protector of Reingar, joins the adventure!

Meet the Guardian who wanders through time in [Episode 1 Epilogue - Unrecorded History].

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How to Obtain

Players can obtain the New Guardian Kazran by clearing the new stage Episode 1 Epilogue - Unrecorded History's Chapter 2. Mechanical Tower Stage in Reingar's World.

Mechanical Tower is a new stage that will be unlocked upon clearing stage 2.9 Hailow Lab Tower.

If you have already cleared stage 2.9 Hallow Lab Tower, the tutorial will begin as soon as you enter [Reingar World].

Upon unlocking Mechanical Tower and starting the tutorial, the first battle will proceed as an NPC Battle.

Episode 4 - Dawn of a New Era

The new main story of Epic Seven begins on the eastern continent, Natalon.

Begin your new journey with Ras and the new main Hero in the new continent in Episode 4.

A tutorial for Episode 4 will be made available for players upon completion of 10-10. Central Control Room, in Episode 3. Episode 4, Chapter 1 will be available upon completion of the Tutorial.

Episode 4 won't have AP Exchange Quests to be able to unlock the AP Exchange. They will automatically be unlocked once all unlock conditions are fulfilled.

Episode 4-3. West Prairie

Episode 4 Chapter 3 - West Prairie PV Banner.jpg
With Taeyou and the Summer Sword both in the hands of Zahhak, Ras and companions part ways with Ran and head for the Prairie, where the Autumn Sword can be found. Upon reaching their location, they meet Arunka, queen of the Prairie. But they soon face difficulties as a result of an aversion to outsiders and a civil war between Suins.

A new adventure will unfold in Episode 4, Chapter 3, West Prairie!

Story Stages

Chapter 3, West Prairie, consists of 10 main stages including Labyrinth type stages and 6 optional stages.

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Chapter 3, West Prairie, has a total of 10 Quests that players will be able to complete. After completing all 10 Quests in the chapter, players will receive a 50 Skystone.

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Players can unlock the AP Exchange upon completing Chapter 3-10. Autumn Breeze Plain in Episode 4.

Stay tuned for our in-depth guide to Episode 4 Dawn of a New Era!

New Main Character - Adin

Episode 4 Dawn of a new Era - New 3 Hero Adin PV Banner.jpg
A girl advancing toward her new destiny.

Adin never loses hope, no matter how dire the situation. She faces her new fate as she gets entangled with the Summer Sword.

The 3★ Hero, Adin, who will be going on adventures with Ras in the eastern continent Natalon in Episode 4, can be obtained from Chapter 1, Episode 4, South Theranhad.


Overall Rating 7.25/10


  • Can potentially deal a lot of damage with her S3.
  • Makes enemies unable to be buffed with her S2.
  • Has single-target Defense Break with her S3.


  • Defense Break on S3 requires a Critical Hit
  • There's only an 80% chance of making enemies unable to be buffed even if skilled up.
  • HP is relatively low.

Adin - Rating and Stats

How to Obtain

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Complete 1-10. Determination Shrine in Episode 4 and tap Awakened Adin in the Story Map

Players will join Adin's journey in Episode 4 and complete missions given to Awakened Adin.

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As the player progresses in the missions, Adin retrieves her hidden power.

Completing Awakened Adin's mission in each Chapter in Episode 4 awards the player with rewards.

Natalon Chapter Awakened Adin Mission Core Rewards
Chapter 1. South Theranhad Unlock Skill Enhancement
Chapter 2. Shadow Mountain Obtain Adin's Secret Book
Chapter 3. West Prairie Obtain Adin's Secret Book
Chapter 4. East Khan Unlock Awakening Adin and Skill Tree (Earth ▶ Earth, Awakening)
Chapter 5. Recluse's Forest Obtain Adin's Secret Book
Chapter 5S. Safe Haven Origin Obtain Adin's Secret Book
Chapter 6. West Khan Unlock Element Alteration / Fire
Chapter 7. Deserted Site Obtain Adin's Secret Book
Chapter 8. East Prairie Obtain Adin's Secret Book
Chapter 8S. Broad Wind Plateau Unlock Element Alteration / Ice
Chapter 9. Wicked Land Obtain Adin's Secret Book
Chapter 10. North Theranhad Unlock Element Alteration / Light

Note: Adin's Secret Books are used to Memory Imprint her.

Element Alteration for Adin

Adin becomes capable of altering her element.

The detailed information on Element Alteration for Adin such as the steps to conduct it, the cost will be presented in a later notice.

New Hero Announcement

Lionheart Cermia

A great conqueror who mastered both magic and swordsmanship.

Lionheart Cermia

Overall Rating 8.5/10


  • AOE Nuker with her S3
  • Cleanses self with S2 and Increases own Defense & Effect Resistance whenever an ally is attacked by an extra attack, counterattack, or a Dual Attack
  • Penetrates enemy's Defense by 50%


  • Damage scales with Defense
  • Low base Attack
  • S2 requires allies to be attacked by extra attacks, counterattacks & Dual Attacks for it to be useful

Players will be able to meet Lionheart Cermia in Mystic Summon from February 3!
Lionheart Cermia - Rating and Stats


Ruler of the North who seeks revenge for her tribe.


Overall Rating 7.5/10


  • Tied with Assassin Cidd as third fastest base speed
  • Hero version of Aurius with her S3
  • Strips buff and makes enemies unable to be buffed with her S2


  • May be easily countered by strong Earth Heroes
  • Needs high Health to be able to make better use of her S3's escort
  • More PVP oriented Hero

Players will be able to meet Peira through the Drop Rate Up Banner from January 27!
Peira - Rating and Stats

New Artifact Announcement

Goblet of Oath

An object handed down in Peira's exterminated tribe. It contains the power of the previous chiefs, and is said to grant those who are able to complete the ceremony their power and spirit.

However, with most individuals, losing their sanity before completing the ceremony, there have been very few to actually take on the challenge.

Goblet of Oath

Rating 5 ★
Category Thief Exclusive
Skill Effect (Base)
Effectiveness increases by 15%.
After using a non-attack skill, decreases skill cooldown by 1 turn. Can only be activated three times per battle.
Skill Effect (Max)
Effectiveness increases by 30%.
After using a non-attack skill, decreases skill cooldown by 1 turn. Can only be activated three times per battle.

Players will be able to obtain the Goblet of Oath through the Drop Rate Up Banner from January 27!
Goblet of Oath - Rating and Stats

New Hero

New 3★ Heroes

The new Heroes Januta, Muwi, Orte, Yoonryoung, and Hasol will be available in Summon after the 1/6 (Thu) maintenance.

Read on below to find out more about the New 3★ Heroes!

Five new 3★ Heroes from Natalon

Three New Exclusive Equipment

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New Exclusive Equipment for the 5★ Heroes Tenebria and Melissa, and the 4★ Hero Great Chief Khawana, will be added to the Hall of Trials Exchange.

Players can obtain Exclusive Equipment from the Hall of Trials Exchange using Wisdom’s Gaze.

Hero Exclusive Equipment
Great Chief KhawanaGreat Chief Khawana

Exclusive Equipment stats and skill effects will be applied randomly after the equipment has been purchased.

Click the link below to find out which Heroes have Exclusive Equipment, as well as our recommendations of which to get for the different types of gameplay!
Heroes with Exclusive Equipment

Drop Rate UP Event

Cerise & Guiding Light

Cerise Limtied Summon Banner.jpg

Schedule (UTC)
1/20 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 2/3 (Thu) 02:59 UTC

Cerise, an Ice elemental Ranger, capable of inflicting restrict to hinder enemy abilities that increase their Combat Readiness.

Players can also obtain the Ranger exclusive Artifact, Guiding Light, which grants the caster stealth at the start of the battle and the end of caster's turn.



Overall Rating 8.5/10


  • Has the new debuff skill Restrict which prevents CR push.
  • Can inflict Decrease Speed and Stun against the enemy.


  • Does not fair well against enemies with Immunity.
  • Second and Ultimate skill have long turn cooldowns.

Cerise - Rating and Stats

Guiding Light

Guiding Light

Rating 5 ★
Category Ranger Exclusive
Skill Effect (Base)
At the start of battle, grants stealth for 1 turn. At the end of the caster’s turn, has a 35% chance to grant stealth for 2 turns. Stealth granted at the end of the caster’s turn can be activated once every 2 turns.
Skill Effect (Max)
At the start of battle, grants stealth for 1 turn. At the end of the caster’s turn, has a 70% chance to grant stealth for 2 turns. Stealth granted at the end of the caster’s turn can be activated once every 2 turns.

Guiding Light - Rating and Stats

Charles & Justice for All


Schedule (UTC)
1/20 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 1/27 (Thu) 02:59 UTC

In this Drop Rate Up meet Charles, an Earth elemental Knight who is able to grant buffs to his allies as well as powerfully attack the enemy with chained attacks.

Players can also receive the Knight exclusive 5★ Artifact, Justice for All, which has a chance to grant the caster one random buff at the end of every turn.



Overall Rating 9/10


  • Second skill can dispel all buffs to an enemy.
  • First skill can activate his second skill again when used.
  • Grants increased Attack and Defense to all allies.


  • Mostly used as a Bruiser, not as a Tank.

Charles - Rating and Stats

Justice for All

Justice for All

Rating 5 ★
Category Knight Exclusive
Skill Effect (Base)
50% chance to grant the caster a random buff for 2 turns at the end of the turn (Increase Attack, Defense, Speed, or Critical Hit Chance, Barrier, Immunity, Continuous Heal, or Critical Hit Resistance). Barrier Strength increases proportional to the caster's max Health.
Skill Effect (Max)
100% chance to grant the caster a random buff for 2 turns at the end of the turn (Increase Attack, Defense, Speed, or Critical Hit Chance, Barrier, Immunity, Continuous Heal, or Critical Hit Resistance). Barrier Strength increases proportional to the caster's max Health.

Justice for All - Rating and Stats

Other Improvements & Adjustments

High-Definition Media Pack Update

Enjoy In-game videos and Hero skill animations in Full HD 1080p by downloading the new High-Definition Media Pack.

How to activate High-Definition Media Pack

After launching the game go to [Settings > Game Settings > Settings] and check Use High Definition Media Pack.

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You will be redirected to the title screen and can reconnect after downloading the High-Quality Media Pack.

Other Updates & Adjustments

Check out the full game update today by visiting Epic Seven's Official Site here

Related Links

Tier List Final.pngTier List Reroll Tier List Final.pngReroll Tier List Artifact Tier List Front Page Partial.pngArtifact Tier List
Heroes Final.pngHeroes Artifacts.pngArtifacts Monsters.pngMonsters
Exclusive Equipment.pngExclusive Equipments Systems and Terms Final.pngSystems & Terms Materials.pngMaterials
Game Walkthroughs Final.pngGame Walkthroughs Beginner Guide Final.pngBeginner Guide Events Final.pngEvents

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