Epic Seven

Album Side Story! Flowers of Fortune

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Epic Seven X Re Zero Collab Banner.png
This page contains information about the side story - Flowers of Fortune in the game Epic Seven. Read on for more information such as event schedule, rewards, and tips on clearing stages in this event.

Album Side Story! Flowers of Fortune


While staying in Tirel Castle, Emilia, Ram, and Rem decide to prepare a gift to express their gratitude...

An album Side Story Flowers of Fortune opens for the special collaboration between Epic Seven & Re:ZERO − Starting Life in Another World.

Event Schedule

8/5 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 8/19 (Thu) 02:59 UTC


Flowers of Fortune_resized.png

Unlike other Side Stories, Flowers of Fortune doesn't have story stages.

If in terms of content, the format of Flowers of Fortune is akin to the Reputation found in-game..

You are given various challenges and awarded once each challenge is completed.

The side story is comprised of 24 puzzle pieces that make the whole.

Once you've completed all 24 challenged, you'll be rewarded with an event-limited Illustration that can be found in the Art Journal in-game.

Clicking on a puzzle piece gives you a challenge that you must complete to attain the offered reward, as well as the said puzzle piece.

You can have 3 puzzle pieces active at any given time.

Flowers of Fortune Challenge Completed.png

Completing Puzzle Piece challenges will help unlock story stages as well as story battles in the long run.

Flowers of Fortune Challenge Rewards

Instead of collecting tokens and exchanging them at an exchange shop, rewards are hidden behind each Puzzle Piece.

Though there are a fixed set of prizes, their locations within the Side Story Map are random.


Reward Quantity
Summon Ticket
Severed Horn Wand
Epic Artifact
Scented Hairpin
Epic Helmet
Spirit Ingredient
Gold Transmit Stone
5 Covenant Bookmarks
2 Leif
Epic Weapon Charm
Epic Armor Charm
Epic Helm Charm
Epic Boot Charm
Epic Ring Charm
Equipment Conversion Gem Selection Chestt
Selection Chest
Equipment Reforging Material Selection Chestt
Selection Chest
500,000 Gold

Main Rewards



Overall Rating 7.25/10


  • Very high Attack
  • Has Defense Break and Greater Attack Buff with her S3
  • Cannot decrease her Combat Readiness


  • Low Defense
  • Soulburn is needed to make her S1 AoE

Ram - Rating and Stats

Severed Horn Wand

Severed Horn Wand

Rating 5 ★
Category Mage Exclusive
Skill Effect (Base)
Increases Attack by 15%. When attacked by an Elite or Boss monster, damage suffered is decreased by 10.0%. When more than one damage reduction effect is granted, only the strongest effect is applied.
Skill Effect (Max)
Increases Attack by 15%. When attacked by an Elite or Boss monster, damage suffered is decreased by 20.0%. When more than one damage reduction effect is granted, only the strongest effect is applied.

Severed Horn Wand - Rating and Stats

Other Rewards

Flowers of Fortune Banner Main Reward.png
The Set, Main Stat, and Substat of each piece of Equipment is fixed. However, after purchasing, the substats, when enhanced, will be increased at random.

Tips for Stage Clearing

Beginner Friendly

Flowers of Fortune Challenge Example.png
As there are no actual stages, aside from two that are part of the story, this Side Story is very approachable, even for beginners.

The challenges are generic in a way such as Clear Wyvern Hunt, Craft X Number of Equipment that you can easily do this even on the lowest difficulty stages.

Gives Incentives to Grinding

This Side Story will help reward you even more while you grind for materials and craft those special equipment sets you need in tackling the Abyss or even challenging yourself with the new Automaton Tower

Related Links

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Heroes Final.pngHeroes Artifacts.pngArtifacts Monsters.pngMonsters
Exclusive Equipment.pngExclusive Equipments Systems and Terms Final.pngSystems & Terms Materials.pngMaterials
Game Walkthroughs Final.pngGame Walkthroughs Beginner Guide Final.pngBeginner Guide Events Final.pngEvents

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