Epic Seven

Ring of Glory

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This page lists the material Ring of Glory in the game Epic Seven. Read on for more information on its uses and how to obtain Ring of Glory.

Ring of Glory - Information

Ring of Glory

Ring of Glory Rare Catalyst
A Catalyst used for heroes with the zodiac sign of Gemini.

Ring of Glory - How To Obtain

Episode 1 - AP Exhange Shop Chapter 9-1. West Taranor
Chapter 10. East Taranor
Episode 2 - AP Exchange Shop Chapter 9. Comet Temple
Side Story - Unrecorded History Chapter 9-1. West Taranor World
Chapter 10. East Taranor World
Alchemist's Steeple (Sanctuary) Normal Grade = 1 Converted Catalyst
Good Grade = 2 Coverted Catalyst
Epic Grade = 3 Converted Catalyst

Ring of Glory - Where to Use

Heroes That Uses Ring of Glory

List of Gemini Heroes
AraminthaAramintha HasteHaste CharlesCharles
Baal & SezanBaal & Sezan PolitisPolitis Command Model LaikaCommand Model Laika
MortMort Faithless LidicaFaithless Lidica ElenaElena
ShunaShuna RamRam EmiliaEmilia
Briar Witch IseriaBriar Witch Iseria IlynavIlynav Seaside BellonaSeaside Bellona
Specter TenebriaSpecter Tenebria Silver Blade AraminthaSilver Blade Aramintha Bomb Model KannaBomb Model Kanna
DieneDiene Tempest SurinTempest Surin Roaming Warrior LeoRoaming Warrior Leo
Shadow RoseShadow Rose SurinSurin RomannRomann
LotsLots AchatesAchates All-Rounder WandaAll-Rounder Wanda
GodmotherGodmother Righteous Thief RoozidRighteous Thief Roozid WandaWanda

Related Links

Currency.pngCurrency Enhancement Ingredient.pngEnhancement Ingedients
Rune.pngRune Catalyst.pngCatalyst
Crafting Materials.pngCrafting Materials

List of All Materials


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