Epic Seven

Artifact Tier List

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This article contains our ranking for every Artifact that is available in the game Epic Seven. Read on for more information about their ranking that is based on their categories.

Mage Artifact Tier List

5★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
EticaEtica's Scepter Reduces skill cooldown for 1 turn, which is an ideal artifact for Mages since most of their skills have a long cooldown. 9.5/10
Time Matter Icon.pngTime Matter This artifact is useful for main DPS Mages that can deal a lot of damage against the enemies. It can reduce skill cooldown and increases Attack for the next turn. 9/10
Abyssal Crown Icon.pngAbyssal Crown Inflicts additional Stun debuff against the enemies without worrying the Effect Resistance. 8.5/10
Necro & Undine.pngNecro & Undine Useful for Mages that deals with AoE damages. It can increase the Combat Readiness of the caster when using AoE attacks. 8/10
SpiritSpirit's Breath Some Mages have a non-attack skill, which they can benefit from this artifact that also decreases skill cooldown by turn. 8/10

4★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
TagehelTagehel's Ancient Book A great item for PvP content since it will provide 20 Souls from the start of the battle, giving you an advantage against the enemies by using Soulburn Attacks. 9.5/10
KalKal'adra When you have a team that can inflict a lot of debuffs, you can equip this artifact to a Mage hero for increased damage dealt against debuffed enemies. 8.5/10
Iela Violin Icon.pngIela Violin This artifact is used mostly for PvP content, where it can dispel a buff from the enemy after attacking. 8.5/10
Sira-Ren Icon.pngSira-Ren Inflict additional random debuff to the enemies. It is a useful artifact especially for defense teams in Arena and Guild War. 8/10
Radiant Forever Icon.pngRadiant Forever An artifact used for PvE content that can increase AoE attacks when attacking Elite or Boss monsters, equip this artifact with Mages that can deal with cleave attacks. 8/10

Knight Artifact Tier List

5★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
Elbris Ritual Sword Icon.pngElbris Ritual Sword A great artifact for Knight class since it will procure a counterattack to the enemies, especially for Knight that have a good S1 skill effect, that can turn the tide of a battle. 10/10
Noble Oath Icon.pngNoble Oath Increases Defense and Effect Resistance of the wearer when Health decreases by up to 100%. 9/10
Justice for All Icon.pngJustice for All Grants a random buff to the caster for 2 turns after attacking. 9/10
Holy Sacrifice Icon.pngHoly Sacrifice Revives the caster with 25% Health, recommended being equipped with Knights that deals damage proportional to lost Health. 8.5/10
Sword of Ezera Icon.pngSword of Ezera TThe so-called Anti Boss artifact, where it will decrease damage suffered from Elite, or Boss monsters. 8.5/10

4★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
Aurius Icon.pngAurius Increases Defense of all allies and takes some fo the damage suffered by allies when attacked. 8.5/10
Adamant Shield Icon.pngAdamant Shield Has the same effect as Aurius but only decreases the Critical Hit Damage received by all allies. 8.5./10
Hilag Lance Icon.pngHilag Lance Increases Combat Readiness of the caster when an ally except for the wearer is attacked. 8/10
Steadfast Gatekeeper.pngSteadfast Gatekeeper Increases Combat Readiness of the caster when attacked by an AoE attack. 7.5/10

Warrior Artifact Tier List

5★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
UberiusUberius's Tooth Inflicts additional damage after a Single Attack. Equip this artifact for Warrior class hero that has great Single Attack damage.
Eg. (Commander Lorina, Cermia, Luna)
Draco Plate Icon.pngDraco Plate Increases Critical Hit Damage of the wearer and also decreases damage suffered from critical hits. 9.5/10
Sigurd Scythe Icon.pngSigurd Scythe Grants lifesteal when Health reaches 50% or less, the recommended artifact for Warrior heroes that can also be a tank. 9/10
AlencinoxAlencinox's Wrath Increases caster's Critical Hit Chance whenever somebody's turn starts. This artifact is recommended for slow heroes. 8.5/10
Durandal Icon.pngDurandal Increases Combat Readiness of the caster when attacked. 8/10

4★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
Hell Cutter Icon.pngHell Cutter Increases that Attack and Critical Hit Chance of the caster whenever somebody's turn ends. Recommended artifact for a very slow Warrior. 9/10
ElEl's Fist Increases Attack and Speed as Health decreases, a good artifact for Warriors that tanks the team. 8.5/10
Flower Shower Icon.pngFlower Shower Grants increased Attack buffs to the caster every time it defeats an enemy. 8/10
Strak Gauntlet Icon.pngStrak Gauntlet Increases Effect Resistance of the caster when Health is at 50% or less. 8/10
Sepulcrum.pngSepulcrum Decreases damage taken, the effect increases with each attack suffered. A good artifact for the tanky Warrior class. 7/10

Thief Artifact Tier List

5★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
Rhianna & Luciella.pngRhianna & Luciella Grants an extra turn to the caster when using this Artifact. Dealing more damage against the enemies. 9/10
AlexaAlexa's Basket Recommended Artifact for pure damage dealer hero, it can grant increased Attack and Critical Hit Chance to the caster for 1 turn. 8.5/10
Violet Talisman Icon.pngViolet Talisman Increases Attack and Evasion by of the caster, but the effect can only stack up to 3 times. 8.5/10
Wind Rider Icon.pngWind Rider Grants Stealth to the caster after defeating an enemy and also increases its Attack. 8/10
Secret Art - Storm Sword Icon.pngSecret Art - Storm Sword This artifact is only used for defense teams since it will only grant Increased Attack to the caster when an enemy uses a non-attack skill. 7/10

4★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
Moonlight Dreamblade Icon.pngMoonlight Dreamblade Increases Evasion of the caster, making it hard for them to be defeated in battle, for every successfully evading, it will grant increased Attack. 9/10
ElyhaElyha's Knife Penetrates Defense of the enemy when attacking an enemy, not at max Health. 8.5/10
Dust Devil Icon.pngDust Devil Attacks again with a basic skill after attacking, dealing more damage against the enemy. 8.5/10
Silver Rain.pngSilver Rain Equip this artifact to Thief heroes such as Righteous Thief Roozid, Judth, Khawana that uses non-attack skills. 8/10
Shepherds of Chaos Icon.pngShepherds of Chaos Increases Evasion and Defense of the caster as Health decreases. 8/10

Soul Weaver Artifact Tier List

5★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
IdolIdol's Cheer Increases the Combat Readiness of the ally with the highest Attack. 9/10
Rod of Amaryllis Icon.pngRod of Amaryllis Heals the ally with the lowest Health when using a non-attack skill. 8.5/10
Shimadra Staff Icon.pngShimadra Staff Increases the Healing effect skills of a Soul Weaver. 8.5/10
Unfading Memories.pngUnfading Memories Has the same effect as Rod but heals all allies instead. 8/10
Celestine Icon.pngCelestine Heals an ally with the lowest Health when using a basic skill (1st Skill). 8/10

4★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
Wondrous Potion Vial Icon.pngWondrous Potion Vial Dispels one random debuff in allies, a useful artifact for Soul Weavers that cannot dispel debuffs. 9/10
MagarahaMagaraha's Tome Useful artifact for PvP content increases Combat Readiness of the caster when using a non-attack skill making it faster for her turn. 9/10
WaterWater's Origin Can be equipped for Soul Weavers that act as a Tank in their team. Recovers Health when receiving damage. 8/10

Ranger Artifact TIer List

5★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
ReingarReingar's Special Drink Inflicts additional damage to the enemies when using AoE attacks. A really OP artifact when it comes to Ranger Exclusive. 10/10
Otherworldly Machinery Machinery.pngOtherworldly Machinery Grants increased damage when using AoE attacks. 9.5/10
Ms. Confille Icon.pngMs. Confille Inflicts additional decrease Defense debuffs to an enemy after a single attack, 9/10
Song of Stars Icon.pngSong of Stars Inflicts additional Target debuffs to an enemy after a single attack. 9/10
Bloodstone Icon.pngBloodstone A great support artifact for rangers that can heal the ally with the lowest health. 8.5/10

4★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
Rosa Hargana Icon.pngRosa Hargana Increases Dual Attack Chance and also increases damage when it is not the caster turn. 9/10
Infinity Basket Icon.pngInfinity Basket Increases Dual Attack Chance of all allies when it is the caster's turn, dealing more damage to the enemy. 8.5/10
Sashe Ithanes Icon.pngSashe Ithanes A great CR pusher for the team when an enemy is defeated. 8/10
AndreAndre's Crossbow Can be used in Defense or RTA content, especially for a team that uses Soulburn attacks. 8/10
Ambrote Icon.pngAmbrote Enhances the basic attack dealing more damage against the enemies. 8/10

Common Artifact Tier List

5★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
Proof of Valor Icon.pngProof of Valor Artifact that can be used by tank, it will decrease damage suffered from the enemies. 9/10
Victorious Flag Icon.pngVictorious Flag Increases elemental advantage from the enemy, when being attacked, damage taken is decreased, and if the caster attacks with an elemental advantage, it will increase damage dealt against the enemy. 8/10
Cruel Mischief Icon.pngCruel Mischief An artifact used on Hall of Trials content where it can increases damage dealt against the enemy. 8/10

4★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
Portrait of the Saviors Icon.pngPortrait of the Saviors This artifact is equipped for your cleave heroes, to increase damage dealt against enemies. 10/10
Card of Small Miracles Icon.pngCard of Small Miracles Support artifact that increases Attack and Defense of all allies. 8.5/10
Midnight Bloom Icon.pngMidnight Bloom Another support artifact that increases the Critical Hit Chance of all allies. 8.5/10
Rainbow Scale Icon.pngRainbow Scale Increases Effectiveness and Effect Resistance of your allies, especially when your team is composed of debuffers. 8/10
Love Potion Icon.pngLove Potion A good alternative when you don't have the artifact Shimadra Staff. This increases the healing effect received by all allies. 8/10

3★ Artifact

Artifact Reason Rating
Daydream Joker Icon.pngDaydream Joker An artifact used for boss monsters, because this artifact increases damage dealt proportional of the enemy's max Health. 8.5/10
ExorcistExorcist's Tonfa Has the same effect as the Portrait of the Saviors, it also increases damage dealt when the Health of the enemy is more than 50%. 8/10
Prophetic Candlestick Icon.pngProphetic Candlestick Decreases skill cooldown by 1 turn when attacked. This artifact can be equipped for tank heroes. 8/10
Oath Key Icon.pngOath Key Increases Hit Chance of the caster making lessen the chaances of missing an attack. 7.5/10
Egg of Delusion Icon.pngEgg of Delusion An alternative for tank heroes, this artifact grants increased Defense when the caster Health is above 50%. 7.5/10

Related Links

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Heroes Final.pngHeroes Artifacts.pngArtifacts Monsters.pngMonsters
Exclusive Equipment.pngExclusive Equipments Systems and Terms Final.pngSystems & Terms Materials.pngMaterials
Game Walkthroughs Final.pngGame Walkthroughs Beginner Guide Final.pngBeginner Guide Events Final.pngEvents

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