Suikoden 1

How to Get Flower Vase and How to Use

Flower Vase is a type of Item you can acquire in Suikoden 1 HD Remaster. Learn how to get Flower Vase and how to use it below!

Flower Vase Info

Flower Vase Effect

Flower Vase
Type Antique
Appraised Price 2500
Appraised item can be sold or displayed in HQ

How to Get Flower Vase

Dropped from Enemies

Flower Vase can be dropped by the following enemies. While it is possible to find the same enemies in a different location, their item drops may not be the same as the ones in the locations mentioned.

Monsters Who Drop Flower Vase

Monster Location Chance
Empire Soldier (Spear) Seika Medium
Slot Man Lepant's Mansion Medium
Robot Soldier (Sword) Lepant's Mansion Medium

List of All Enemies and Item Drops

Open Treasure Chests

Some chests found in many different locations can contain Flower Vase. Below is a list of locations where you can look for treasure chests, you may find different items, but there will be at least 1 chest in each location containing Flower Vase.

Chest Locations
Mt. Seifu

How to Use Flower Vase

Have ??? Items Appraised to be Antiques

When you encounter antiques, they will be classified as ??? in your inventory. You'll have to find an appraiser in different towns to turn ??? items into antiques. You can also recruit Jabba to have your own appraiser at your HQ.

Display in Your Base's Baths

You can display Antiques that you find inside your base's baths. To do this, you will need to recruit Sansuke first so that he will build the baths, then you'll simply need to talk to him to select which Antiques you want to display.

Sell for Extra Potch

If you don't want to display your Antiques, you can always sell them instead for extra Potch. As a note, you can always check Old Book Vol. 7 for a list of every Antique and their respective selling price if you have it in your library.

Suikoden 1 HD Remaster Related Guides

Suikoden I - Items
List of All Items

List of Item Types

All Item Types in Suikoden 1
Consumables Old Books Paints
Key Items Special Rune Piece
Antiques Window Sets Sound Sets

All Antiques

Knight Statue Peeing Boy Chinese Dish
Hex Doll Bonsai Tree Goddess Statue
Japanese Dish Beauties of Nature Landscape Scroll
Flower Painting Lovers' Garden Graffiti
Flower Vase Wide Urn Black Urn
Fine China Defective Urn Celadon Urn
Blue Dragon Urn Octopus Pot Persian Lamp


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