Suikoden 1

All 108 Stars of Destiny Guide

Suikoden I - 108 Stars of Destiny

The 108 Stars of Destiny is the collective name for all members of the New Liberation Army in Suikoden 1! Check out this guide to learn more about the 108 Stars of Destiny, where you can check them in-game, and what happens when you recruit all of them.

Character Guides
Recruitment Guide 108 Stars of Destiny

Who Are the 108 Stars of Destiny?

Members of the New Liberation Army

108 Stars of Destiny

The 108 Stars of Destiny is the collective name given to all the members of the New Liberation Army in Suikoden 1. They are divided into the 36 Stars of Heaven and the 72 Stars of Earth.

Each member you recruit into the army as you play through the game has a designated star name unique to them. These stars are merely a title and have no gameplay implications.

List of All Characters and Recruitment Guide

Tablet of Stars in the Headquarters

You can find the star designated for each character you've recruited into the army in the Tablet of Stars at the Headquarters. The list found in the tablet will slowly fill up with names for each member you recruit.

Castle Headquarters Guide: Upgrades and List of Facilities

List of All 108 Stars of Destiny

36 Stars of Heaven

Character Star Title
Hero Icon Hero Tenkai (Star Chief Star of Heaven)
Lepant Icon Lepant Tengou (Star of Conflagration)
Mathiu Icon Mathiu Tenki (Star of Wisdom)
Luc Icon Luc Tenkan (Star of Idleness)
Humphrey Icon Humphrey Ten'yuu (Star of Bravery)
Kasim Hazil Icon Kasim Hazil Tenyu Star (Star of Heroic Ferocity)
Kwanda Rosman Icon Kwanda Rosman Tenmou (Star of Swift Courage)
Pesmerga Icon Pesmerga Ten'i (Star of Majesty)
Gremio Icon Gremio Ten'ei (Heroic Star)
Warren Icon Warren Tenki Star (Lofty Star)
Kun To Icon Kun To Tenfu (Star of Wealth)
Cleo Icon Cleo Tenman (Star of Abundance)
Viktor Icon Viktor Tenko (Lone Star)
Valeria Icon Valeria Tenshou (Wounded Star)
Griffith Icon Griffith Tenritsu (Star of the Standing Spear)
Clive Icon Clive Tenshou (The Swift Star)
Flik Icon Flik Ten'an (Dark Star)
Camille Icon Camille Ten'yuu (Guardian Star)
Kreutz Icon Kreutz Tenkuu (Empty Star)
Stallion Icon Stallion Tensoku (Speedy Star)
Kage Icon Kage Ten'i (Strange Star)
Fu Su Lu Icon Fu Su Lu Tensatsu (Murderous Star)
Kirkis Icon Kirkis Tenbi (Lowly Star)
Milich Icon Milich Tenkyuu (Lewd Star)
Pahn Icon Pahn Tentai (Retreating Star)
Sonya Shulen Icon Sonya Shulen Tenju (Star of Longevity)
Anji Icon Anji Tenken (Dagger Star)
Tai Ho Icon Tai Ho Tenhei (Leveled Star)
Kanak Icon Kanak Tenzai (Star of Sin)
Yam Koo Icon Yam Koo Tenson (Broken Star)
Leonardo Icon Leonardo Tenpai (The Vanquished Star)
Hix Icon Hix Tenrou (The Goal Star)
Tengaar Icon Tengaar Tensui (Star of Intelligence)
Varkas Icon Varkas Tenbou (Savage Star)
Sydonia Icon Sydonia Tenkoku (Wailing Star)
Eileen Icon Eileen Tenkou (Clever Star)

72 Stars of Earth

Character Star Title
Leon Icon Leon Chikai (Chief Star of Earth)
Georges Icon Georges Chisatsu (Violent Star)
Ivanov Icon Ivanov Chiyuu (The Brave Star)
Jeane Icon Jeane Chiketsu (Star of Noble Wisdom)
Eikei Icon Eikei Chiyuu (The Heroic Star)
Maximillian Icon Maximillian Chii (The Majestic Star)
Sancho Icon Sancho Chiei (Star of Courage)
Grenseal Icon Grenseal Chiki (The Strange Star)
Alen Icon Alen Chimou (The Ferocious Star)
Tesla Icon Tesla Chibun (The Learned Star)
Jabba Icon Jabba Chisei (The Guileless Star)
Lorelai Icon Lorelai Chikatsu (The Eminent Star)
Blackman Icon Blackman Chitou (The Folding Star)
Joshua Icon Joshua Chikyou (The Strong Star)
Morgan Icon Morgan Chian (The Strong Star)
Mose Icon Mose Chiziku (The Axis Star)
Esmeralda Icon Esmeralda Chikai (The Star of Gathering)
Melodye Icon Melodye Chisa (The Aiding Star)
Chapman Icon Chapman Chiyou (The Helpful Star)
Liukan Icon Liukan Chirei (The Clever Star)
Fukien Icon Fukien Chiju (The Beast Star)
Futch Icon Futch Chibi (The Least Star)
Kasumi Icon Kasumi Chikyu (The Intelligent Star)
Maas Icon Maas Chibaku (The Barbarous Star)
Crowley Icon Crowley Chizen (The Silent Star)
Fuma Icon Fuma Chikou (The Wild Star)
Moose Icon Moose Chikyou (The Star of Ambition)
Meese Icon Meese Chihi (The Flying Star)
Sergei Icon Sergei Chisou (The Walking Star)
Kimberly Icon Kimberly Chikou (The Cunning Star)
Sheena Icon Sheena Chimei (The Clear Star)
Kessler Icon Kessler Chisin (The Forward Star)
Marco Icon Marco Chitai (The Retreating Star)
Gen Icon Gen Chiman (The Full Star)
Hugo Icon Hugo Chisui (The Fulfilled Star)
Hellion Icon Hellion Chishuu (The Complete Star)
Mina Icon Mina Chiin (The Hidden Star)
Milia Icon Milia Chii Star (The Peculiar Star)
Kamandol Icon Kamandol Chiri (The Star of Justice)
Juppo Icon Juppo Chisyun (The Elegant Star)
Kasios Icon Kasios Chiraku (The Star of Music)
Viki Icon Viki Chitatsu (The Quick Star)
Rubi Icon Rubi Chisoku (The Star of Haste)
Vincent Icon Vincent Chichin (The Supressing Star)
Meg Icon Meg Chikei (The Halted Star)
Taggart Icon Taggart Chima (The Devil Star)
Giovanni Icon Giovanni Chiyou (The Magic Star)
Quincy Icon Quincy Chiyuu (The Obscure Star)
Apple Icon Apple Chifuku (The Hiding Star)
Kai Icon Kai Chihi (The Orphan Star)
Lotte Icon Lotte Chikuu (The Empty Star)
Mace Icon Mace Chiko (The Lonely Star)
Onil Icon Onil Chizen (The Finished Star)
Kuromimi Icon Kuromimi Chitan (The Short Star)
Gon Icon Gon Chikaku (The Corner Star)
Antonio Icon Antonio Chishuu (The Prisoned Star)
Lester Icon Lester Chizou (The Hoarding Star)
Kirke Icon Kirke Chihei (The Smooth Star)
Roc Icon Roc Chison Star
Ledon Icon Ledon Chido (The Serving Star)
Sylvina Icon Sylvina Chisatsu (The Searching Star)
Ronnie Bell Icon Ronnie Bell Chiaku (The Fierce Star)
Gaspar Icon Gaspar Chishuu (The Ugly Star)
Window Icon Window Chisu (The Mathematic Star)
Marie Icon Marie Chiin (The Shadowy Star)
Zen Icon Zen Chikei (The Avenging Star)
Sarah Icon Sarah Chisou (The Strong Star)
Sansuke Icon Sansuke Chiretsu (The Inferior Star)
Qlon Icon Qlon Chiken (The Mighty Star)
Templeton Icon Templeton Chimou (The Rat Star)
Krin Icon Krin Chizoku (The Thieving Star)
Chandler Icon Chandler Chikou (The Dog Star)

Recruiting All 108 Stars of Destiny

Requirement for the Golden Ending

Recruiting all 108 Stars of Destiny into the Liberation Army is required for you to finish the game with the Golden Ending. Not only will you have to recruit them, you'll also have to keep them alive until the final battle.

Endings Guide

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