Suikoden 1

Army Battle Guide

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Suikoden I - Army Battle Guide

Army Battles are one of the three battle types in Suikoden 1 HD Remaster. Learn how to win army war battles, their mechanics, character roles, and see a full list of all war teams in Suikoden 1.

Army Battle Mechanics and Commands

Three Different Types of Attacks

Army Commands
Type Description
Charge Strong against bow, but weak against magic.
Deals significant damage to the enemy if they use bows, but deal no damage when they use magic.
Bow Strong against magic, weak against charge attacks.
Deals damage whatever action the enemy chooses, highest damage against magic and lowest against charge.
Magic Strong against charges but weak against bows.
If the opponent charges, you can attack without taking damage. However, if the opponent uses bows and arrows, you will take damage without being able to counter.

In Army Battles, you and the enemy will be choosing one of three commands to give to your armies each turn. Depending on the choices, you'll either deliver more casualties to the enemy or take more yourself.

Army Battles is essentially a game of rock-paper-scissors with the goal of winning enough turns to reduce the enemy army to zero. The damage depends on the chosen team's attack strength and what your enemy does.

Other Types of Attacks

Type Description
Strategists This ability increases the attack power of Charge by 1.5 times for several turns. The duration is determined by the number of allied strategists.
Thieves You have a 1/3 chance of predicting the opponent's next move. Even if you fail, there's still a chance to steal their money.
Ninjas This ability guarantees knowledge of your opponent's next attack method.
Merchants This ability allows you to bribe the enemy's soldiers to defect to your side. If successful, it significantly reduces the enemy's military strength but cannot lower it below their initial strength.
Dragon Knights This attack is strong against both charge attacks and magic, making it effective against everything except bows. It inflicts 1/4 damage to the enemy's troops.

The number of times you can use each type of attack depends on the number of characters you've recruited for that category. For example, if you've recruited both Krin and Giovanni into the army, you can use the Thieves action twice. Recruit as much characters as you can for more chances of winning army battles!

List of All Characters and Recruitment Guide

Chance of Characters Dying

Some characters have a chance to permanently die when they lose the rock-paper-scissors in an army battle. The ones that could possibly die will be one of the characters in the losing team for that turn.

After the battle, the character will leave their last words and Mathiu will send you a battle report that includes the character deaths if there are any. Make sure to save before going into army battles if you don't want anyone to die!

How to Win Army Battles

Army Battle Tips

Make Full Use of Other Types of Attacks

The Other types of attacks can be used to your advantage without any downsides at all. Using these won't cost you a turn and you can even use multiple actions in this category before choosing what attack to do. The most powerful thing you can do is to use Thieves and Ninjas together with Strategists to destroy the enemy.

The number of uses for each one depends on the characters you have under that category and refreshes for each army battle.

Know Your Opponent's Actions

Use Thieves to Predict the Enemy

To win an Army Battle, you must predict the enemy's commands and input advantageous counter-attacks. Use Thieves like Krin or Giovanni and Ninjas like Kage or Kasumi to reveal the enemy's next move. Thieves have a chance of failing while Ninjas are guaranteed.

Power Up Attacks with Strategists

Strategist to Power Up Attacks

Strategists can be used to make your attacks even more powerful and deal massive damage to the enemy army. Use them in conjunction with Thieves or Ninjas to guarantee that your powered up attack hits the enemy.

Take Advantage of Your Bowmen

Bow Teams to Finish Enemies Off

If a stealth attack fails with the Thieves or Ninjas, you will lose the ability to predict the enemy's command. In such cases, consider using Bow Teams if they have high attack power and you can afford to take some hits.

Bow attacks deal damage regardless of the enemy's move unlike Charge or Magic, but you'll still amass significant casualties if the enemy chooses to Charge. With this in mind, if the enemy is on the brink of defeat, you can use Bow Teams to finish them off.

Bribe Enemy Troops

Merchants to Bribe Enemies

If your army is small and there is a significant gap in military strength between you and the enemy, you can try using Merchants to convince the enemy to join your side.

However, Merchants will only succeed if your army has already sustained some damage, and they can be used only once, so timing is crucial.

All Army Battle Character Roles

List of Characters and Army Battle Abilities

Character Lead Attack Sub Attack Soldiers Team
Alen Icon Alen 13 3 150 Humphrey's Team
Anji Icon Anji 11 2 300 The Pirates
Antonio Icon Antonio 6 4 180 Cooks
Apple Icon Apple - - 280 The Strategists
Blackman Icon Blackman 15 4 110 The Fellows
Camille Icon Camille 12 4 90 The Soldier Beauties
Chandler Icon Chandler - - 150 The Merchants
Chapman Icon Chapman - - 80 The Merchants
Cleo Icon Cleo 14 3 170 The Soldier Beauties
Clive Icon Clive 9 4 30 The Experts
Crowley Icon Crowley 20 5 50 Children of the Runes
Eikei Icon Eikei 7 3 180 Invulnerable Defense
Eileen Icon Eileen 13 7 150 The Lepant Family
Esmeralda Icon Esmeralda 6 3 70 The Narcissists
Flik Icon Flik 11 5 300 Warriors' Village Kids
Fu Su Lu Icon Fu Su Lu 2 1 10 Kobolds & Pal
Fukien Icon Fukien 6 6 110 The Elderly Warriors
Fuma Icon Fuma - - 10 The Ninjas
Futch Icon Futch - - 60 The Dragon Knights
Gaspar Icon Gaspar 14 4 10 Invulnerable Defense
Gen Icon Gen 7 3 300 The Carpenters
Georges Icon Georges 6 2 20 The Archers
Giovanni Icon Giovanni - - 30 The Thieves
Glenshiel Icon Glenshiel 13 4 150 Humphrey's Team
Gon Icon Gon 5 7 50 Kobolds & Pal
Gremio Icon Gremio 10 7 80 Commander's Team
Griffith Icon Griffith 12 3 400 Former Imperial Soldiers
Hellion Icon Hellion 17 3 70 The Magic Users
Hero Icon Hero 14 5 700 Commander's Team
Hix Icon Hix 5 4 10 Warriors' Village Kids
Hugo Icon Hugo 4 4 110 The Engineers
Humphrey Icon Humphrey 17 3 450 Humphrey's Team
Ivanov Icon Ivanov 6 2 140 The Fellows
Jabba Icon Jabba 9 1 30 The Tricksters
Jeane Icon Jeane 15 2 200 The Magic Users
Joshua Icon Joshua - - 600 The Dragon Knights
Juppo Icon Juppo 3 3 70 The Tricksters
Kage Icon Kage - - 10 The Ninjas
Kai Icon Kai 13 3 140 The Elderly Warriors
Kamandol Icon Kamandol 3 2 130 The Carpenters
Kanak Icon Kanak 7 7 90 The Pirates
Kasim Hazil Icon Kasim Hazil 15 2 200 Former Imperial Soldiers
Kasios Icon Kasios 8 3 30 The Musicians
Kasumi Icon Kasumi - - 90 The Ninjas
Kessler Icon Kessler 8 4 270 The Bandits
Kimberly Icon Kimberly 5 2 280 The Fishermen
Kirke Icon Kirke 9 3 5 The Wild Geese
Kirkis Icon Kirkis 13 3 380 Keepers of the Forest
Kreutz Icon Kreutz 17 3 300 The Wild Geese
Krin Icon Krin - - 5 The Thieves
Kun To Icon Kun To - - 240 The Merchants
Kuromimi Icon Kuromimi 9 4 60 Kobolds & Pal
Kwanda Rosman Icon Kwanda Rosman 14 3 300 Invulnerable Defense
Ledon Icon Ledon - - 20 The Thieves
Leon Icon Leon - - 250 The Strategists
Leonardo Icon Leonardo 9 5 90 The Pirates
Lepant Icon Lepant 17 3 900 The Lepant Family
Lester Icon Lester 5 4 190 Cooks
Liukan Icon Liukan 6 5 100 The Elderly Warriors
Lorelai Icon Lorelai 11 3 90 The Adventurers
Lotte Icon Lotte 15 4 220 Children of the Runes
Luc Icon Luc 19 1 20 Children of the Runes
Maas Icon Maas 7 4 90 Black Iron
Mace Icon Mace 10 4 100 The Experts
Marco Icon Marco 5 2 30 The Archers
Marie Icon Marie 11 5 250 Good Buddies
Mathiu Icon Mathiu 1 0 550 The Strategists
Maximillian Icon Maximillian 19 3 1200 The Knights
Meese Icon Meese 8 4 90 Black Iron
Meg Icon Meg 13 2 190 The Tricksters
Melodye Icon Melodye 9 3 60 The Musicians
Milia Icon Milia - - 180 The Dragon Knights
Milich Icon Milich 14 3 270 The Narcissists
Mina Icon Mina 4 2 160 The Adventurers
Moose Icon Moose 9 4 90 Black Iron
Morgan Icon Morgan 5 4 80 The Wild Geese
Mose Icon Mose 8 5 350 Secret Factory Team
Odessa Silverberg Icon Odessa Silverberg - - - -
Onil Icon Onil 9 2 20 Good Buddies
Pahn Icon Pahn 12 5 150 Commander's Team
Pesmerga Icon Pesmerga 8 6 5 The Experts
Qlon Icon Qlon 6 4 300 The Knights
Quincy Icon Quincy 9 4 180 The Adventurers
Roc Icon Roc 7 4 70 Cooks
Ronnie Bell Icon Ronnie Bell 6 2 110 Secret Factory Team
Rubi Icon Rubi 4 2 10 The Archers
Sanchez Icon Sanchez - - - -
Sancho Icon Sancho 12 7 200 The Knights
Sansuke Icon Sansuke 5 3 90 Good Buddies
Sarah Icon Sarah 12 4 180 Secret Factory Team
Sergei Icon Sergei 5 5 80 The Engineers
Sheena Icon Sheena 8 2 60 The Lepant Family
Sonya Shulen Icon Sonya Shulen 13 4 250 The Soldier Beauties
Stallion Icon Stallion 5 3 20 Keepers of the Forest
Sydonia Icon Sydonia 12 4 120 The Bandits
Sylvina Icon Sylvina 7 5 60 Keepers of the Forest
Taggart Icon Taggart 4 6 10 Viktor's Team
Tai Ho Icon Tai Ho 13 3 120 The Fishermen
Ted Icon Ted - - - -
Templeton Icon Templeton 8 3 120 The Engineers
Tengaar Icon Tengaar 12 2 30 Warriors' Village Kids
Tesla Icon Tesla 1 5 70 The Carpenters
Valeria Icon Valeria 13 4 250 Former Imperial Soldiers
Varkas Icon Varkas 13 3 600 The Bandits
Viki Icon Viki 13 2 220 The Magic Users
Viktor Icon Viktor 14 2 300 Viktor's Team
Vincent Icon Vincent 10 1 5 The Narcissists
Warren Icon Warren 12 3 700 Viktor's Team
Window Icon Window 11 3 60 The Musicians
Yam Koo Icon Yam Koo 11 4 60 The Fishermen
Zen Icon Zen 6 4 300 The Fellows

All Army Battle Teams

List of Army Battle Teams

Team Members Type & Power
Black Iron Maas Icon Maas
Meese Icon Meese
(Vice Captain 1)
Moose Icon Moose
(Vice Captain 2)
Children of the Runes Crowley Icon Crowley
Luc Icon Luc
(Vice Captain 1)
Lotte Icon Lotte
(Vice Captain 2)
Commander's Team Hero Icon Hero
Pahn Icon Pahn
(Vice Captain 1)
Gremio Icon Gremio
(Vice Captain 2)
Former Imperial Soldiers Kasim Hazil Icon Kasim Hazil
Griffith Icon Griffith
(Vice Captain 1)
Valeria Icon Valeria
(Vice Captain 2)
Good Buddies Marie Icon Marie
Onil Icon Onil
(Vice Captain 1)
Sansuke Icon Sansuke
(Vice Captain 2)
Humphrey's Team Humphrey Icon Humphrey
Alen Icon Alen
(Vice Captain 1)

(Vice Captain 2)
Invulnerable Defense Kwanda Rosman Icon Kwanda Rosman
Eikei Icon Eikei
(Vice Captain 1)
Gaspar Icon Gaspar
(Vice Captain 2)
Keepers of the Forest Kirkis Icon Kirkis
Sylvina Icon Sylvina
(Vice Captain 1)
Stallion Icon Stallion
(Vice Captain 2)
Kobolds & Pal Fu Su Lu Icon Fu Su Lu
Kuromimi Icon Kuromimi
(Vice Captain 1)
Gon Icon Gon
(Vice Captain 2)
Secret Factory Team Mose Icon Mose
Ronnie Bell Icon Ronnie Bell
(Vice Captain 1)
Sarah Icon Sarah
(Vice Captain 2)
The Adventurers Lorelai Icon Lorelai
Quincy Icon Quincy
(Vice Captain 1)
Mina Icon Mina
(Vice Captain 2)
The Archers Rubi Icon Rubi
Georges Icon Georges
(Vice Captain 1)
Marco Icon Marco
(Vice Captain 2)
The Bandits Varkas Icon Varkas
Sydonia Icon Sydonia
(Vice Captain 1)
Kessler Icon Kessler
(Vice Captain 2)
The Carpenters Gen Icon Gen
Kamandol Icon Kamandol
(Vice Captain 1)
Tesla Icon Tesla
(Vice Captain 2)
The Cooks Antonio Icon Antonio
Lester Icon Lester
(Vice Captain 1)

(Vice Captain 2)
The Dragon Knights Joshua Icon Joshua
Milia Icon Milia
(Vice Captain 1)
Futch Icon Futch
(Vice Captain 2)
Dragon Knights
The Elderly Warriors Kai Icon Kai
Liukan Icon Liukan
(Vice Captain 1)
Fukien Icon Fukien
(Vice Captain 2)
The Engineers Sergei Icon Sergei
Hugo Icon Hugo
(Vice Captain 1)
Templeton Icon Templeton
(Vice Captain 2)
The Experts Clive Icon Clive
Pesmerga Icon Pesmerga
(Vice Captain 1)
Mace Icon Mace
(Vice Captain 2)
The Fellows Blackman Icon Blackman
Zen Icon Zen
(Vice Captain 1)
Ivanov Icon Ivanov
(Vice Captain 2)
The Fishermen Tai Ho Icon Tai Ho
Yam Koo Icon Yam Koo
(Vice Captain 1)
Kimberly Icon Kimberly
(Vice Captain 2)
The Knights Maximillian Icon Maximillian
Sancho Icon Sancho
(Vice Captain 1)
Qlon Icon Qlon
(Vice Captain 2)
The Lepant Family Lepant Icon Lepant
Eileen Icon Eileen
(Vice Captain 1)
Sheena Icon Sheena
(Vice Captain 2)
The Magic Users Jeane Icon Jeane
Hellion Icon Hellion
(Vice Captain 1)
Viki Icon Viki
(Vice Captain 2)
The Merchants Kun To Icon Kun To
Chandler Icon Chandler
(Vice Captain 1)
Chapman Icon Chapman
(Vice Captain 2)
The Musicians Kasios Icon Kasios
Melodye Icon Melodye
(Vice Captain 1)
Window Icon Window
(Vice Captain 2)
The Narcissists Milich Icon Milich
Vincent Icon Vincent
(Vice Captain 1)
Esmeralda Icon Esmeralda
(Vice Captain 2)
The Ninjas Kage Icon Kage
Kasumi Icon Kasumi
(Vice Captain 1)
Fuma Icon Fuma
(Vice Captain 2)
The Pirates Anji Icon Anji
Leonardo Icon Leonardo
(Vice Captain 1)
Kanak Icon Kanak
(Vice Captain 2)
The Soldier Beauties Sonya Shulen Icon Sonya Shulen
Cleo Icon Cleo
(Vice Captain 1)
Camille Icon Camille
(Vice Captain 2)
The Strategists Mathiu Icon Mathiu
Leon Icon Leon
(Vice Captain 1)
Apple Icon Apple
(Vice Captain 2)
The Thieves Krin Icon Krin
Ledon Icon Ledon
(Vice Captain 1)
Giovanni Icon Giovanni
(Vice Captain 2)
The Tricksters Juppo Icon Juppo
Jabba Icon Jabba
(Vice Captain 1)
Meg Icon Meg
(Vice Captain 2)
The Wild Geese Kreutz Icon Kreutz
Morgan Icon Morgan
(Vice Captain 1)
Kirke Icon Kirke
(Vice Captain 2)
Viktor's Team Viktor Icon Viktor
Warren Icon Warren
(Vice Captain 1)
Taggart Icon Taggart
(Vice Captain 2)
Warriors' Village Kids Flik Icon Flik
Tengaar Icon Tengaar
(Vice Captain 1)
Hix Icon Hix
(Vice Captain 2)

What is An Army Battle?

Story Events That Require Armies to Battle

Army Battles are story-driven confrontations between armies. To win, issue strategic commands and reduce the enemy's military strength to 0 before they eliminate yours.

First Army Battle Trophy

Unlocks Debut Deployment Trophy

Debut Deployment
Debut Deployment TrophyBronze Commanded an army battle for the first time
Army Battle Guide

Commanding an Army Battle for the first time will unlock the Debut Deployment Trophy upon the battle's conclusion.

Trophy Guide and Achievements List: How to Get Platinum

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