Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Acute Fang Location: How to Get and Uses | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Acute Fang Banner

This is a farming guide for Acute Fang, an item in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Check here for all Acute Fang locations and drop sources, as well as Acute Fang uses in equipment and decoration crafting.

Acute Fang - Basic Information

Name Acute Fang ImageAcute Fang
Description Fangs come in many shapes and sizes. This one is small but can still pierce scale.
Rarity 6 Type Monster Materials
Sell Price 330 Hold Limit 99

Acute Fang - How to Farm

Location Summary
Obtained by carving High Rank small monsters Bullfango, Delex, Wroggi, Baggi, Jaggi, Jaggia, Zamite, and Gajau.

High Rank Monster Rewards

Target Reward
Capture Reward
Broken Part Reward
Baggi ImageBaggi (-)
Unobtainable as a Capture Reward.
Unobtainable as a Broken Part Reward.
Delex ImageDelex (20%) Bullfango ImageBullfango (18%) Zamite ImageZamite (17%)
Wroggi ImageWroggi (15%) Baggi ImageBaggi (15%) Gajau ImageGajau (10%)
Jaggi ImageJaggi (10%) Jaggia ImageJaggia (10%)

Meowcenaries: High Rank

Map Node Type
Sandy Plains Delex

As a Quest Reward

Type HR Quest Name Drop Qty (#)
Hub Quest ★4 The Frost Islands Arena -
Hub Quest ★4 Dancing A-purr-ition -
Hub Quest ★4 Even Cute Things Have Fangs -
Hub Quest ★5 Shadows Over the Frost -
Hub Quest ★5 Charmed by a Queen -
Hub Quest ★5 Go Away, Pukei! -
Hub Quest ★5 Rotten Fruit -
Hub Quest ★5 Rise Above the Mud -
Urgent Hub Quest ★5 The Restless Swamp -
Event Quest ★5 Wrestling with Pain -
Hub Quest ★6 Sharpening Amber Fangs -
Event Quest ★6 The Blue Bomber's Best Bud -
Event Quest ★6 Out of Sight, Out of Mind's Eye -
Hub Quest ★6 Skies Flash, Clouds Boom -
Hub Quest ★6 Skies are Gray -
Hub Quest ★6 The Abyss Stares Back -
Hub Quest ★6 Learn the Long Sword -
Hub Quest ★6 Dissect the Dual Blades -
Hub Quest ★6 Closer Than it Appears -
Hub Quest ★6 Showdown in the Arena -
Hub Quest ★6 Be One with the Bow -
Hub Quest ★6 Invoke the Insect Glaive -
Hub Quest ★7 Return of the Bazelgeuse -
Event Quest ★7 Memories of That Day -
Event Quest ★7 Zin and Yang -
Event Quest ★7 Frost Bites -
Event Quest ★7 Kunai Ask You a Favor? -
Event Quest ★7 I Can't Do What Somnacan -
Hub Quest ★7 Death From Above -
Hub Quest ★7 Clad in Hellfire -
Hub Quest ★7 A Muddy Invitation -
Hub Quest ★7 Ruckus in the Ruins -
Hub Quest ★7 Fought, Failed, Fired Up -
Hub Quest ★7 Occupational Hazards -
Hub Quest ★7 A Whirlwind of a Stage -

Item drop quantity marked as ''-'' have unknown / unconfirmed quantities.

Hunt Jaggi and Jaggia to Get Easily

Though all of the small monsters listed above give you a chance of carving an Acute Fang, the Jaggi and Jaggia, which hang out in the Sandy Plains are your best bet for farming.

Jaggi and Jaggia spawn in larger packs and are always together in one group, eliminating the need for you to wait for them to respawn. Not to mention that slaying a Jaggia gives you two chances at carving its carcass, which gives more chances of getting an Acute Fang.

Farm Jaggia in Sandy Plains

Sandy Plains

Unlike the smaller Jaggis, Jaggias live near the nest which is located in area 12 of the Sandy Plains. They are responsible for raising their young and defending their nesting ground.

Jaggias look like a larger counterpart of Jaggis, with thicker bodies and dog-like ears. They also have two carves so keep that in mind!

Farm Jaggi in Sandy Plains

Sandy Plains
Outbreak of Delex 4 / 6 / 7 / 12
Outbreak of Kestodon 4 / 7 / 12
Outbreak of Rhenoplos 4 / 7 / 12
Normal Quest 4 / 6 / 7 / 12

Recommended During Normal Quests or Delex Outbreaks

From our testing, Jaggis are easier to farm on Normal Quests or Expeditions with Delex Outbreaks in the Sandy Plains. During these conditions, Jaggis appears on more area!

Acute Fang - How to Use

Effect Summary
Used as crating and forging High Rank equipment.

Used to Craft Weapons

Long Sword Image Canine Katana I (×3) Hunting Horn Image Bull Grunt I (×2)

Used to Upgrade Weapons

Light Bowgun Image Yakt Shooter II (×3) Long Sword Image Canine Katana I (×3)
Switch Axe Image Delex Cleaver (×4) Bow Image Hunter's Bow II (×4)
Long Sword Image Keen Edge II (×3) Heavy Bowgun Image Marino Cannon (×3)
Lance Image Razortooth Spear (×2) Gunlance Image Sand Blaster Gunlance (×4)
Insect Glaive Image Sky-High Glaive I (×2) Sword & Shield Image Soldier's Dagger I (×3)
Hunting Horn Image Bull Grunt I (×3) Gunlance Image Shattershot II (×5)

Used to Craft Armor and Buddy Equipment

Legs Image Arzuros Greaves S (×1) Head Image Skull Visage S (×3)
Legs Image Bone Greaves S (×1) Arms Image Rhenoplos Braces S (×2)
Waist Image Uroktor Coil S (×1) Head Image Jaggi Mask S (×2)
Head Image Skalda Vertex S / Spio Vertex S (×2) Waist Image Bone Coil S (×1)
Waist Image D. Stench Bowels S (×2) Legs Image Death Stench Heel S (×2)
Arms Image Jaggi Gauntlets S (×2) Arms Image Skalda Brachia S / Spio Brachia S (×2)
Waist Image Baggi Coil S (×2) Torso Image Bone Mail S (×1)
Legs Image Kulu-Ya-Ku Greaves S (×3)

Monster Hunter Rise Related Links

MH Rise - Items Materials Partial Banner

List of Items and Materials

Related Monster Materials

Other Related Items
MH Rise Acute Fang IconAcute Fang MH Rise Beast Gem IconBeast Gem MH Rise Bird Wyvern Gem IconBird Wyvern Gem MH Rise Crushing Fang IconCrushing Fang
MH Rise Fey Wyvern Gem IconFey Wyvern Gem MH Rise Jumbo Bone IconJumbo Bone MH Rise Large Beast Gem IconLarge Beast Gem MH Rise Large Wyvern Gem IconLarge Wyvern Gem
MH Rise Massive Bone IconMassive Bone MH Rise Monster Bone L IconMonster Bone L MH Rise Monster Bone M IconMonster Bone M MH Rise Monster Bone+ IconMonster Bone+
MH Rise Monster Broth IconMonster Broth MH Rise Monster Essence IconMonster Essence MH Rise Monster Fluid IconMonster Fluid MH Rise Monster Hardbone IconMonster Hardbone
MH Rise Monster Keenbone IconMonster Keenbone MH Rise Monster Slogbone IconMonster Slogbone MH Rise Monster Toughbone IconMonster Toughbone MH Rise Piercing Claw IconPiercing Claw
MH Rise Sharp Claw IconSharp Claw MH Rise Sharp Fang IconSharp Fang MH Rise Solid Bone IconSolid Bone MH Rise Stoutbone IconStoutbone
MH Rise Tough Claw IconTough Claw MH Rise Wyvern Gem IconWyvern Gem

List of Hot Items

Master Rank Items

Monster Materials
Prized Pelt Tough Claw Large Herbivore Bone
Monster Toughbone Timeworn Crimson Horn Torpor Sac
Monster Essence
Bones, Ores, and Other Materials
Dragonbone Artifact Twisted Stiffbone Awegite
Frocium Goldlite Ore Purecrystal
Deepshell Valiabiscus Large Armored Bream
Event Quest Items
Crimson Crystal Ticket Light Foreign Drawings Ocean Ticket
Steam Ticket Glasses Ticket Thief's Calling Card
Black Winged Ears Ticket Torn Foreign Drawings Numerical Foreign Drawings
Canyne Mask Ticket Ancient Fragment Bandana Ticket
Fluffy Ticket Coastal Foreign Drawings Treasured Foreign Drawings
Small Flower Pot Noble Foreign Drawings Bunny Ears Ticket
Buff Badge Charming Foreign Drawings Heavenly Silk

Low/High Rank Items

Low/High Rank Items
Boatshell Wisplantern Rock Rose King Rhino
Bismuth Prism Machalite Ore Rhenoplos Egg Eroded Skeleton

List of Items and Materials by Type

Item and Material Types
MH Rise Ore Icon.pngOre Bones.pngBones Monster.pngMonster Materials
Plants.pngPlants Medicine.pngFood and Medicine Fish.pngFish
Insects.pngInsects Traps and Bombs.pngTraps and Bombs Ammo and Phials.pngAmmo and Phials
Tickets Icon.pngTickets and Coins Account Item.pngAccount Items Scraps Icon.pngScraps
MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Material Icon.pngAfflicted Materials - -
Other Items Other Materials Upgrade Material Types


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