Epic Seven

Ezeran Foundation Day Celebration! Epic Seven's Third Birthday

We regret to announce that we are ending the coverage of Epic Seven. Thank you for all the support in reading our coverage of updates, event guides and character releases for Epic Seven.

Ezran Foundation Day - Happy Birthday Epic Seven.jpg
This page contains information about the ongoing promotions Ezeran Foundation Day Celebration, Epic Seven's Third Birthday Event to celebrate the Three years since the Epic Seven Launch. Read on for more information such as event schedule, rewards, and more during this event.

Introduction - Second Anniversary Event

To surprise our Heirs on the Ezeran Foundation Day, GMs from the Korea & Global servers teamed up with Mr.Navi to make an Epic Deal. They go to Epic Seven’s business team to secure rewards!

7-Day Check-in Event

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Epic Seven, with the help of Mr. Navi has prepared more rewards for the check-in event to celebrate Epic Seven’s 3rd anniversary!
They’ve put all their gratitude from the past 3 years into this event and its rewards!


Server Schedule
Korea / Asia 8/29 (Sun) 18:00 ~ 9/29 (Wed) 17:59 UTC
Europe 8/30 (Mon) 03:00 ~ 9/30 (Thu) 02:59 UTC
Global 8/30 (Mon) 10:00 ~ 9/30 (Thu) 09:59 UTC


Ezra Foundation Day Check-In Event_Resize.png

Day Required Rank Item Quantity
Day 1 - Celebratory Artifact
Records of Unity
Day 2 Rank.5 Leif 33
Day 3 Rank.10 MolaGora
Friendship Item
10 per Element
Day 4 Rank.15 Rare Catalyst Selection Chest
Epic Catalyst Selection Chest
Day 5 Rank.20 Greater Equipment Charm
Greater Accessory Charm
Day 6 Rank.25 Mystic Medal 500
Day 7 Rank.30 Episode 2 5★ Hero Summon Ticket 1

70 Free Covenant Summon Event

Free Covenant Summon Event.jpg
Players will be able to do 10 free Covenant Summons for 7 days during the event period, giving you 70 free Covenant Summons in total

If you do not log in to Epic Seven during the event period, the 10 free summons for that day will be lost. Let's do not forget to login everyday!

Server Schedule
Korea / Asia 8/29 (Sun) 18:00 ~ 9/29 (Wed) 17:59 UTC
Europe 8/30 (Mon) 03:00 ~ 9/30 (Thu) 02:59 UTC
Global 8/30 (Mon) 10:00 ~ 9/30 (Thu) 09:59 UTC

Free 10 Covenant Summon.jpg

During the event period, an Event mark will be placed on the [Lobby > Summon] icon.

Note: If you choose to carry out Summon x10, it will consume your Covenant Bookmarks.

Special Log-in Gift

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Players will be able to claim a very special log-in gift!

Ezeran Foundation Day 5 Star Covenant Hero Selector.png


8/29 (Sun) 10:00 ~ 9/30 (Thu) 02:59 UTC

How to Obtain

Log into Epic Seven during the special login event and receive gift in your mailbox.

5★ Covenant Hero Selector

Heirs can select a 5★ Covenant Hero (Fire, Ice, Earth) of their choosing.

However, you cannot select Senya, Bomb Model Kanna, Ilynav, Zeno, Yuna, or Heroes that were included in the Limited Summon and Collaboration.

Please check our Best Hero Tier List if you want to know which character is the best!

Huche's Pop-Up Shop

Epic Seven’s wandering merchant Huche has returned to celebrate Epic Seven’s 3rd anniversary!

What items does he have for sale this time?


9/2 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 9/9 (Thu) 02:59 UTC

How to Access

Click on Huche who'll be found in the lobby during the event period noted above.

Epic Dealer

Find out how GMs from the Korea & Global servers teamed up with Mr.Navi to get us all these wonderful rewards to celebrate Epic Seven's Third Birthday!

Related Links

Tier List Final.pngTier List Reroll Tier List Final.pngReroll Tier List Artifact Tier List Front Page Partial.pngArtifact Tier List
Heroes Final.pngHeroes Artifacts.pngArtifacts Monsters.pngMonsters
Exclusive Equipment.pngExclusive Equipments Systems and Terms Final.pngSystems & Terms Materials.pngMaterials
Game Walkthroughs Final.pngGame Walkthroughs Beginner Guide Final.pngBeginner Guide Events Final.pngEvents

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