Epic Seven

Nixied's Sanctum - Labyrinth

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This article will guide you on how to clear the Labyrinth content Nixied's Sanctume for the game Epic Seven. Read on for more information on Boss and Chest Location.

How To Unlock

You can unlock this Labyrinth by clearing Adventure Stage Episode 1 Chapter 7-S6. Seven Flags Fortress.

Zone 1 - Aurora Forest

Main Route

Tundra Angara (Boss) Sapphirre Wyvern (Boss) Frosted Silva (Elite) Tundra Angara
Wood Mushroom Ocean Seed Frosted Silva Verdant Seed
Ice Mushroom Breeze Silva Swamp Angara
Clear Area 1
Repel Sapphire Wyvern
Repel Angara Boss.

Step 1:

Move forward then head South until you reach the first checkpoint.

Step 2-3 :

Continuing on, the first crossroad that you will encounter go East then move forward there will be a Gold Chest available on your path and head towards the second checkpoint you willl encounter a Warp Portal taking you to the next area.

Step 4:

It is advisable to take a Camp on the second checkpoint, it might take a while before you will reach the third checkpoit on this area. Move forward and you will encounter the first crossroad of the area there will locked areas the only choice to make is go East.

Step 5 6:

Continue moving forward until you reach a Barrier Stone interact with it and it will open some of the locked areas then go through the warp portal and you will be transported near the checkpoint.

Step 7-8:

The West area will now be unlocked continue moving foward of that part and you will encounter another Barrrier Stone and a Gold Chest. Move forward and enter though the Warp Portal.

Step 9-11:

You will go back to the start point of the map. Head West and and continue moving forward until you reach another checkpoint. You can save here now or Camp. Go East again until you reach a crossroad you encounter another Gold Chest here and a Warp Portal.

Step 12-14:

After going through the portal continue moving forward then head East and head towards until you reach another Barrier Stone and there will be another checkpoint near it. Continuing on the West area you will encounter another Barrier Stone and a checkpoint then continue moving until you go back to the fist crossroad that you encounte in that area.

Step 15:

Head North and you will encounter a Warp Portal that will take you near the start point of the map.

Step 16-17:

Go back to the first checkpoint and the area to the North will now be open. Head towards the last part of the map until you encounter the Boss Sapphire Wyvern, after defeating the boss you can now enter the Zone 2.

Optional Route

To finish the star completion you will encounter the other boss Tundra Angara that can be encountered when doing the Step 15, insted of going through the portal move forward until you encounter the other boss and the remaining Gold Chest will also be there.

Zone 2 - Frozen Lake

Main Route

Cold Eye Lich (Boss) Dominiel Icon.pngDominiel (Boss) Sun Dragona (Elite) White Flux (Elite)
Icy Testudo Ocean Seed White Flux Snow Slime
Frost Slime Sun Dragona Stalactite Testudo
Clear Area 2
Rescue Dominiel
Eliminate 2 Monsters by Gold Chest

Step 1-6:

Proceed moving forward until you reach the first checkpoint of the map. Following the suggested route you head North then East. Continue moving forward until you reach the 2nd checkpoint. You can either finish the exploration here or still continue if you still have team moral left, then proceed at the area where you will encounter a Barrier Stone. After unlocking the barrier some of the closed parts will now be unlocked. Proceed moving forward and you will encounter a Cold Eye Lich (Boss) after that you will encounter a Goddess Statue Barrier interact with it and you will open another closed route.

Step 7-9:

Proceed to the first checkpoint, (use Waypoint to travel faster) then head East and continue moving forward at the crossroad proceed South until you reach a checkpoint then go North and proceed East continue moving until you another crossroad then go South until you reach another checkpoint. You can finish the exploration here if you don't have enough morale.

Step 10-11:

Continue proceeding East then North until you reach another Barrier Stone. After interacting with the stone some of the closed routes will be open. Use the waypoint to go back the last checkpoint and head West then you will encounter another Cold Eye Lich (Boss) after defeating the boss interact with the Goddess Statue and you will open another closed routes.

Step 12:

Use Waypoint and go to the last checkpoint then proceed North and move forward until the end. Reaching the last crossroad go East and you will encounter another Barrier Stone.

Step 13:

Go to the other checkpoint by using Waypoint (Refer to the image above) and continue moving North and you will encounter another Cold Eye Lich and a Goddess Statue by interacting with the statue it will open some closed routes.

Step 14-16:

You can continue moving forward then go West until you reach another checkpoint then go East then head West and continue moving forward until you reach another checkpoint and then press forward until you reach another Barrier Stone then interact with it.

Step 17:

Go back to second to the last checkpoint by using a waypoint then move North, at the crossroad head West and you will encounter another Cold Eye Lich (Boss) then interact with the Goddess Statue and it will open the last barrier blocking the exit to Zone 3.

Step 18:

Use the waypoint and go to the first checkpooint that you will encounter and head towards the Zone 3 exit. You will encounter Dominiel as the last boss before exiting to Zone 3.

Optional Route

After completing the Zone 2 Map you had now unlocked all the closed areas making it a lot easier to 100% the Labyrinth (Refer to the image above) for information on where the Gold Chests are located. There are 4 Gold Chests in total for this area.

Zone 3 - Mountain Valley

Main Route

Frost Symaqus (Boss) Fighter Maya Icon.pngFighter Maya (Boss) Montmorancy Icon.pngMontmorancy (Boss) Zerato Icon.pngZerato (Boss)
Poison Naga (Elite) Swamp Angara (Elite) Indigo Imp Auxiliary Lots Icon.pngAuxiliary Lots
Alexa Icon.pngAlexa Ice Mushroom Tirel Spearman Tundra Angara
Imp King Water Klineode Wood Mushroom Swamp Angara
Poison Naga
Clear Area 3
Stop Zerato
Eliminate 2 Monsters by Gold Chest

Step 1-2:

Move forward then go East and you will encounter a Warp Portal, interact with it then move forward until you reach the first checkpoint then move North and you will encounter another Warp Portal to interact with.

Step 3-4:

Continue moving forward until you reach another checkpoint. You can go North to obtain the Gold chest or continue heading East then go South after the last crossroad the only way to go is West then continue moving forward until you reach another Warp Portal. Go through it and you will reach another checkpoint then continue forward, reaching another checkpoint go East until you reach the warp portal.

Step 5-6:

Head towards to the another checkpoint and you can go East to obtain another Gold Chest or you can go West then continue moving forward. If you encounter the first crossroad go North until you reach another warp portal interact with it then you will a checkpoint. Move forward and you will have a boss encounter (Fighter Maya (Boss) & Auxiliary Lots) at this part and after dealing with the boss you will encounter a Barrier Stone and interact with it to unlock some locked areas.

Step 7-8:

Use waypoint to travel to second to the last checkpoint that you encountered (Refer to the image above) then continue heading East and after reaching the crossroad head South until you reach another Warp Portal. After going through the portal move forward and you will reach another checkpoint then go South and head East to encounter another Warp Portal.

Step 9-10:

Continue continue moving North after your reach the checkpoint and go through the Warp Portal, then continue moving forward and go South, you will have a boss encounter (Forst Symaqus (Boss)) and a Barrier Stone unlocking locked areas in the zone.

Step 11-12:

After unlocking some certain areas you can continue moving forwards then go throug the Warp Portal and you will be back from the start. Continue moving South until you reach another Warp Portal.

Step 13-14:

Move forward then you will encounter another Boss fight (Frost Symaqus) and you will encounter the last Barrier Stone and you can now move forward to the exit. Use waypoints to reach the exit much faster (Refer to the image above), Before exiting the Zone you will encounter the last boss Zerato (Boss). Before proceeding to the other zone.

Optional Route

Coming back to complete the map you can obtain all the Gold Chest available on this zone. There is also another boss that can be defeated here (Montmorancy). Other than that, you can easily 100% explore rate this map

Zone 4 - Icicle Cave

Main Route

Converted Caides (Boss) Frost Caides (Boss) Jealous Caides (Boss) Clarissa Icon.pngClarissa (Boss)
Challenger Dominiel Icon.pngChallenger Dominiel (Boss) Sage BaalSage Baal & Sezan (Boss) Frost Symaqus Dawn Dream Leech
Jealous Symaqus Converted Symaqus The Sword Swordsman Elson Icon.pngElson
Moss Dragona Raqix Elite Icy Testudo Sea Dragona
Raqix Flying Troop Karax Scout Gloom Testudo Verdant Seed
Clear Area 4
Stop Challenger Dominiel
Stop Rampaging Clarissa

Step 1:

Move forward to the available route at the start of the run. There will be no other routes since their path will be blocked, after encountering a Warp Gate, go through it and you will be transported to the next area. Then continue moving forward until you reached the first checkpoint.

Step 2:

Continuing your journey, proceed moving North until you reach another checkpoint to save your run. Go North again, and you will encounter a Barrier Stone, interact with it, and you will unlock some blocked areas in the map. Move forward until you reach another Warp Portal and transport you to another area.

Step 3:

Follow our recommended path and continue moving forward, on this part you will encounter a boss stage consisting of Sage Baal & Sezan. It will be easy to deal with him with a full party with a DPS and Support to defeat him.

After defeating the boss, continue going North and you will encounter another Warp Portal transporting you near the start area.

Step 4:

Follow our recommended path and continue moving forward. On this par,t you will encounter a boss stage consisting of Sage Baal & Sezan. It will be easy to deal with him with a full party with a DPS and Support to defeat him.

After defeating the boss, continue going north, and you will encounter another Warp Portal transporting you near the start area.

Step 5:

Being teleported to the last area, follow the recommended path to clear this zone faster. Remember to save your progress when encountering a checkpoint before proceeding.

You will encounter Challenger Dominiel as the final boss of this zone, defeat the minions first before focusing on her since she will increase the CR of its allies when being attacked. After defeating her, exit through the stage then proceeds to zone 5.

Optional Route

There are a total of 3 Gold Chests available on this zone, be sure to go back and obtain them all. It can give sweet rewards from opening it.

Zone 5 - Frostproof Valley

Main Route

Converted Symaqus (Boss) Elisia of the Ice.pngElisia of the Ice Aquina of the Sea (Boss) >Cold Eye Lich (Boss)
Challenger Dominiel Icon.pngChallenger Dominiel (Boss) Poison Naga (Boss) Shadow Angara (Boss) Raqix Flying Troop (Boss)
Raqix Shredder (Boss) Wood Mushroom (Boss) Dark Klineode Frost Caides
Ocean Seed Sea Dragona Dusk-Skull Warrior Karax Charger
Swamp Angara Wood Mushroom Frosted Silva Raqix Shredder
Clear Area 5
Persuade Challenger Dominiel
Listen to Elisia of the Ice

Step 1-4:

Proceed to move forward the area since it will only have one direction to explore through, go inside the Warp Portal, and you will be transported to the next area then continue going North until you reach the first checkpoint. Move forward, and you will encounter your first Boss battle against Aquina of the Sea.

After defeating the boss, tap the Barrer Stone to unlock more areas to explore, head East to continue your journey, then you will be transported to another area. During the third checkpoint, follow the recommended route to finishing this zone faster.

Step 5-8:

At the start of Step 5, as seen on the image above, continue moving North then go West after encountering another checkpoint. Tap the Barrier Stone again to unlock more areas to explore. Continue following the recommended route, refer to the image above.

When you are in the main area of Zone 5, you will open another Barrier Stone. Proceed to the center area, and you will encounter another boss stage with Challenger Dominiel.

Step 9:

You have to open 4 Barrier Stones before proceeding to the final stage. These stones are at the center part of the area, refer to the image above.

Step 10-13:

Proceed to the checkpoint after completing all Barrier Stones, then follow the recommended path by going to the right side first and continue moving forward until you encounter a boss fight with Cold Eye Lich.

Defeat the boss and open a Barrier Stone, then go through another Warp Portal, and it will teleport you near the checkpoint.

Step 14-16:

After doing the other side of the zone, head through the left side and continue moving forward by using the recommended route from the image above.

You will encounter a Converted Symaqus as the boss for this part and open a Barrier Stone after defeating it.

Step 17:

Head down to the final part of the Zone, and you will encounter the last boss Elisia of the Ice. This boss can inflict a lot of debuffs on your team. Be sure to bring heroes such as Angelic Montmorancy and Angelica to sustain your party, and dispel debuffs against the boss.

Optional Route

This Zone will have 7 Gold Chest available, but the sweetest part of these chests is the free Epic Equipment that can be obtained by opening it. Be sure to get all of them since they are going to be worth it and are nice equipment.

Tips About Labyrinth


To raise team morale, you can do the Camp simulator where you can raise your team morale by having the perfect conversation. You can check each hero conversation to check if it can raise the the team's morale.

Related Links

Tirel Castle in Chaos Final.pngTirel Castle in Chaos Great Farche Labyrinth Final.pngGreat Farche Labyrinth
NixiedNixied's Sanctum Azmakalis Final.pngAzmakalis (Raid)

List of All Labyrinth Walkthroughs


5 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Not updated. Zone 3 changed.

4 Anonymousover 2 years

You're missing a whole piece in one of your labyrinths, in nixied


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