Epic Seven

Leave It to Me. - Effect

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This page lists the Effect of the Skill Leave It to Me. in the game Epic Seven (Epic 7). Read on for information on the Skill Enhance for Leave It to Me., and which Heroes can learn the Skill Leave It to Me..

This page is for a currently unreleased Skill and some information may be inacurate. Check back later when Rem is released in the Covenant Summon!

Leave It to Me. - Effect


Leave It to Me. Acquire Turns
Acquire 1 Soul 0
Attacks the enemy with a morning star, with a 35% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns. When the caster is granted Demon Mode, grants the caster an extra attack with the same skill.
Add Effect
・Decreases Defense by 70%
Soulburn Effect Consume 10 Soul
Increases effect chance to 100%


This Skill doesn't Awaken.

Skill Enhance

+1 +5% damage dealt
+2 +5% effect chance
+3 +10% damage dealt
+4 +10% effect chance
+5 +15% damage dealt

Heroes who learn Leave It to Me.

RemRem Rating 7.5/10
・Has Demon Mode which is a unique buff
・Decreases Defense with basic skill

Epic Seven Related Links

Attacks.pngAttacks Heals.pngHeals
Buffs.pngBuffs Debufss.pngDebuffs Passive.pngPassive

List of All Skills


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