Epic Seven

Lots - Rating and Stats

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This page contains the Rating and Stats for the character Lots in the game Epic Seven, with detailed information on Lots's Strengths and Weaknesses, Skills, and more. Read on to find out about our recommended Artifacts for Lots, and our overall evaluation of Lots as a character.

Lots - Rating


Overall Rating 8.5/10


  • Inflict debuffs to enemies.
  • Can increase Combat Readiness of all allies.
  • Grants Continuous Heal buff to all allies.


  • Debuffs doe not fare well against enemies with Immunity.
  • Has a low Speed stat.

Lots - Recommended Artifacts

Artifact Reason for Recommendation
Shimadra Staff Icon.pngShimadra Staff Increases healing effect of Lots healing skills.
MagarahaMagaraha's Tome To have that Soulburn Effect, increases the duration of buffs.

Lots - Stats

Basic Information

Grade ★4 - ★6
Element Earth
Class Soul Weaver
Zodiac Gemini

Stats (at Max Lv.)

CP 12119
Atk 453
HP 4152
Spd 97
Def 662
Critical Hit Chance Critical Hit Damage
15% 150%
Dual Attack Chance Effectiveness
5% 0%
Effect Resistance

Lots - Skills and Specialty


Holy LightHoly Light
Skill Effect:
Attacks with a light sphere, with a 50% chance to decrease Attack for 1 turn.
Regen (Lots)Regen (Lots)
Skill Effect:
Uses healing magic to recover Health and increase Combat Readiness by 80% of ally, before increasing caster's Combat Readiness by 30%. Amount recovered is proportional to the ally's max Health.
Skill Effect:
Uses strengthening magic to recover Health, increase Combat Readiness by 10%, and grant continuous healing for 2 turns to all allies.


Calm Darkness
Calm Darkness Reward Bonus: +10%
Dispatch Mission: [Time Limit] Attribute

Lots - Awakening

Awaken Main Additional
1 Effect Resistance: +6% Attack: +20
Health: +60
2 Health: +3% Attack: +20
Health: +60
3 Enhance: Serenity Attack: +20
Health: +60
4 Speed: +4 Attack: +30
Health: +80
5 Effect Resistance: +12% Attack: +30
Health: +80
6 Health: +6% Attack: +30
Health: +80

Lots - Enhancements

Skill Enhancement

Required Materials
Gold.pngGold MolaGora.pngMolaGora MolaGora Go.pngMolaGora Go
Ring of Glory.pngRing of Glory Fused Nerve.pngFused Nerve


Required Materials
Life Rune.pngLife Rune Greater Life Rune.pngGreater Life Rune Epic Life Rune.pngEpic Life Rune
Small Sun Badge.pngSmall Sun Badge Fused Nerve.pngFused Nerve

Epic Seven Related Links

List of Heroes

Hero Ratings by Rarity When Summoned
5 Grade5 Grade 4 Grade4 Grade 3 Grade3 Grade
Hero by Element
Fire IconFire Ice IconIce Earth IconEarth
Light IconLight Dark IconDark
Hero by Class
Knight IconKnight RangerRanger ThiefThief
Soul WeaverSoul Weaver WarriorWarrior MageMage

List of All Heroes


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