Dragon Ball Sparking Zero

Frieza's Episode Battles and What If Routes

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This is a list of all the available stages for Frieza's Episode Battles in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. Read on to see a list of all chapters and stages that's available for Frieza as well as all Alternate/What If paths and how to unlock them!

All Frieza Episode Battle Stages

  1. Planet Namek Arc
  2. Android/Cell Saga Arc
  3. God of Destruction Beerus/Frieza's Resurrection
  4. Universe Survival Arc

Planet Namek Arc

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Crushing Worthless Insects Krillin
Kid Gohan
Vegeta (Scouter)
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
2. A Blast from the Past
Defeating all enemies in a short span of time unlocks an alternative scene.
Kid Gohan
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
3. Legendary Super Saiyan
Winning without transforming unlocks a new scene.
Goku (Super Saiyan) • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Frieza's Saga: Planet Namek Arc Completion Rewards
• Frieza Force Soldier Outfit 2
• "Frieza's Saga: Planet Namek Arc" Photo Collection
• 60000 Zeni

Frieza commands his army to search for the Dragon Balls in planet Namek after hearing about it from Vegeta and Nappa.

Chapter 2: Planet Namek Arc Walkthrough

Android/Cell Saga Arc

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Frieza Descends on Earth
Alternate Battle: Defeating Trunks allows you to unlock an alternative battle against Goku.
Future Trunks (Super Saiyan) Mecha Frieza
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
1.1 Rematch with Goku Goku (Super Saiyan) • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Frieza's Saga: Android/Cell Arc Completion Rewards
• "Frieza's Saga: Android/Cell Arc" Photo Collection
• 60000 Zeni

After his defeat at planet Namek, Frieza, resurrected, arrives at Earth only to be met with an unknown Super Saiyan.

Chapter 3: Android/Cell Arc Walkthrough

God of Destruction Beerus/Frieza's Resurrection

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Frieza Revived
Winning in a short span of time unlocks the Frieza Force Joins the Fray route.
▶ Jump to the Frieza Force Joins the Fray Route.
(Super Saiyan Blue)
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Frieza's Saga: God of Destruction Beerus/Frieza's Resurrection Arc Completion Rewards
• "Frieza's Saga: God of Destruction Beerus/Frieza's Resurrection Arc" Photo Collection
• 60000 Zeni

With a newly found power, Frieza returns to Earth to exact his revenge.

Chapter 5: God of Destruction Beerus/Frieza's Resurrection Arc Walkthrough

Frieza Force Joins the Fray (Universe Survival Arc)

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Frieza's Philosophy
Offers choices and three different routes.
- -
Choosing Cooler
2. Brothers Fight Together Hit Cooler
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Choosing Dodoria and Zarbon
3. Frieza Challenged Bergamo
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Choosing the Ginyu Forces
4. Frieza and his Special Squad Ribrianne • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
5. Dangerous Foe Toppo • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Choosing King Cold
6. Parent-Chiled Tournament of Power Caulifla
King Cold
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
7. Saiyans from Universe 6 Kefla • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Frieza's Saga: Frieza Force Joins the Fray Completion Rewards
• "Frieza's Saga: Frieza Force Joins the Fray" Photo Collection
• 60000 Zeni

After besting the Z fighters, Beerus approaches Frieza and asks him to search for fighters and join the Tournament of Power.

Frieza Force Joins the Fray Chapter Walkthrough

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Related Guides

Episode Battles

Episode Battle Walkthrough

All Chapter Walkthroughs

All Chapter Walkthroughs
Chapter 1
Saiyan Arc
Chapter 2
Planet Namek Arc
Chapter 3
Android/Cell Arc
Chapter 4
Majin Buu Arc
Chapter 5
God of Destruction Beerus/Frieza's Resurrection
Chapter 6
Future Trunks Arc
Chapter 7
Universe Survival Arc

All Episode Battles

All Episode Battles
Goku Goku Vegeta Vegeta Gohan Gohan
Piccolo Piccolo Future Trunks Future Trunks Frieza Frieza
Goku Black Goku Black Jiren Jiren


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