Dragon Ball Sparking Zero

Chapter 4: Majin Buu Arc Walkthrough

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Chapter 4 focuses on the Majin Buu Arc in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. Check out the sagas included in Chapter 4: Majin Buu Arc, including the enemies each stage, the alternate routes, and the rewards by completing the chapter of each saga!

All Chapter 4 Sagas

Goku's Saga

Jump to a Section!
Goku Goku Vegeta Vegeta Gohan Gohan
Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Goku Returns - -
2. A Battle No One Wanted. Majin Vegeta • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
3. A New Power Awakens
Branching Route: An alternate stage you can unlock by defating Majin Buu before the time limit.
Majin Buu • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
4. Father and Son Say Farewell - -
5. Ultimate Fusion Super Buu (Gohan Abosrbed) • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
6. The Power of one, The Power of All Kid Buu • Goku (Z-End) Outfit 2
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Goku's Saga: Majin Buu Arc Completion Rewards
Uub (GT)
• "Goku's Saga: Majin Buu Arc" Photo Collection
• 60000 Zeni

Babidi comes to Earth and ressurects Majin Buu, an extremely strong being whose sole purpose is to destroy everything.

Goku's Episode Battles and What If Routes

Vegeta's Saga

Jump to a Section!
Goku Goku Vegeta Vegeta Gohan Gohan
Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Preparing for the World Tournament Kid Trunks (Super Saiyan) • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
2. Vegeta's Wicked Heart
Alternate Route: Shaking off Babidi's brainwashing will unlock the Number One Spot route.
▶ Jump to the Number One Spot Route
- -
3. The Long Awaited Battle Goku (Super Saiyan) Majin Vegeta
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
4. Vegeta's Determination
Alternate Route: Defeating Majin Buu quickly unlocks an exclusive scene.
Majin Buu • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
5. Vegeta, Again Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed) • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
6. Fateful Game of Rock, Paper, Scissors Kid Buu • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
7. A Desperate Bid for Time
Alternate Route: Defeating Buu as Vegeta will unlock an alternate battle.
Kid Buu • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
8.1 Vegeta's Inspiration
Surviving the previous battle unlocks this alternate stage.
Kid Buu • 15000 Zeni
• Player EXP
8.2 Saiyans: The Warrior Race
Winning the previous battle unlocks this alternate stage.
Goku (Super Saiyan 3) • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Vegeta's Saga: Majin Buu Arc Completion Rewards
• "Vegeta's Saga: Majin Buu Arc" Photo Collection
• 100000 Zeni

Vegeta continues to tirelessly train and after the tournament's announcement and learning about Goku's return, his spirit for rivaly once again gets ignited.

Vegeta's Episode Battles and What If Routes

Number One Spot

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Vegeta Unleashed Dabura • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
2. Babidi Babidi • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
3. Off to the World Tournament Goku • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
4. Number One Spot - -
Vegeta's Saga: Number One Spot Completion Rewards
Goku (GT)
• "Vegeta's Saga: Number One Spot" Photo Collection
• 100000 Zeni

Vegeta decides to shake off Babidi's brainwashing and takes them on.

Number One Spot Chapter Walkthrough

Gohan's Saga

Jump to a Section!
Goku Goku Vegeta Vegeta Gohan Gohan
Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Chaos at the World Tournament
Note: Choosing to Attempt to stop the fight will lead you to fight Spopovich but it results in the same outcome as the other choice, only without fighting anyone.
Spopovich Videl
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
2. Dabura
Alternate Route: Defeating Dabura in a short span of time unlocks an exclusive scene.
Dabura • Gohan (Adult) Outfit 2
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
3. Gohan's Latent Power Majin Buu • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
4. Lust for Power
Alternate Stage: Defeating Buu in a short span of time unlocks an exclusive scene.
Majin Buu (Absorbed Gotenks and Piccolo) • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Gohan's Saga: Majin Buu Arc Completion Rewards
• "Gohan's Saga: Majin Buu Arc" Photo Collection
• 60000 Zeni

Gohan assumes the role of a superhero named Great Saiyaman to hide his true identity as he defeats evildoers while he studies at a high school in Satan City.

Gohan's Episode Battles and What If Routes

Chapter 4 Summary

Majin Buu Arc Summary

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Majin Buu Arc

Babidi takes control of Vegeta, turning him against his friends. As the fighting continues, Babidi releases Majin Buu in an attempt to control him and take over the universe.

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Related Guides

Episode Battles

Episode Battle Walkthrough

All Chapter Walkthroughs

All Chapter Walkthroughs
Chapter 1
Saiyan Arc
Chapter 2
Planet Namek Arc
Chapter 3
Android/Cell Arc
Chapter 4
Majin Buu Arc
Chapter 5
God of Destruction Beerus/Frieza's Resurrection
Chapter 6
Future Trunks Arc
Chapter 7
Universe Survival Arc

All Episode Battles

All Episode Battles
Goku Goku Vegeta Vegeta Gohan Gohan
Piccolo Piccolo Future Trunks Future Trunks Frieza Frieza
Goku Black Goku Black Jiren Jiren


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