Dragon Ball Sparking Zero

Beginner Tips and Combat Guide

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Ability Items | Dragon Balls

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Here's everything you need to know to play, enjoy, and improve in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero! See our Beginner's Guide and combat strategies here.

Beginner Tips

Tips for Beginners

Prioritize Progressing Through Episode Battles

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero - Episode Battles

For newcomers, the Episode Battles mode is the heart of Dragon Ball Sparking Zero! Relive some of the most iconic and monumental fights from the Dragon Ball series. This mode is also the best way to unlock a variety of characters, as many are automatically unlocked by completing battles. Additionally, you'll earn a significant amount of Zeni, which can be used to unlock more characters and items in the Shop.

In certain battles, you'll encounter branching paths that allow you to explore alternate scenarios and outcomes based on how you perform during the fights. Keep an eye out for these opportunities to experience different What-If scenarios!

Episode Battle Walkthrough

Hit Up the Battle Training Early

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero - Battle Training

While Dragon Ball Sparking Zero is easy to pick up and enjoy, certain Episode Battles can pose a challenge. We recommend using the Battle Training mode to master the game's complex controls and moves. This will help you tackle tougher Episode Battles or compete online with other players!

Purchase and Equip Ability Items

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero - Battle Items

Ability Items provide powerful passive boosts that enhance your characters. Equipping these items is crucial for maximizing your character’s potential and improving your overall playstyle. Ability Items can be obtained through the Shop, through Dragon Ball Wishes, and through other rewards.

List of All Ability Items

Complete Challenges and Missions for Zeni

Zen-Oh’s Orders and Whis’s Stamp Book are great for obtaining Zeni early, which is essential for unlocking characters, Ability Items, and cosmetics in the Shop. Though these challenges can only be completed once, they provide enough Zeni to purchase most of the unlocks available.

Spend Your Shenron Wishes Immediately

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Summon Dragons for Wishes.png

If you obtain an extra Dragon Ball while having a full set, you risk losing it permanently. To avoid missing out, use your Dragon Ball Wishes right away. For the Shenron and Porunga Dragon Balls, they are farmable and therefore you can select any wish you desire.

Be Careful What You Use Your Super Shenron Wish On

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Super Shenron.png

Super Shenron-Exclusive Wishes
・ Giant Sized (Title)
・ Make Me Immortal (Title)
・ Grant My Wish of Immortality and Eternal Youth (Title)
・ Give Me the World's Best Ice Cream (Title)
・ Get out of Here. That's My Only Wish. (Title)

There are only a limited amount times you can summon Super Shenron, and certain rewards, like five exclusive titles, can only be unlocked through these wishes. To avoid missing out on these exclusive rewards, prioritize wishing for the titles from Super Shenron since the other wish rewards can be obtained through other means.

All 3 Dragon Ball Types

Player Level Expands the Shop

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero - Shop

Raising your Player Level unlocks more characters, cosmetic items, and Ability Items in the Shop. Player Level maxes out at Level 20 and Player EXP is earned by playing any game mode or by wishing for it with Dragon Balls.

Combat Guide

Basic Combat Guide

Understanding the HUD or UI

HUD Explanation

  1. Life Bar - Shows how much Life each character has. The small bars close to the character icon shows how much total life bars the character has.
  2. Ki Gauge - A resource used to do most special moves or commands. This can be restored by charging Ki.
  3. Character Swap - Shows if character swap is available. When it's glowing, you can switch to another character.
  4. Transformations - Shows how many Transformations are available depending on character and Skill Count.
  5. Skill Count - Shows how many Skill Counts you have. This resource restores over time automatically and is used for special moves such as entering Sparking Mode, Transformations, or Skills, use this resource.
  6. Skills - Special character-based Skills that grants you certain buffs. The number shows how much Skill Count it consumes.
  7. Bursts - Powerful moves that uses Ki to use. The yellow bar bellow each Burst shows how much Ki is required. Entering Sparking mode adds an additional Ultimate Burst.

Understanding the HUD (Heads-Up Display) or the User Interface is essential to mastering combat. Key elements include the Life Bar, Ki Gauge, Character Swap icon, Transformations, Skill Count, Skills, and Bursts. These resources are vital for executing moves and managing your character's performance in battle. Follow the guide above to see an explanation of each important HUD element and icon.


Transformation Controls
DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls Dpad Up (Hold) + DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls X, DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls Circle, DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls Square, or DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls Triangle
Each face button corresponds to a specific Transformation.
Navigate the Transformation Menu
DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls Dpad Up (Hold) + DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls L1 or DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls R1
This scrolls through the different transformations and fusions some characters have.

Transformations and Fusions allow your character to access different skills, bursts, and receive various power boosts. Use the D-pad and face buttons to transform, and navigate the Transformation Menu with L1 or R1 to switch between different forms.

Swapping Characters

Character Swap Controls
Swap to a teammate
DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls Dpad Left (Hold) + DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls X, DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls Circle, DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls Square, or DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls Triangle
Each face button corresponds to a different teammate. Can also be used as a Follow Up Attack.

When playing with a team, you can swap to a different teammate when the Swap icon is glowing. This feature lets you switch to the most suitable character for the situation.

Sonic Sway and Super Perception

Sonic Sway and Super Perception Controls
Sonic Sway
DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls Circle (Hold before a Rush Attack hits)
Requires Skill Count
Consumes a Skill Count to dodge a barrage of Rush Attacks. And does a powerful Counter.
Super Perception
DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls Circle (Hold before being hit with an attack)
Requires Skill Count
Consumes a Skill Count to Counter different kinds of attacks, even Blasts.

Sonic Sway and Super Perception are advanced defensive techniques that uses Skill Count to parry Rush Attacks and even some Ultimate Bursts. While Super Perception only requires you to hold the Perception button against certain attacks, Sonic Sway requires you to press the Perception button the moment right before a Rush Attack would hit you.

Grabbing Opponents and Evading Grabs

Grab Controls
DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls R1 + DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls Square
Grab's the enemy and throws them away for a Follow Up Attack. Goes through blocking enemies or enemies in Perception stance.
Grab Evasion
DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls R1 (Right after getting grabbed)
Escapes from the enemy's grab.

Grabs bypass blocking and even Perception stances, making them a powerful tool in close combat. If you're getting grabbed frequently, escape by tapping the Block button at the start of the grab.

Perception and Grab Evade Option Select

By holding the Perception button and tapping the Guard button, you can counter most attacks while escaping Grabs. However, this method doesn’t protect you against ranged attacks like Ki Blasts.

Use Z-Counters to Counter Follow Up Attacks

Z-Counter Controls
DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls R1 (Right before an enemy Follow Up Attack hits)
Dodges the enemy's Follow Up Attack to Counter with your own.

Z-Counters are critical for dodging and countering enemy follow-up attacks. When an enemy launches you into the air and teleports behind you for a follow-up combo, press Block at the right time to perform a Z-Counter.

Use Revenge Counters to Escape Combos

Revenge Counter Controls
Revenge Counter
DB Sparking Zero - PS5 Controls R3 (In between getting hit by enemy attacks)
Escapes from an enemy's combo and attack with a Counter.

Revenge Counters allow you to break free from an opponent’s combo and counterattack. This is especially useful when fighting enemies in Sparking Mode, as it cancels their Rush Attack Combo and stalls until their Sparking Mode ends.

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