Dragon Ball Sparking Zero

Goku's Episode Battles and What If Routes

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This is a list of all the available stages for Goku's Episode Battles in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. Read on to see a list of all chapters and stages that's available for Goku as well as all Alternate/What If paths and how to unlock them!

All Goku Episode Battle Stages

  1. Saiyan Arc
  2. Planet Namek Arc
  3. Android/Cell Saga Arc
  4. Majin Buu Arc
  5. God of Destruction Beerus/Frieza's Resurrection
  6. Future Trunks Arc
  7. Universe Survival Arc

Saiyan Arc

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Goku's Brother Raditz Raditz • Goku (Z-Early) Outfit 3
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
2. The Earth's Mightiest Duo
Choice: Going alone brings you to Side by Side alternate route.

▶ Jump to the Side by Side Route
- -
3. Rematch and Result
Note:Defeating Raditz before the time limit unlocks Pushing the Limit side story.

▶ Jump to the Pushing the Limit Route
Raditz • Goku (Z-Early) Outfit 2
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
4. The Two Saiyans Nappa • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
5. Goku vs. Vegeta Vegeta • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
6. Vegeta's Secret Maneuver Great Ape Vegeta • Goku (Z-Early) Outfit 4
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
7. Take This! Spirit Bomb! - -
Goku's Saga: Saiyan Arc Completion Rewards
• "Goku's Saga: Saiyan Arc" Photo Collection
• 60000 Zeni

Radditz heads to Earth to recruit Goku and have him join his platoon under the idea that Goku was sent to Earth to conquer it.

Chapter 1: Saiyan Arc Walkthrough

Side by Side Route Stages

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Radtiz vs. The Turtle School Raditz • 1000 Zeni
• Player EXP
2. Piccolo's Proposal - -
3. Training Together Krillin • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
4. The Importance of Teamwork Nappa • Gohan (Kid) Outfit 3
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
5. Fearless Vegeta Vegeta • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
6. Great Ape Extermination! Great Ape Vegeta • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
7. The Battle Resumes too Soon Vegeta • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
8.Team Combat by an Unlikely Pair Dodoria
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
9.Mysterious Elite Squadron Guldo • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
10. Consecutive Battles with the Ginyu Force! Guldo
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
11. Suspicious Vegeta Vegeta • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
12. Frieza's Transformation Frieza (2nd Form) • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
13. Side by Side Frieza (3rd Form) • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Side by Side Completion Rewards
• "Goku's Saga: Side by Side" Photo Collection
• 100000 Zeni

Refusing Piccolo's proposal for help, Goku decides to tackle Raditz together with the Turtle School.

Side by Side Chapter Walkthrough

Pushing the Limit Stages

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Temporary Peace Kid Gohan • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
2. Hurry, Goku! Saibaman • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
3. Goku vs. Nappa Nappa • Tien Outfit 3
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
4. A Saiyan's Education Nappa • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
5. Transformation Vegeta
Great Ape Vegeta
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
6. Goku's Rage Vegeta • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
7. A Solo Journey to Planet Namek Frieza Force Soldier • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
8. Pushing the Limit Vegeta (Super Saiyan) • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Pushing the Limits Completion Rewards
Vegeta (GT)
• "Goku's Saga: Pushing the Limits" Photo Collection
• 100000 Zeni

Goku and Piccolo emerges victorious against Radditz with no casualty. This alerts Vegeta and Nappa and causes them to and heads to planet Earth soon.

Pushing the Limit Chapter Walkthrough

Planet Namek Arc

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Arrival on Planet Namek
This is a branching route and defeating either Burter or Jeice will decide which route you'll take.
To proceed to the main arc, you'll need to avoid deflecting Jeice's Crusher Ball instead of actually deflecting it.
Jeice and Burter • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
2. Jeice and Ginyu
Burter and Ginyu (Alternate Route)
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
3. Goku's Back
Alternate Stage: Defeat Frieza without using a Spirit Bomb.
Frieza • Goku (Z-Mid) Outfit 2
• Gohan (Kid) Outfit 2
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
4. Super Saiyan Goku Awakens! Frieza • Goku (Z-Mid) Outfit 3
• Krillin Outfit 3
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Goku's Saga: Planet Namek Arc Completion Rewards
• "Goku's Saga: Planet Namek Arc" Photo Collection
• 100000 Zeni

Goku and company heads to planet Namek to ask for aid and use the planet's Dragonballs to resurrect their fallen friends.

Chapter 2: Planet Namek Arc Walkthrough

Android/Cell Saga Arc

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Androids Descend on Earth - -
2. Target on Goku's Back Android 19
Dr. Gero
• Yamcha Outfit 2
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
3. Hyperbolic Time Chamber
Branching Path:Choosing to help will allow you to go to the Alternate Route “The Changing Future”.
▶ Jump to the The Changing Future Route.
- -
4. The Cell Games Begin! Cell (Perfect Form) • Goku (Z-Mid) Outfit 4
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
5. Homecoming
Defeating Cell in the previous stage is required to unlock this scene.
- -
6. Their Only Hope... Cell Jr. • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Goku's Saga: Android/Cell Arc Completion Rewards
• Trunks (Sword) Outfit 2
• "Goku's Saga: Android/Cell Arc" Photo Collection
• 60000 Zeni

Future Trunks comes to their aid against a resurrected Frieza, only to then warn them of a greater threat than the previous tyrant of the galaxy.

Chapter 3: Android/Cell Arc Walkthrough

The Changing Future

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Defeat Cell! Cell (1st Form) • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
2. The Androids and Goku Android 17 TBD
3. Fun and Games Android 18 TBD
4. The Changing Future Android 16 TBD

Goku quickly leaves the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and heads out to assist in the battle against Cell.

The Changing Future Chapter Walkthrough

Majin Buu Arc

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Goku Returns - -
2. A Battle No One Wanted. Majin Vegeta • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
3. A New Power Awakens
Branching Route: An alternate stage you can unlock by defating Majin Buu before the time limit.
Majin Buu • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
4. Father and Son Say Farewell - -
5. Ultimate Fusion Super Buu (Gohan Abosrbed) • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
6. The Power of one, The Power of All Kid Buu • Goku (Z-End) Outfit 2
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Goku's Saga: Majin Buu Arc Completion Rewards
Uub (GT)
• "Goku's Saga: Majin Buu Arc" Photo Collection
• 60000 Zeni

Babidi comes to Earth and ressurects Majin Buu, an extremely strong being whose sole purpose is to destroy everything.

Chapter 4: Majin Buu Arc Walkthrough

God of Destruction Beerus/Frieza's Resurrection

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. God of Destruction Beerus Beerus • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
2. Frieza Returns
Alternate Route: Defeating Frieza unlocks a unique scene
Frieza • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Goku's Saga: God of Destruction Beerus/Frieza's Resurrection Arc Completion Rewards
• "Goku's Saga: God of Destruction Beerus/Frieza's Resurrection Arc" Photo Collection
• 60000 Zeni

With fresh hatred against the Saiyans, Frieza trains himself to attain stronger power.

Chapter 5: God of Destruction Beerus/Frieza's Resurrection Arc Walkthrough

Future Trunks Arc

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Sudden Visitor - -
2. SOS from Trunks Goku Black • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
3. Goku Black's True Identity Zamasu • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
4. Zen-Oh and Goku - -
5. Unexpected Enemy Zamasu
Goku Black (Super Siayan Rose)
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
6. The Truth about Zamasu
Branching Route:Defeating Zamasu and Goku Black in a short span of time unlocks an alternate stage.
Goku Black (Super Siayan Rose)
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
7. Into a Third Future
Branching Route:Defeating Zamasu and Goku Black in a short span of time unlocks an alternate stage.
Goku Black (Super Siayan Rose)
Fused Zamasu
• 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
8. In Order to Fuse... Fused Zamasu (Half Corrupted) • 14000 Zeni
• Player EXP
Goku's Saga: Future Trunks Arc Completion Rewards
Future Trunks's Saga Episode
• Goku (Super) Outfit 5
• "Goku's Saga: Future Trunks Arc" Photo Collection
• 60000 Zeni

A mysterious being presents itself in the future with the same form as Goku that's clad in black clothing.

Chapter 6: Future Trunks Arc Walkthrough

Universe Survival Arc

Stage List Enemy Rewards
1. Search for the Ultimate Team Members - -
1.1 A Bout Against Majin Buu Majin Buu • 15000 Zeni
• Player EXP
1.2 First Confrontation
Can be taken by choosing to invite Android 17.
Android 17 TBD
1.3 Test of Strength for Gohan and Friends
Can be taken by choosing to invite Tien.
Tien TBD
2. The Tournament of Power Begins! Caulifla (Super Saiyan 2) • 15000 Zeni
• Player EXP
3. Universe 2's Maidenly Warrior Ribrianne
• 15000 Zeni
• Player EXP
4. Formidable Foes Everywhere Dyspo
5. Wildcard from Universe 7 Jiren • Master Roshi Outfit 4
• 15000 Zeni
• Player EXP
6. Battle of the Ultimate Super Saiyans! Caulifla (Super Saiyan 2)
Kale (Super Saiyan)
• 15000 Zeni
• Player EXP
7. Total War with Anilaza! Anilaza • 15000 Zeni
• Player EXP
8. Jiren's Strength Jiren • 15000 Zeni
• Player EXP
9. Get up, Goku! Jiren • Goku (Super), Ultra Instinct -Sign- Outfit 4
• 15000 Zeni
• Player EXP
10. Goku's Strength Jiren 7 Super Dragon Balls
• 15000 Zeni
• Player EXP
11. Goku, the World's Strongest Warrior - -
Goku's Saga: Universe Survival Arc Completion Rewards
Jiren's Saga Episode
Broly (Super)
• "Goku's Saga: Universe Survival Arc" Photo Collection
• 100000 Zeni

After Zeno, supreme ruler of the Multiverse witnesses an exhibition match against the strongest fighters of Universe 6 and 7, a new idea appears that pits the 8 weakest universe's strongest fighters in a tournament that causes the losing universes to completely vanish without a trace.

Chapter 7: Universe Survival Arc Walkthrough

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Related Guides

Episode Battles

Episode Battle Walkthrough

All Chapter Walkthroughs

All Chapter Walkthroughs
Chapter 1
Saiyan Arc
Chapter 2
Planet Namek Arc
Chapter 3
Android/Cell Arc
Chapter 4
Majin Buu Arc
Chapter 5
God of Destruction Beerus/Frieza's Resurrection
Chapter 6
Future Trunks Arc
Chapter 7
Universe Survival Arc

All Episode Battles

All Episode Battles
Goku Goku Vegeta Vegeta Gohan Gohan
Piccolo Piccolo Future Trunks Future Trunks Frieza Frieza
Goku Black Goku Black Jiren Jiren


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