Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) Rating and Best Builds(Page 3)Comment

Displaying entries 4 - 23 of 249 in total


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    209 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    too bad, game is fun

    208 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Midyun simps still coping after getting an S rating 😂

    207 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    ehh things change as time goes by, people learn new things about a character and we've seen characters people underrate before and then suddenly become SS *cough kokomi *cough kazuha im expecting the same with xianyun tbh, watch her go ss in the next couple of months

    206 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    It makes me laugh how people act in these comment sections. I was saying C2 Furina should be SS when she was S and Navia SS. now they are both in SS. You act like this website is the be all and end all the final stamp of approval of ratings even when they get so many things wrong. have you ever tried thinking for yourself? you do know this is a subjective tier list right? not going to say Cloud retainer is an SS tier character but neither is Baizhu and Raiden is no longer a support? silly

    205 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    thanks to her passive buffing crit rate, my gaming and diluc with just 40 crit rate still plunge like a truck.

    204 Kafka's Wife4 monthsReport

    Good support and good character. Not SS, but still good regardless. Clowns can finally shut up now.

    203 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Meta slaves just can't let ppl have fun with a character huh Thank goodness this is just a videogame and not a serious matter in real life bruh :|

    202 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    this weirdo insecure troll has been doing doomposting since forever. even on jinglius page from what ive seen from their history. dont pay this kinda troll attention. thats exactly what they needed because theyre lonely and sad.

    201 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    thats exactly why you need to come out of cave, broaden your knowledge and live in reality. if you dont, you just live a sad life forever doomposting a fictional character like a pathetic toad.

    200 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    literally f2p acc

    199 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    3rd world alien language :0

    198 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    at C6 sure but at C0 it's about the same as trying to plunge with Yae Miko

    197 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    im telling u she needs a dps ranking

    196 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    plunging wenut to its death is satisfying tho 😙

    195 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    cant cope with strong and fun unit. ez 36 stars even at lvl 50.

    194 Kafka's Wife4 monthsReport

    I guess level of aggression here becomes a little out of place, huh? Reminds me about circus on Furina's page. Come on, people, it's just a character, no need to be so emotional about her. Though I'm agree she's really niche unit by now, but she's not 'trash' because of that. Maybe she will find her place in future meta.

    192 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Gotta say bird lady has the most fun C6 in the game bruh. Literally she does it all except shielding but who cares if you're spending most of the time above your opponents anyway.

    191 What the Fox say4 monthsReport

    She a frog disguise in a bird hahaha.

    190 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    omg potential new xiao set in natlan then?

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