Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Noelle Rating and Best Builds(Page 3)Comment

Displaying entries 4 - 23 of 76 in total


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    23 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    She's overall an amazing f2p option. She can heal, deal damage and shield. Plus, getting 6 constellations is not that difficult, an f2p player can easily get that even if he doesn't wish much. I don't care what others say but i love her.

    22 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Noelle is an all around beast. She can DPS, shield, heal, and tank. Sure, maybe other characters may outperform her in all those aspects but Noelle's the only one who can do them all reliably well. Truly SSS tier.

    21 Joaalmost 3 yearsReport

    In my opinion, if you do not have Zhong Li, Noelle is good enough as protector.., so this is why I've built her for defense cuz she is strong enough for me in defensive way.

    18 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    noelle sucks compared to other characters. shes only good when shes c6 but she still cant be as good as other c0 characters.

    17 Ishiiolindoabout 3 yearsReport

    For a Noelle DPS, I think the best partiner is Albedo because his elemental skill make a large AoE, where Noelle can deal GEO damage based in DEF Albedo and low enemies DEF against geo and create orbs for Noelle elemental Burst

    16 Kichiyouabout 3 yearsReport

    Needs info tweaking, because of the changes to Geo shields. ^_^ ALso, would the "Petra" or "Gambler" sets suit well on her.

    15 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    Does the 4 pc Glad & 4 pc Retracing affect her Sweeping Time Dmg?? This would be important to mention in the guide.

    14 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    For a main DPS I think Serpent Spine is much better than Whiteblind, but I saw some guys using the Favonius Greatsword at high refinement due the effect and is really good spammig burst everytime. I'm using her with Serpent Spine and 4PC of Bolide with about 50% Crit Rate and about 140% Crit DMG and damm the damage is really good with Geo and Pyro resonance. But Whiteblind works good too if you have that sword at least on R3 but is really hard to obtain the items from the weekly bosses.

    13 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    Whiteblind needs to have a high refinement level to beat out Unforged (Understandable since it's F2P. Preferably at R5, that's a 96% multiplier to her damage. Not to mention the DEF% from it that also converts to ATK. But I guess even R1 could go against Unforged Also you Noelle is not C6 yet, that's why you don't see that much of a difference. C6 is a HUGE upgrade for her Ult. Whiteblind gives DEF% while Unforged gives ATK%, don't forget about that

    12 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport


    11 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    even without c6 is still worth it, my noelle is only c4 but she can deal 14k dmg in her las hit. With geo resonance and ningguang jade screen, she can deal 17k dmg with ease. Im using retracing bolide and Unforged, i also have tried using Whiteblind too that has no big difference in dmg, i got 12k dmg when using whiteblind.

    10 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    I use her as one of my main damage dealers. But she really isn´t worth investing much into damage wise unless you got her C6. When using her Ultimate i got 4.175 attack. With 45% crit chance and 112 crit damage and 46% geo and +30% from BP claymore. She hands out crazy amounts of damage in a wide area

    9 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    That’s wrong desc whiteblind. It should be def, not hp.

    8 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    The only reason i used the bell on noelle is because how cool it looked lol, it started to show weakness around mid-game so i ditch the bell for whiteblind and then later wolf gravestone

    7 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    I love using the Bell claymore with Noelle. Noelle is my pure defense character and used to heal my team and buy time for Element skills to recharge. The extra shielding really comes in handy. Don't think this weapon gets enough love.

    6 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    Whiteblind isn't good if you don't unluck her full constelation. She deals too low atk, no matter if the def stat is high. Go for anything else but whiteblind if you don't have C6 Noelle

    5 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    Whiteblind is BiS not The Unforged, unless you are building your Noelle as like your other DPSs (attack %/element dmg %/crit rate or dmg%).

    4 Tomaover 3 yearsReport

    She got the largest pair of personalities among them teenager girls. Of course she is tier SSS

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