Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Reroll Tier List | Best Characters to Reroll For(Page 2)Comment

Displaying entries 3 - 22 of 70 in total


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    36 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    I would argue that in the long run, Jean and Mona are the best to have and are still viable for newbies. Diluc and Keqing really fall off a cliff once you get a hang of the game.

    35 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    You'd just better off with diluc or jean or kewing rather than raiden because you can't ascend her yet so for rerolling tier list i suggest put raiden in A tier not bcs she's bad but bcs you cannot build her yet

    34 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Junge es geht darum für wen es sich zu rerollen lohnt, warum sollte ein gratis garantierter 4 Sterne Char da oben sein du holzkopf. Außerdem ist Barbara später mega useless

    33 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport


    32 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    should i reroll for venti (waiting for rerun)

    31 Genshin Walkthrough Team@Game8almost 3 yearsReport

    Thank you for your comment! While we think most limited characters are worth getting while they’re available, we see your point. We’ve adjusted her reroll ranking to S, as you can get her to level 40 with Test Run rewards and the Stardust shop From Genshin Walkthrough Team

    30 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    ** cannot ascend

    29 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Ayaka reroll tier SS hmmmm I know she's great + limited but... Imagine AR7 reroll account have Ayaka You can level her up to 20/20 but you can ascend 20/40 yet because ascension mats can farm only in Inazuma area but you can't go Inazuma yet Go to Inazuma require AR30 + complete previous Monstadt+Liyue Archon quests (Also first time meet sibling too) Reroll and get Monstadt , Liyue characters must be better for beginner , reroll account

    28 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    i could just keep rerolling but i decided to start my game with them

    27 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    I simp for diluc although i dont have him but i dont want to pull a claymore for him because its hard to get 5 star weapons

    26 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport


    25 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    xingqiu. learn to spell asian characters' names

    24 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Reroll doesn't mean their banner has come back/is available, its about how useful their constellations are.

    23 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Bro this is reroll tier list, you can’t get Klee now. Btw why is Yanfei on the list, her banner ended and she hasn’t been added to permanent yet right. So you can’t reroll for her lol.

    22 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Where tf is Klee!?

    21 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    Wao, supongo que tuve suerte de sacar a diluc y keqing en los 1ros 10 roll

    20 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    zhongliii best

    19 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    Why is Xiquin referred to as "her" in the guide? Paimon called Xiquin "him" several times It's either a spoiler or wrong to have it this way

    18 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    my fav character is xingqiu and chongyun together

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