Epic Seven

Great Farche Labyrinth

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This article will guide you on how to clear the Labyrinth content Great Farche Labyrinth for the game Epic Seven. Read on for more information on Boss and Chest Location.

How To Unlock

You can enter this Labyrinth after clearing Adventure Stage:Episode 1: Ritania Chapter: 3S-6. Fool's Ruin.

Zone 1 - Distorted Gateway

Main Route

Mirsa Icon.pngMirsa (Boss) Lumberjack Svoat (Elite) Karax Infantry (Elite) Lumberjack Svoat
Mighty Knight Raqix Veteran Raqix Flying Troop Mighty Guardian
Karax Infantry
Clear Area 1
Repel Mirsa
Eliminate 2 Monsters byy Gold Chests.

Step 1

Move forward to West until you reach the first checkpoint. You can go camping here or still move forward if your team morale can still manage.

Step 2

Continuin forward, you will encoounter a crossraod. You can go camping here since your team will have a low morale now when entering this part. You can go west to pick up the Gold Chest.

Step 3

Encountering the other crossroad in this part you will need to camp here now if you still haven't used your Camp.

Step 4

Before battling the boss, you will encounter first an Elite monster then after defeating that you will now battle Mirsa.

Optional Route

The other Gold Chest will be available on the upper part of the map and the vagrant merchant is also available on the upper part.
(Refer to the image above)

Zone 2 - Fabricated Altar

Main Route

Dark Corvus Icon.pngDark Corvus (Boss) Callous Swordsman (Elite) Callous Spearman (Elite) Fire Klineode
Callous Archer Callous Spearman Callous Swordsman Cult Enforcer
Clear Area 2
Repel Dark Corvus
Eliminate 2 Monsters by Gold Chests.

Step 1 & 2

Move forward then go East until you reach the second crossroad,, then go North to reach the first checkpoint.

Step 3

After reaching the first checkpoint, moving forward you will reach a crossroad then go South you can open one of the Gold Chest on the map. Continue heading West unti the second checkpoint. You will need to Camp on this checkpoint because for the next part you will now encounter the boss.

Step 4

Head towards North until you reach the boss Dark Corvus. After defeating the boss you can now enter the Zone 3.

Optional Route

The other Gold Chest will be available on the upper part of the map and the Vagrant Merchant is near the first Gold Chest that you will obtain. Before reaching the 2nd gold chest you will encounter an Elite monster.

Zone 3 - Dusty Maze

Main Route

Banshee Queen Sodalite (Boss) Burning Eye Lich (Boss) Fiery Dark Broom (Elite) Blood-Skull Warrior (Elite)
Midnight Remus Dusk-Skull Warlock Blood-Skull Warlock Icy Dark Broom
Blood-Skull Warrior Fiery Dark Broom Steel-Skull Warrior
Clear Area 3
Eliminate Burning Eye Mage
Eliminate Banshee Queen Sodalite

Step 1 & 2

Proceed moving forward and you will encounter at the far end of the crossroad the Vagrant Merchant. Proceed by going to East and you will encounter the first checkpoint.

Step 3

Cointue heading East because you will encounter less battles When you follow the recommended route.

Step 4

Moving forward you will encounter the boss Banshee Queen Sodalite, we recommended this route because this boss is much easier than facing the other boss, It will be like doing a Banshee Hunt on this stage.

Optional Route

Coming back to finish the rest of this map will take you a lot of Labyrinth Compass to 100% explore. The other boss that you will encounter will be the Burning Eye Lich which is harder than the Banshee Queen. Also, the other Gold Chest can be picked up from the other side of the main route.

Zone 4 - Clockwork Study

Main Route

General Purrgis Icon.pngGeneral Purrgis (Boss) Wanderer Silk Icon.pngWanderer Silk (Boss) Scarlet Imp (Elite) Cele Cannon (Elite)
Orichalcum Gigantes Cele Minister Scarlet Imp Fiery Dark Broom
Inpectio Minister Golden Pherus Orichalcum Minister Cele Cannon
Aranea Minister Indigo Imp Icy Dark Broom Aranea Cannon
Clear Area 4
Repel General Purrgis
Repel Wanderer Silk

Step 1:

Moving forward, at the first crossroad that you will encounter go West and continue moving forward until you reach the first checkpoint.

Step 2:

After the first checkpoint proceed moving forward at the crossroad that you will encounter head South and for the second crossroad go West continue moving forward until you reach the second checkpoint.

Step 3:

Continuine on the main route you will encounter the first Gold Chest that can be obtained on this map then you proceed forwrard until you reach the Boss Stage.

Step 4:

The Boss that you will encounter is going to be General Purrgis, he will summon an army if he uses his ultimate but it can be clean up by using Arky making this stage a lot easier compared to Wanderer Silk.

Optional Route

For the optional route, the boss that you will encounter here is going to be Wanderer Silk and Gold Chest at the other part of the Labyrinth map.

Zone 5 - Eerie Hallway

Main Route

Celestial Mercedes.pngCelestial Mercedes (Boss) Shadow Rose Icon.jpgShadow Rose (Boss) Nightmare Keeper (Elite) Dusk Dream Leech (Elite)
Nightmare Keeper Imp King Jealous Symaqus Jealous Aztesta
Wind Pherus Heat Aztesta Dusk Dream Leech Geed Nighthare
Illusion Nighthare Greedy Aztesta
Clear Area 5
Repel Shadow Rose
Eliminate Celestial Mercedes

Step 1:

Move forward then head East, you can't go to other directions since it will be locked. each the fa end of the map and you will encounter a Warp Portal

Step 2 - 3:

After entering the Warp Portal you will now reach the first checkpoint then continue moving forwards until you encounter the boss Shadow Rose. Be careful when facing this boss especially when she activates her shadow. You will need a good healer and cleanser to face her. When you finally defeated the boss there will be a Lever and Warp Portal ahead interact with it and you will go back to the beginning.

Step 4:

Entering the Warp Portal head East and go to the opened barrierr and use the Warp Portal again.

Step 5 - 7:

Reaching the second checkpoint, continue moving forward until you reach another Warp Portal.

Step 8:

Another checkpoint will appear and you can rest and continue again. Move forward on this pace till the far end and you will see another Warp Portal.

Step 9:

Continue moving forward and you can also obtain one of the Gold Chest in the area, at the far end of this area you will encounter another Warp Portal.

Step 10:

Exiting the Warp Portal there will be another checkpoint. Continue moving forward and you will reach another checkpoint. If your team morale is low and you already used the Camp it will be better to save at this point.

Step 11:

Exiting the checkpoint continue moving forward and you will encounter a crossroad and a lever to open the remaining locked areas. After interacting with the lever, move forward and go to the unlocked area.

Step 12:

The last unlocked area will have the last boss It will be recommended to use your camp here and have a high morale team. You will encounter Celestial Mercedes on this part, bring a cleanser and healer to sustain your team.

Optional Route

Zone 5 Map Optional Route (1).png
Since this map is almost complete especially when exploring this zone the other Gold Chest will be available before reching the third checkpoint.

Tips About Labyrinth


To raise team morale, you can do the Camp simulator where you can raise your team morale by having the perfect conversation. You can check each hero conversation to check if it can raise the the team's morale.

Related Links

Tirel Castle in Chaos Final.pngTirel Castle in Chaos Great Farche Labyrinth Final.pngGreat Farche Labyrinth
NixiedNixied's Sanctum Azmakalis Final.pngAzmakalis (Raid)

List of All Labyrinth Walkthroughs


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