Epic Seven

List of Artifacts (Common)

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This article contains the list of Artifacts that is Common and available for every hero in the game Epic Seven. See the link of the Artifact page for more information about that certain Artifact.

List of Artifacts (Common)

5★ Artifact

List of Artifacts
Bastion of HopeBastion of Hope Guide to a DecisionGuide to a Decision War HornWar Horn
A Symbol of UnityA Symbol of Unity Victorious FlagVictorious Flag Cruel MischiefCruel Mischief
Proof of ValorProof of Valor

4★ Artifacts

List of Artifacts
Nostalgic Music BoxNostalgic Music Box Brilliant ConfidenceBrilliant Confidence Blazing Full MoonBlazing Full Moon
Records of UnityRecords of Unity Official Levulin Beach VolleyballOfficial Levulin Beach Volleyball XIV. TemperanceXIV. Temperance
Days of DestinyDays of Destiny Guardian StarGuardian Star's Blessing XIII. DeathXIII. Death
XVI. The TowerXVI. The Tower XVIII. The MoonXVIII. The Moon MoonlightMoonlight's Vestige
To a New WorldTo a New World Super Duper Water Gun ShooterSuper Duper Water Gun Shooter A Song for EverybodyA Song for Everybody
Golden Cocoa CookieGolden Cocoa Cookie Resolute Soldier SeriesResolute Soldier Series Card of Small MiraclesCard of Small Miracles
Love PotionLove Potion Portrait of the SaviorsPortrait of the Saviors Rainbow ScaleRainbow Scale
One Year of GratitudeOne Year of Gratitude Midnight BloomMidnight Bloom Spooky Solayu StoriesSpooky Solayu Stories
New Year CookiesNew Year Cookies

3★ Artifacts

List of Artifacts
Grail of BloodGrail of Blood Egg of DelusionEgg of Delusion Prophetic CandlestickProphetic Candlestick
Ancient SheathAncient Sheath RanonRanon's Memorandum AtmaAtma's Portal
Alsacian SpearAlsacian Spear Labyrinth CubeLabyrinth Cube Cursed CompassCursed Compass
Sword of the MorningSword of the Morning Mighty YakshaMighty Yaksha DevilDevil's Brand
GoblinGoblin's Lamp Aqua RoseAqua Rose Ascending AxeAscending Axe
ExorcistExorcist's Tonfa Daydream JokerDaydream Joker Butterfly MandolinButterfly Mandolin
EnvoyEnvoy's Pipe Timeless AnchorTimeless Anchor Forest TotemForest Totem
Oath KeyOath Key

2★ Artifacts

List of Artifacts
Deadly SwordDeadly Sword ElfElf's Bow Staff of WisdomStaff of Wisdom
FairyFairy's Grimoire Bloodbead DaggerBloodbead Dagger Firm ShieldFirm Shield

1★ Artifacts

List of Artifacts
Sword of the SunSword of the Sun DemonDemon's Pistol Dream ScrollDream Scroll
Biting Wind StarBiting Wind Star Venus OrbVenus Orb Enhanced GauntletEnhanced Gauntlet

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Other Class

Artifacts by Class
mage.pngMage Defense.pngKnight Knight.pngWarrior
Asashin.pngThief Wizard.pngSoul Weaver Bow.pngRanger Common.pngCommon

List of All Artifacts

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