Diablo 4 (D4) Walkthrough Comments


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    5 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    I used this build for inspiration and it ´s not bad, I personally would remove blight and take tendrils instead, as corpse explosion takes no mana blight just takes the mana you use for curses.Corpse explosion deals enough damage imho. Only problem is that you ve no direct damage skill to destroy objects. If you don ´t like tendrils (I think they work awesome with corpse explosion), you could take blood mist for better defence for example instead).

    4 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    How exactly are you getting 60 skill points, when all you get is 58? Kept resetting trying to figure out where I messed up, when it was you who messed up with your math!!!

    3 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    yes, tendrils put vulnerability in all enemies that it touches. Meaning it can make the whole group vulnerable in one pull and then explode them to death.

    2 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    I may be missing something, but why suggest a ring aspect that's based on killing vulnerable enemies? I don't see that there's any way to make enemies vulnerable with this build.

    1 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    This isn't an endgame build- this is a leveling to 50 build. Decompose is a waste of a skill slot. Bone golem is significantly weaker compared to iron or blood for nightmare tier XX dungeons. You should be running decrepify to cc and reduce cooldown on golem ability, army of the dead, and corpse tendrils. If you're using army of the dead without decrepify, you should drop the spell entirely.

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