Zelda: Link's Awakening (Switch)

Dodongo Snakes Weakness and Locations

This is a page on the enemy Dodongo Snakes in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Remake) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to see Dodongo Snakes's weakness, how to defeat Dodongo Snakes, as well as where it can be found.

Dodongo Snakes: General Information

Dodongo Snakes
Dodongo Snakes
Enemy Type: Mini-Boss
Location: Key Cavern, ,Face Shrine, Turtle Rock
No. of Hits using Bomb: 3
Attack 1 Pattern: Crawls around the area dealing damage if you get too close.
Attack 1 Damage: 1/2 Hearts
Basic Strategy: Dodongo Snakes are always found in pairs. Place a bomb in front of it to make it eat it. Dodongo Snake will refuse to eat the second bomb if you try to drop it too fast. Lay the bomb down right before it moves into the next space.

For a detailed walkthrough on how to defeat this boss, see the Key Cavern Dungeon Walkthrough page below.

Level 3: Key Cavern Walkthrough

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