Zelda: Link's Awakening (Remake)

Fishing Pond Mini-Game Guide

Fishing Header.jpg

This is a guide for the Fishing Mini-Game in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Remake) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to see the tips and tricks for the Fishing Mini-Game.

Fishing Pond Mini-Game

The Fishing Mini-Game can be played by talking to the Fisherman beside the Fishing Pond inside Mabe Village. Each game will cost you 10 Rupees. You will be rewarded in Rupees every time you catch a fish. The amount will depend on the size and type of fish you caught.

Fishing Pond Location

Fishing minigame Location.jpg

Fish Types and Catching Guide

Fish Type How to catch
Little Fish.PNG Little Fish Little Fish can be caught easily even if you are just pressing A rapidly while they are resisting. When trying to catch a little fish you can just keep on pressing A as fast as you can. Little Fish usually spawn near the surface of the pond.
Big Fish.PNG Big Fish Big Fish can get away if you press A too much while they are resisting. Slow down on pressing the A button when it is resisting. Big Fish always spawn near the surface or somewhere around the middle of the pond.
CheepCheep.PNGCheep Cheep Cheep Cheep will always jump out of the water after resisting. Pressing A while the Cheep Cheep is on the surface will cut off the line. Press A every few seconds whenever Cheep Cheep is resisting and facing the other way, but stop when Cheep Cheep jumps out of the water. Cheep Cheep always spawns near the surface of the pond.
Blooper.PNGBlooper Blooper is just like Cheep Cheep. It jumps out of the water, but this time it is much more frequent. Use the same strategy you used with Cheep Cheep and slow down on Pressing A when Blooper is resisting, and stop when its on the surface. Blooper always spawns around the middle of the pond.
OlOl' Baron Ol' Baron is the most difficult fish to catch. Pressing A a few times while Ol' Baron is resisting or facing away will let him get away. Stop Pressing A as soon as Ol'Baron faces the other way. Ol' Baron will always be at the bottom of the pond.

Types of Lure

Lightweight Lure.PNG Lightweight Lure is available by default. It is best used when trying to catch Little Fish and Cheep Cheep as they are usually found near the surface of the water.
Middleweight Lure.PNG Middleweight Lure descends faster than Lightweight Lure. This is the best lure to use when trying to catch Big Fish and Bloopers. This lure is received as a reward in the Fishing Mini-Game.
Heavyweight Lure.PNG Heavyweight Lure is the best lure to use when trying to catch the Ol' Baron as this lure descends to the bottom of the pond quickly. This lure is received as a reward in the Fishing Mini-Game.

Fishing Pond Mini-Game Rewards

Fishing - Small Fish 1st Time.jpg Catching a little fish will reward you a Piece of Heart.
Fishing - 30 Inches.jpg Catching any fish 30 inches or larger will reward you a Piece of Heart.
Fishing - Big Fish 1st Time.jpg Catching a big fish for the first time will reward you with a Middleweight Lure.
Fishing - 45 Inches.jpg Catching any fish 45 inches or larger will reward you a Secret Seashell.
Fishing - Cheep Cheep 1st Time.jpg Catching a Cheep Cheep for the first time will reward you another Secret Seashell.
Fishing - Blooper 1st Time.jpg Catching a Blooper for the first time will reward you with a Heavyweight Lure.
Fishing - 60 Inches.jpg Catching any fish 60 inches or larger will reward you a Chamber Stone.
Fishing - Ol Catching Ol' Baron will for the first time will give you a Chamber Stone.

Fishing Pond Mini-Game Tips and Secrets

Blooper, Cheep Cheep, and Ol' Baron will only spawn when the pond is glowing. Reseting the area can make the pond glow. Do it by entering any room and going back to the pond.
Fishing - Glow.jpgGlowing Fishing - No Glow.jpgNot Glowing
You can obtain an Empty Bottle in the Mini-Game. You need to fish for the bottle hiding behind the seaweed at the bottom of the pond. Hitting a fish while bringing the bottle up will knock it off your line. You will have to pay 10 rupees again for another attempt.
Fishing - Empty Bottle.jpg
Pressing A in front of the post near the fish pond will show your largest catch.
Fishing post.jpg

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6 Anonymous8 months

You got the reward for catching an ol'baron for the first time not for catching a fish over 60 inches. You will get another chamber stone if you do.

5 Gadget11 months

I got the second piece of heart for a lunker around 25 inches, not 30.



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