Zelda: Link's Awakening (Remake)

Telephone Booth Map and Locations

Telephone Booth Header.jpg
This page shows the Telephone Booth Locations in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Remake) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to see a Telephone Booth Map and how to find each one.

Telephone Booth Locations

Telephone Booths are scattered all around Koholint Island. Inside, you will find a phone that you can use to speak to Old Man Ulrira for clues on how to progress the game. There are a total of 8 Telephone Booths in Koholint Island.

Telephone Booth #1

#1 Telephone Booth.jpg
Location: Mabe Village
Found inside Mabe Village south of Marin's House.

Telephone Booth #2

#2 Telephone Booth.jpg
Location: Mysterious Forest
Found in the Mysterious Forest east of Mr. Write's House.

Telephone Booth #3

#3 Telephone Booth.jpg
Location: Ukuku Prairie
Found west of the Ukuku Prairie Warp Point.

Telephone Booth #4

#4 Telephone Booth.jpg
Location: Ukuku Prairie
Found in Ukuku Prairie, west of Seashell Mansion.

Telephone Booth #5

#5 Telephone Booth.jpg
Location: Kanalet Castle
Found east of Kanalet Castle.

Telephone Booth #6

#6 Telepehone Booth.jpg
Location: Martha's Bay
Found in Martha's Bay, east of the Ghost's House.

Telephone Booth #7

#7 Telephone Booth.jpg
Location: Animal Village
Found west of Animal Village near the water.

Telephone Booth #8

#8 Telephone Booth.jpg
Location: West Tal Tal Mountain
Found in West Tal Tal Mountain before you enter Turtle Rock.

Link's Awakening (Remake) Related Guides

Map and Locations

Interactive Map of Koholint Island

All Maps and Locations

Heart Pieces Secret Seashells
Warp Points Item Upgrades
Great Fairies Shops and Mini-Games
Telephone Booths -



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