Suikoden 1

Holly Master Location and Item Drops

Holly Master is an enemy you face in Suikoden 1 HD Remaster. Learn the location of Holly Master, its item drops, stats, weaknesses, resistances, and more!

Holly Master Item Drop Info

Drops and Locations

Holly Master
Location/s Item Drops (Probability)
【 Around Teien and Rikon 】 Magic Robe (Low)
Needle (Medium)
Nameless Urn (High)

This table shows the possible locations where you can face Holly Master. Additionally, it also gives a breakdown of what items you can get from defeating Holly Master.

Holly Master Stats and Weakness

Level and Stats Info

Around Teien and Rikon 26 400 240 75 35 50 80 90

The following table displays the stats of Holly Master. If found in a different location, it may have different levels thus, having different stats. However, all variants of Holly Master will have the same weaknesses and resistances.

Weaknesses and Resistances

Fire IconFire Water IconWater Earth IconEarth
Wind IconWind Lightning IconLightning Holy IconHoly
- -

◯ = Super Effective | △ = Not Effective | ✕ = No Damage

Most enemies will have a neutral resistance to an element; however, some elements will be more effective than others. This table shows the weaknesses and resistances of Holly Master. Equip your party with the necessary weapons and runes to gain the fullest advantage.

Suikoden 1 HD Remaster Related Guides

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List of All Monsters

List of All Monsters
Crow Mosquito Furball
Red Soldier Ant Wild Boar Holly Boy
FurFur Clay Doll Bandit (Sword) (1)
Bandit (Sword) (2) Bandit (Bow) Black Wild Boar
Soldier Ant Queen Ant Varkas
Sydonia Empire Soldier (Sword) Empire Soldier (Spear)
Empire Soldier (Bow) Empire Soldier (Female) Empire Captain (Male)
Killer Slime Slasher Rabbit Giant Snail
Killer Rabbit Flying Squirrel Beast Commander
Roc Giant Slug Oannes
Ghost Armor Zombie Dragon Robot Soldier (Sword)
Robot Soldier (Spear) Slot Man Assassin
Holly Spirit Kobold (Sword) Kobold (Bow)
Kobold (Mage) Strong Arm Eagle Man
Death Boar Dwarf Crimson Dwarf
Death Machine (Sword) Death Machine (Spear) Gigantes
Veteran Soldier (Bow) Veteran Soldier (Spear) Veteran Soldier (Female)
Devil Armor Devil Shield Dragon
Holly Master Mad Ivy Creeper
Red Slime Viperman Delf
Nightmare Dagon Pseudo-Siren
Grizzly Bear Hawk Man Shadow
Demon Hound Angie Kanak
Leonardo Whip Wolf Hell Hound
Grave Master Sorcerer Neclord
Banshee Red Elemental Larvae
Demon Sorcerer Hell Unicorn Black Elemental
Magic Shield Sunshine King Ivy
Shadow Man Mirage Rock Buster
Wyvern Crystal Core Rabbit Bird
Earth Golem Elite Soldier Whip Master
Ninja Magus Siren
Kerberos Shell Venus Sonya Shulen
Ninja Master Simurgh Orc
Ain Gide Imperial Guard (Male) Imperial Guard (Female)
Phantom Colossus Ekidonna
Golden Hydra (Right) Golden Hydra (Middle) Golden Hydra (Left)


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