Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Tartaglia (Childe) Rating and Best Builds(Page 7)Comment

Showing 8-19 of 144 entries


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    12 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    Yeah the 2pc passive is pretty useless but ive been able to deal massive dmg by grouping enemies with venti ult and then spamming charged att with chivalry. Im hitting over 8k on charged attacks with riptide procs using r1 harp and 65% crit rt 131% crit dmg, The chivalry build is god tier vs groups of mobs

    11 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    Ive tested chivalry and while the physical dmg bonus on 2 piece does nothing the 50% increase in charge att damage is actually massive. If your play style is auto spam this will let you do a ton of dmg vs large groups of mobs.

    10 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    Someone with more testing showed: Amos is actually pretty good but Rust beats it out at R3. R5 Rust is still better than R5 Amos. Also Skyward Harp only gets better if you have god Tier 70% crit chance artifacts. All depends on stats Now the artifacts of this really just suck. Chilvery wont even work on Childe. Gladiator and Noblesse for burst dps. Gamblers is the only way to go for main dps but you lose out on dps with low stats. Boilde could be work but needs geo shield support with Archaic.

    9 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    Goddammit, meant to say states. Also, just realized that the first sentences sound absolutely dumb but, eh, whatever.

    8 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    Yeah, this isn't a good guide at all. It legit just flat out stats what would be best and that's utterly stupid cause this entire build is if you're focusing on his bow attacks. The ACTUAL best ones for DPS would be Gladiator + Noblesse Oblige. Rather than the Bloodstained Chivalry Set. Now, for Elemental Bursts, best bow is The Stringless, surprised it wasn't shown. For regular attacks, obviously, it's Skyward Harp, with Rust as a close contender.

    7 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    Things wrong with this: 1. Childe's ad clear is insane! (Melee stance and Burt) 2. You should use Skyward Harp or Rust since their passives work in both Bow and Melee stance. Skyward for Charged bow, E skill and burst. Rust big E skill numbers. 3. Artifacts are tough with his E skill working how it does. Gambler's passives are amazing but it being 4star loses so much stats. Wanders troupe prolly the best procs on bow and melee charged attacks. Do your research properly!

    6 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    Vs. Mob should be SS could his melee do alot of AOE damge, which is clear mob in less than sec

    5 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    I’ll be honest Hydro isn’t the best element for a straight up offensive weapon like the recommendation. The Rust remain the best choice. With Tartaglia you would use the charged shot for inflicting the Riptide proc, not for the damage. And for the artifact recommendation the best set is The Gambler set. This set focuses on Elemental Skill, which is a huge damage boost to his melee stance, plus it can remove cooldown. The new water set is just bad, it’s just like Martial Artist set but worse.

    4 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    I mean the weapon and gear recommendations are just completely wrong, in no way is Amos bow better than Skyward Harp, and 4pc bloodstained is not worth the almost useless 2pc passive. You could even argue that Rust is better than Amos bow, especially at R5 as the 80% bonus applies to melee form attacks

    3 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    A lot of not so accurate info here, especially in the rankings sections. Hopefully fixed soon.

    2 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    Only as the two set, for the 18% atk boost. The author meant to mix Gladiators with another

    1 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    Why is Gladiator set 2nd best in slot? the dude use bow.

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