Epic Seven

Operator Sigret - Rating and Stats

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This page contains the Rating and Stats for the character Operator Sigret in the game Epic Seven, with detailed information on Operator Sigret's Strengths and Weaknesses, Skills, and more. Read on to find out about our recommended Artifacts for Operator Sigret, and our overall evaluation of Operator Sigret as a character.

Operator Sigret - Rating

Operator Sigret

Overall Rating 7.75/10


  • Her S2 penetrates defense by 50% and if the target has a barrier, it becomes 100%.
  • S3 decreases all Buffs of enemies by 1 turn while increasing Attack of all allies.


  • Skillset may seem a little all over the place.
  • Either offense or support, but will be hard to be both.

Operator Sigret - Recommended Artifacts

Reason for Recommendation
Portrait of the Saviors Icon.pngPortrait of the Saviors Strengthens her offense capabilities.
ExorcistExorcist's Tonfa Great for 2 Burst against enemies with Barrier.
Sashe IthanesIcon.pngSashe Ithanes Grands additional Combat Readiness to the whole team, given how easy it is to defeat enemies with her S2.

Operator Sigret - Stats

Basic Information

Grade ★5 - ★6
Element Dark
Class Ranger
Zodiac Libra

Stats (at Max Lv.)

CP 19949
Atk 1079
HP 5502
Spd 115
Def 564
Critical Hit Chance Critical Hit Damage
27% 160%
Dual Attack Chance Effectiveness
5% 0%
Effect Resistance

Operator Sigret - Skills and Specialty


Skill Effect:
Attacks the enemy with a scythe, before healing the ally with the lowest Health. Amount recovered is proportional to the caster's Attack.
Skill Effect:
Batters the enemy with a scythe. Grants an extra turn when the enemy is defeated. Penetrates the target's Defense by 50%, or by 100% when the target is granted a barrier. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster's Speed.
Skill Effect:
Calls in drones to attack all enemies, with a 100% chance to decrease buff durations by 1 turn. Increases Attack of all allies for 2 turns.
When the target is granted a barrier, ignores Effect Resistance. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster's Speed.


Analysis & Application
Analysis & Application Reward Bonus: +10%
Dispatch Mission: [Hidden Clue] Attribute

Operator Sigret - Awakening

Awaken Main Additional
1 Critical Hit Rate +4% Attack: +20
Health: +60
2 Attack +3% Attack: +20
Health: +60
3 Enhance: Obliterate Attack: +20
Health: +60
4 Critical HIt Damage +10% Attack: +30
Health: +80
5 Critical Hit Rate +8% Attack: +30
Health: +80
6 Attack +6% Attack: +30
Health: +80

Operator Sigret - Enhancements

Skill Enhancement

Required Materials
Gold.pngGold MolaGora.pngMolaGora
Mysterious Flash.pngMysterious Flash Reingar Student ID.pngReingar Student ID


Required Materials
Dark Rune.pngDark Rune Greater Dark Rune.pngGreater Dark Rune Epic Dark Rune.pngEpic Dark Rune
Dream Time Circuit.pngDream Time Circuit Reingar Student ID.pngReingar Student ID

Epic Seven Related Links

## List of Heroes

Hero Ratings by Rarity When Summoned
5 Grade5 Grade 4 Grade4 Grade 3 Grade3 Grade
Hero by Element
Fire IconFire Ice IconIce Earth IconEarth
Light IconLight Dark IconDark
Hero by Class
Knight IconKnight RangerRanger ThiefThief
Soul WeaverSoul Weaver WarriorWarrior MageMage
List of All Heroes


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