Dragon Ball Sparking Zero

How to Get Piccolo (Fused with Kami) Outfit 3

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Piccolo (Fused with Kami) Outfit 3 is an Outfit that you can equip on Piccolo Fused with Kami in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. Read on to find out the unlock requirements, a preview of this costume, and so much more!

Piccolo (Fused with Kami) Outfit 3 Overview

Piccolo (Fused with Kami) Outfit 3
Type Outfit
Equipped By Piccolo (Fused With Kami)

List of Outfits and Accessories

How to Get Piccolo (Fused with Kami) Outfit 3

Purchase at the Shop

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero - How to Unlock Shop Screen
You can unlock Piccolo (Fused with Kami) Outfit 3 by purchasing the costume at the shop for 45000 Zeni. Note that some Outfits and Accessories may have level requirements before they become available.

Complete Piccolo's Episode Battle - Cell Transforms

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero - How to Unlock Story Mode
To unlock Piccolo (Fused with Kami) Outfit 3, complete Piccolo's Episode Battle - Cell Transforms in Episode Battle. By finishing this fight, you will automatically unlock Piccolo (Fused with Kami) Outfit 3, making the costume immediately available on the Character Customization screen.
Episode Battle Walkthrough

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