Dragon Ball Sparking Zero

Balanced Strategy: Restrain Effects and How to Get

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Ability Items | Dragon Balls

Balanced Strategy: Restrain is a kind of Strategy Item in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. Read on and check out its effects, how to get Balanced Strategy: Restrain, and how to use it!

Balanced Strategy: Restrain Effects and Overview

Balanced Strategy: Restrain Basic Info and Effects

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Balanced Strategy: Restrain
Balanced Strategy: Restrain
Strategy Item
The CPU will focus on using Ki Blasts, Blasts, and other attacks that use ki while keeping a distance.

How to Get Balanced Strategy: Restrain

Bought at the Shop for 15000 Zeni

The Balanced Strategy: Restrain Ability Item can be purchased at the shop for 15000 Zeni after reaching a certain Player Level. Win battles to gain EXP and raise your Player Level fast!

How to Use Balanced Strategy: Restrain

Equip Balanced Strategy: Restrain at the Customize Menu

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Change CPU Settings

In the main menu, select Shop & Customize, then choose Customize, and pick the character you want to equip the Balanced Strategy: Restrain with. Press L1/R1 on the controller or Q/E on the keyboard to switch to CPU 1 or CPU 2, which can be identified by looking at the top-right of the screen.

Choose CPU Settings then choose the Balanced Strategy: Restrain Strategy Item to equip it to the character you want.

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