Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (TTYD)

How to Defeat Sir Grodus

Sir Grodus is a boss you can fight in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (TTYD). Read on to learn more about this boss, its stats, and how to beat it!

How to Beat Sir Grodus

  1. Defeat the Grodus X First Using Spread Attacks
  2. Focus Mario's Attacks on Sir Grodus
  3. Heal Up Before Defeating Sir Grodus

Defeat the Grodus X First Using Spread Attacks

Paper Mario TTYD Switch Remake - Defeat the Grodus X

Defeat the Grodus Xs first by using spread attacks like Vivian's Fiery Jinx or Bobbery's Bob-obmast. Sir Grodus will summon two Grodus Xs after each turn, but when the Grodus Xs reach four, Sir Grodus becomes invisible.

Note that while using spread attacks against the Grodus Xs, you also damage Sir Grodus at the same time.

Focus Mario's Attacks on Sir Grodus

Paper Mario TTYD Switch Remake - Focus Mario

While you use your partner's spread attacks to defeat the Grodus Xs, you can focus Mario's attacks on Sir Grodus. You can defeat him quickly by using the Power Lift special move and Power Bounce.

Heal Up Before Defeating Sir Grodus

Paper Mario TTYD Switch Remake - Heal Up Before Defeating Sir Grodus

It is recommended to build up SP and recover HP and FP before defeating Sir Grodus because you will immediately battle Bowser and Kammy Koopa right after, which are bosses as well.

Save Star Points Before Battling With Sir Grodus

Since your HP, FP, and SP will be fully replenished when you level up, it is a good idea to save up your star points at 80 to 90 so you could level up after defeating Sir Grodus, since you will battle Bowser immediately right after and have no chance to heal up.

Sir Grodus Details and Stats

Tattle Log No. 125
Paper Mario TTYD Switch Remake - Sir Grodus Sir Grodus
Description The nasty creature who kidnapped Princess Peach. He's into world domination. Some hobby, huh?
Type Major Boss

All Enemies in Paper Mario TTYD


HP 50
Atk 7
Def 1

Move Resistances

Move Resistances
Gale Force
Kiss Thief

Status Effect Resistances

Status Effect Resistances
Double Circle
Fright Mask
Time Stop

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