
Best Character of August 2024


★ Version Updates: Version 2.22.1 Update
★ New Events: Serruria Celebration Missions
★ Prayer of the Fleeting Characters: Aine, Morgana, Serruria and Yuni
★ New Categories: Guilds & Character Profiles

Monthly Banner Recommendation August 2024  - MementoMori

MementoMori releases many new and returning characters every month. Learn more about who you should prioritize in the pool of characters for August 2024.

Best Character of August 2024

Pull For Milla

MIlla Should You Pull
Milla is a versatile support unit who excels in providing healing, debuffs, and buffs to her team. Her ability to inflict [Delayed] and self-heal makes her a valuable asset in controlling battles. She works well even at her base rarity, and her synergy with Emerald units can greatly enhance team survivability. Since Milla is a support, you don't have to change your teams much to revolve around her.

If you run teams with multiple Emerald characters or enjoy her story, Milla is definitely worth pulling for.

This recommendation will change depending on the available characters.

Prayer of Fleeting Banners Available


Armstrong Rerun Banner
Armstrong is a powerful physical attacker with a critical hit focus. Her skills offer a good mix of offense and defense. Her active skill, Blitzkrieg Operation deals massive damage to strong enemies, while Volley Fire can clear out weaker ones and finish off low health targets.

Should You Pull for Armstrong


Milla Appearance

Milla's ability to delay enemy actions by one turn is a significant advantage. Since powerful abilities can drastically alter the course of a battle, preventing opponents from using them can be crucial. This is especially important in longer matches where more abilities are typically cast, increasing the impact of Milla's skill.

Should You Pull for Milla


Stella Rerun

Stella specializes in silencing her opponents. Her first skill unleashes a devastating area-of-effect attack targeting enemies with low HP, capable of silencing opponents while dealing substantial damage. This skill shines in crowd control situations and benefits from investing in Stella's ATK.

Should You Pull for Stella

Previous Banners

[A Midsummer Day’s Dream] Amleth

Summer Amleth
Summer Amleth is a powerful PvE damage dealer capable of dealing substantial damage to multiple enemies while maintaining high survivability. Her skillset makes her a valuable asset in various battle scenarios. She has a skill that reduces enemy P.DEF and provides consistent ATK at the start of the turn. She is an upgrade over the base Amleth. Her skillset targets PvE content like the Main Quest and Tower of Infinity.

How to Beat Summer Amleth


Fia Rerun

Fia is a top damage dealer specializing in draining her enemies’ health. She can heal herself while strengthening her teammates by stealing health from opponents. Fia is also dangerous because she can counterattack when hit, making her a formidable foe who can severely damage those who try to defeat her.

How to Beat Fia



Gil’uial is a witch with debuff removal and follow-up Silence. She can also remove enemy buffs. Her passive skills include increased debuff chance and survivability, allowing Gil’uial to be a solid defensive support character. However, her skill set is not unique, as Merlyn and Lunalynn can do the same thing, and both are accessible.

How to Beat Gil’uial

[Little Big Adventure] Nina Banner

summer nina lament - MementoMori

Summer Nina appears in the Prayer of Fleeting equipped with a powerful kit centered on defensive utility. She’ll help teammates survive with DEF buffs and shields by cleansing them of debuffs, all while buffing her carries’ ATK and dealing good damage herself. Pulling for Summer Nina might be the way to go if you want an all-around defensive protector that shines in crit-centered teams.

How to Beat [Little Big Adventure] Nina

[Summer’s Reverb]Cordie

Summer Intro

Summer Cordie returns in the Prayer of Fleeting and offers players a solid counter to high evasion units like Nina and Dian. She has a specific niche but is excellent at helping her team carry land more attacks that otherwise would’ve missed. Moreover, her Arcana with regular Cordie, who is already one of the strongest units in the game, makes her even more lethal.

If you struggle against evasion units or want to amplify your regular Cordie’s power, pull for Summer Cordie.

How to Beat [Summer’s Reverb]Cordie

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